Rights group seeks halt to placing juveniles on public sex-offender registries

NEW YORK — Government authorities should end the practice of placing juveniles’ names on publicly accessible sex-offender registries, Human Rights Watch says in a report warning of lasting and unwarranted harm to some youths. Some law enforcement officials and victims’ rights advocates agree the current registry system is flawed and support steps to allow more discretion in juvenile offenders’ cases. Offenses triggering inclusion on the registries can range widely — from rape to consensual sex between children to “sexting” of photos that depict nudity or sexual activity. Full Article https://www.hrw.org/news/2013/05/01/us-more-harm-goodhttp://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/us0513_ForUpload_1.pdfhttps://www.hrw.org/news/2013/05/01/qa-raised-registry

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Civil Rights Attorney Speaks Out in Defense

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – There’s new information on what a civil rights attorney says needs to be happening with ____ ____, the sexually violent predator recently released in Santa Barbara County. She says his release as a transient is doing him no favors, and she says ____ deserves a home. Janice Bellucci has been advocating for reform to sex offender rights for many years now. Although Bellucci admits she’s been ridiculed many times for her views, she sticks firmly by them. “They have declared these people to be safe to…

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