May 13: Radio Show with Experts on Child Pornography

On Monday, May 13, from From 9-11PM EST (6-8 PM Pacific Time) – Join Radio Host Michael Blum with special guests: Gail Colletta, PRESIDENT/Legislative ChairFlorida Action Committee Dr. Eric A. Imhof, PsyD, Forensic Psychologist,Specialized Treatment and Assessment ResourcesSpecialty: Child Pornography Dr. Suzonne Kline, PsyD, Forensic PsychologistTreatment, Evaluations and Risk AssessmentsSpecialty: SVP’s and Child Pornography Call in at 888-545-1470 Listen on 1470 on the AM dial. It can also be heard from the station website, and from the players on or Also, streaming from IHeart Radio. Search IHeart for 1470.

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Restrictive Residency Rules and the Illusion of Public Safety

The latest strategy to restrict where convicted sex offenders live is to create parks where none exist to force registered sex offenders to move out of a neighborhood. The City of Los Angeles plans to build three pocket parks in the communities of Harbor Gateway and Wilmington. California state law prohibits sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a park, playground school or a daycare center. Some states restrict living within 1,000 feet or near certain bus stops. There are similar residence restrictive laws in every state along with…

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