Int’l Megan’s Law Amendment to Protect More Kids

Washington, Aug 1 – A legislative effort by U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04) to restrict the passports of U.S citizens who have been convicted of sex crimes against children took a leap forward today when it was unanimously approved by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Smith wrote an amendment which is now part of the U.S. State Department authorization bill, H.R. 2848, which is expected to be on the House floor in September. It grants the Secretary of State discretion to limit the valid duration of passports for convicted sex offenders listed on the National Sex Offender Registry, or to revoke the passport of an individual convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction in a foreign country of a sex offense.

“The amount of travel by known predators is staggering,” said Smith, who has worked for years with the family of Megan Kanka to promote legislation that would protect children from sex offenders. “A report released by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that nearly 4,500 registered sex offenders apply for U.S. passports each year. Since a passport is valid up to 10 years, some offenders can remain unwatched for years. According to the Protection Project of Johns Hopkins University, sex tourists from the United States who target children make up a significant percentage of child sex tourists around the world.”Click here to read Smith’s statement to the full committee.

    “Authorizing the State Department to restrict the passports of registered sex offenders has the ability to deter and protect,” said Smith, a leader in Congress on human rights issues, including sex trafficking of women and children. “Predators who have been convicted for sexually exploiting children have used long-term passports to evade return to the United States and have moved to a third country where they continue to exploit and abuse children. By requiring child sex offenders to renew their passports, more regularly, we can curtail the current 10-year window of unchecked travel and offer greater protection for vulnerable women and children around the world.”

 Megan Kanka, a seven-year-old from Smith’s district in Hamilton, N.J., was kidnapped, raped, and brutally murdered in 1994. Her assailant was a convicted, repeat sex offender living across the street, unbeknownst to families in Megan’s neighborhood. Due to public outcry in response to the tragedy and to hard work by Megan’s parents, Richard and Maureen Kanka, the New Jersey State Legislature passed the original Megan’s Law (NJSA 2C: 7-1 through 7-II) to require public notification of convicted sex offenders living in the community. Smith supported a federal Megan’s Law which became law in 1996 and other child protection measures.

 “In order to better protect children, this amendment would allow the Secretary of State the discretion to revoke the passport of an individual who has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction in a foreign country of a sex offense,” Smith said. “It also allows the Secretary the ability to determine the appropriate period of validity of any passport that is issued to a sex offender.”

Smith authored similar legislation to protect children in 2010 called The International Megan’s Law. That bill would establish a model framework for international law enforcement notifications when convicted child sex offenders pose a danger to children in a destination country. The bill passed the full House in 2010, but the Senate failed to act on the bill.


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The sure sign of a totalitarian government is restriction of its citizens’ movement OUT of the country. Welcome to the USSA.

That is way out of bounds now… Restricting travel of free people who have completed their sentences….

Previous proposed legislation by this Representative that did not go anywhere…

H.R.3253 — International Megan’s Law of 2011

H.R.1623 — International Megan’s Law of 2009

H.R.5722 — International Megan’s Law of 2008

… when at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. When that does not work, sneak something in somewhere.

The bill referenced in this press release (H.R. 2848) makes no mention of the proposed restriction. What does that mean? Will it be snuck in at some point, once enough politicians are invested in this overall bill? Stranger things have happened…

Ok, what in the HELL do they want exactly!? They don’t want offenders living in their neighborhoods, but then now they don’t want offenders leaving the country? Where are they supposed to go?? No work, no shelter, no food stamps, and now unable to leave an oppressive society? Whats next?! Concentration camps? Seriously!

If (when) it passes into law will it be able to pass Constitutional scrutiny. This may be the strew that bring the registry back to the table before the U.S. Supreme court as punitive and post facto. What makes for good politics doesn’t apply well as policies. TRUTH

Once again the USA is trying to force its laws and rules on the rest of the world. They need to take care of their own messed up country first. Abolish the registry to give the land of the free back to the people.

From Chris Smith’s full statement: “…can result in serious, lifelong and even life-threatening consequences for the physical, psychological, spiritual, emotional and social development and well-being of a child.”

Dear Rep. Smith – you know what DOES result in life-long and life-threatening consequences to a child? Hellfire missiles dropped from Predator drones. Automatic gunfire from helicopters miles away. Death. Things like that.
“An Iraqi non-governmental organisation, Iraqiyun, estimated 128,000 deaths from the time of the invasion until July, 2005” – “He said 55 percent of those killed were women, and children aged 12 and under.”
“Seventy percent of children are suffering from trauma-related symptoms according to a study of 10,000 primary school students in the Sha’ab section of north Baghdad”

Don’t believe it? See here:

And no, I am not BM. I wish I had his courage.

