AB 702 Passes First Test

The Public Safety Committee approved by a vote of 4 to 2 Assembly Bill 702 (AB 702), which would create a tiered registry for sex offenders in California. The vote took place after testimony from three representatives of California RSOL as well as oral support from organizations including but not limited to the ACLU and California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. Additional support came from registrants and family members who attended the hearing. “The committee’s passage of AB 702 is a vital first step leading to the creation of a tiered registry bill,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of California RSOL.

During the hearing, Chairman Ammiano testified that passage of the law is necessary in order to increase public safety by allowing law enforcement to focus upon those who pose a current risk to society. Bellucci testified that passage of the bill will save state and local governments about $115 million a year. Two members of the committee –Skinner and Mitchell –spoke in support of the bill. Both female Assembly members stated that the current system is ineffective in part because there is no distinction between individuals on the registry. That is, individuals convicted of a minor offense such as public urination or “sexting” are required to register for a lifetime as are individuals convicted of a multiple sexual assaults.

The remaining steps needed to pass AB 702 are consideration by the Appropriations Committee and final consideration on the floor of the Assembly. The Appropriations Committee is expected to consider the bill in May. Final consideration on the bill is expected no later than September.

“This is the time for all registrants, family members and supporters to express their support for AB 702,” stated Frank Lindsay, Treasurer of California RSOL. “It’s time to call your elected officials, send them an E-mail and/or write them letters.”

Contact information for Assembly members can be found online at www.asm.ca.gov.

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Does anyone know the status of the challenge of the ban on use of parks by RSOs in four Orange County cities: Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Lake Forest? The suit was filed in US District Court on October 1st 2012, by a John Doe and represented by the San Francisco lawyer Dennis Riordan. I believe the case number is 8:2012cv01665. I’m interested in learning the status to this action.

I am new to this website. Can someone please explain me how the new law may effect to someone with 664-288(A)- PC charge .any hope?Thank you.

Latest on 702 with a definition:

AB 702 was placed in the “suspense file” when I first read that I thought it was done but here is the definition:

“Suspense File

A holding place for bills which carry appropriations over a specified dollar amount. The suspense file is a function of the fiscal committee in both houses. Bills are generally held on the suspense file before the adoption of the Budget Bill and just before the summer recess.”

Finally a little help to those of us that are being put in the same category as child molesters and rapist we are not. Public sex with 2 consenting adults is wrong but nothing near molesting a child!!! Public urination neither!!! In descent exposure the same!!! They finally passed prop 36 and I believe non violent criminals such as drug users or receiving stolen property criminals should not have been given life in prison but counseling and help. Thank you for those fighting for this for us!! As this will help me much I recently had spine surgery and want to change jibe and actually go to school to be a physical therapist as I am attending therapy myself but with the registry on my record I don’t see me getting hired!!!! IM NOT FORGETTING WHAT I DID WAS BREAKING THE LAW BUT IM NOT A CHILD MOLESTER NOR AM I A RAPIST THANKS AGAIN

Could someone please update me what is going on with Bill ab 702? I can’t find anything on it other than articles from two years ago.