Its sad. This man thinks ALL people on the registry are traveling to another country to prey on children…but what his delusional mind does not realize is over half are wanting to survive, wanting to be able to feed their family, wanting to work, wanting a second chance in life, wanting to be accepted back into society. So what he is saying is that the 4,500 whom received a passport are wanting to travel to another country to harm a child? No, most want their passport to get away from these illegal, unconstitutional laws that the Govt. passes over and over and over. Believe it or not, we are HUMANS…we do have the SAME CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS as the next person…you will allow a murderer a second chance at life, they can travel to another country, start over….but you want to restrict those whom are a part of a judicial system that is so biased they will convict ANYONE as soon as you mention the word “Sex offense”. Our society has lost touch with reality.

I got a second passport from World Service Authority. It Might not help much getting back in the USA the home of the free, but everywhere else it seems to work. Coming back into the USA if you have a valid State driver’s license and a SSN (card) along with it you may get a pass.

Something to look into.

It is time to be heard! Write to your Congressional representative NOW and let them know that this policy would harm more than 750,000 citizens of the United States of America as well as members of their families. CA RSOL is writing such a letter and it will be mailed on Monday. In the meantime, we are sending E-mails to Congressional offices. Join us now! We can’t let this provision be passed into law!!

This is complete and utter garbage. I really have no words.

“The amount of travel by known predators is staggering,”

Out of close to a million RSOs, I wouldn’t call that staggering and to presume these people travel for illicit purposes is highly subjective and bordering paranoia.

“Predators who have been convicted for sexually exploiting children have used long-term passports to evade return to the United States and have moved to a third country where they continue to exploit and abuse children.”

May we see the proof and the convictions?
If so let us revoke THEIR passports.
Foreign countries are already free to blacklist the passport of anyone deemed a threat to their citizens or government.

Oh! and by the way, these are ex offenders. Most have been released back into society. Yet Mr. Smith continues to consider them salivating predators who must be leashed like a dog with him and his kind, as the masters- free to yank them into compliance at their slightest whim.
I can only imagine how they tremble when they imagine their wretched curs running free and unshackled all over the world.

Would this just affect those convicted of child related offense?

So in essence , every other sex crime conviction for which requires registration ,outside the spectrum involving children, are the unattended consequence every other sex convicted person has to suffer because of this law . Talking about Constitutional rights being violated. This has to change big time. Especially the retroactive stipulations when the law was written. This stinks to high heaven, no doubt!!!

So now not only do I have an interrogation and strip search to look forward to when entering the USA when I return from a vacation I will probably have to ask for permission soon with with Passport restrictions to prevent my ability to leave the country when I wish! It’s like being on prohibition all over again! Why did I even bother?

MY GOD…all of this they keep shoveling on us…it’s almost enough for me to say F it and actually do something that warrants this sort of absurd monitoring and restrictions!

Oh…since we know the NSA is reading this PLEASE NOTE that in the above statement I said “almost enough”!

Tired of Hiding: They strip search you? Personally, I have never had any issues when traveling to other countries. I just visited Canada and drove across the boarder. No issues. ALthough, when I came back, I was stopped at the border and asked to visit secondary screening. The gentleman made no mention of any issues, took my passport and did some typing. He apologized for the delay and we were on our way (my charges have all been dismissed/18 years ago). Although, lets be real. You can be a murderer, convicted of manslaughter or ect ect and still travel Internationally. I personally think this is a law that really couldn’t be topped. I mean, there is now a proposal to stop those individuals convicted of a criminal offense of traveling Internationally? Thats surreal. ITs almost unfathomable. ITs beyond prejudicial. I think this really has to stop. Doesn’t the government have better things to do? I mean, no law is going to stop someone from breaking the law, if someone is set out to do something illegal? Felons still can get firearms? This has to stop!

OK. I am still trying to figure out if I will get arrested for camping in a State Park in San Diego County after I saw the ordinance listing it as illegal for registrants to “loiter” in a public place within the County. My wife has been talking about us going to Spain or somewhere else outside the country for a vacation. A dream that was before this limited only by a lack of money. I guess not having a life is part of the plea bargain I made 13 years ago. Missed the part that said they’ll make up restrictions as they go along. I’ll write the letter to the congressman. The only hope to fight this is to keep making noise. That is how all civil rights issues are advanced, when the people wronged speak out. I don’t know if we have enough self esteem left. Or courage. Nonetheless, who else is going to do it?

You know with all these crazy laws varying between different states and cities.. There should be a big billboard with all the SO laws at every city access.. just my two cents

Personnel themselves couldn’t keep up with all their
confusion …….blind leading the blind….they get caught up
in their own confusion……taxpayer funded.

Oh really. I finished my formal probation eight years ago. but I have this law enforcement group in my county actively monitoring my 290 compliance. Maybe they get a chunk of cash from Congress for enforcing Meagan’s law, I don’t know. I asked the sheriff’s department clerk what I should do when I go on vacation. She answered that if I was going for more than two weeks I should have to re-register. She also said that whenever I went on vacation for any time, I should notify them, “to be safe”, and to avoid a red flag in case I was “audited” when I was gone. No need for state border checks here, when you have severe penalties for 290 violation. Of course anything is possible. This law is spawning one insane thing after another.

Like a local court coverup……they gotta put more cover for
their reckless disregard of law…..their lie becomes bigger….
more people will buy into it with higher taxes………its a good
racket …..perfect crime……personnel covers for same.

It seems that every time I turn around there is something new the government is working to stop me from doing. I have always lived to travel and spent the last 7 years rebuilding my life and my finances so I could afford to do so. I was issued a passport by the government upon my return from the contract work I did for the state (how I describe my incarceration) but hadn’t had a chance to use it until last year when a friend planned a trip to Costa Rica and invited me along. I didn’t do the research myself and in fact didn’t even think to look into it as a US citizen with a valid passport does not need a tourist visa to enter Costa Rica… Costly mistake. Upon arrival, while standing in line waiting to go through immigration and customs with about 200 other people a group of 3 officials came through the line comparing faces with a photo in their hands. They came to me, asked my name and asked me to step out of line. I was taken to the side in this large room filled with onlookers and finally told by a head official, who spoke only broken English that the US government had ‘requested’ my immediate return and I would have to go back to the US and “straighten it out” the official paperwork in Spanish said ” Extridition” and said I was “under investigation” in the US. Not only now embarrassed I was terrified. Although I had completed all requirements of my conviction 6 years before all of us know that anything is possible in this country once you wear the scarlet letter of RSO… I was escorted to the departure terminal, guarded, escorted to the restroom and placed on a return flight. I had no cell coverage but an airline employee let me use her phone to call my cousin, who is an attorney, to ask him to call the state department and find out what the hell was going on. When I landed in Houston I had no idea what I would face but the immigration officials had no clue what the Costa Rican government was talking about. My passport wasn’t flagged.. I am not nor was I ever under investigation and come to find out Costa Rica passed a law in 2009 that prohibits any US RSO from entry to the country. They lie to you with an official document terrorize you and guard you and then only to arrive back in the US to find out they just don’t want you there… I lost my airfare and 20% of my prepayment for hotel and tours. Plus was humiliated and terrorized. Fortunately my travel companions all knee about my record or I would have benn outed to them as well… Additionally, finding the information about the Costa Rican restriction was not easy so even had I done my own research prior to the trip I may not have found it.

Long story short, I will always in the future do what I can to learn the international laws and restrictions prior to traveling outside the US AND it looks like now that I should go ahead and renew my passport before my own government restricts me further…

I did my time. I am a productive and tax paying citizen.. As I was before my charges.. I comply with registration and am just trying to live my life… And check things off my bucket list as I am able.. Seeing the rainforest was chucked out for me… Hope I can get to Florence and Rome before the iron curtain comes down for us.. This dream just risen to the top of my bucket.. Guess my credit cards will be getting a work out. When will my debt be paid?

If you do not think there is a direct parallel between the Jews in Nazi Germany –sex offenders in America today, take a look at this book on”The Sex Offender Registry Is A Prelude To Tyranny” The sample pages will show how the Nazis restricted the passport of Jews in the same way the FEDS are about to restrict the passports of sex offenders, sadly this book is highly censored or outright banned.

The registry is at the heart of all this evil. You can’t simply restructure it, tier it, make it less insidious, because the act of labeling a class of people as dangerous without the possibility of redemption is wrong. The Nazi’s tried this with sex offenders, the “work shy” and Jews. They didn’t need to do anything more, because the public became scared seeing all these dangerous people around them and said take them away. Once you put a pink triangle on someone, whether you sew it on their sleeve or put it on the Internet, you’re saying this person is less than human. This is the justification for any sort of restrictive laws to come afterward.
Judges don’t change laws, the people do. For decades and centuries they ruled debtors prisons, indentured servitude and even slavery was lawful. The change came when victims of these laws began to have a human face in the media of there time, books articles, etc. and by groups organized to abolish the laws.
The security industrial state is losing ground on the drug war, the war on terror, the war on immigrants. They need new enemies and low and behold enters the war on international sex trafficking.
But a society that holds people in solitary confinement twenty years for suspected gang affiliation, that imprisons people declared innocent of terrorism on an island indefinitely, and that sends missiles that shred women and children to pieces to get a suspected terrorist, is not a society on high moral ground.

This is actually illegal to international law. People have human rights to leave their country. This is world authority and it is stated that ALL PEOPLE HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS!!! It could be argued that the public registry and detaining people in any country is IN VIOLATION TO THAT LAW!! With vigilant assaults and killings are becoming an epidemic yearly occurrence, in some cases if a family had there home broken in to, gun shots fired at there house, their spouse and or children, even family members are at danger, could have a case to move out of the country. Might have to get a world authority pass port. It is to bad that USA is adopting hitler mein kampf propaganda to try to rule other and other countries. Germany knows this and has said what the USA is doing is in fact AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS.