OH: Lawmaker wants to expand death penalty to include sex crimes

CLEVELAND (AP) – The case of 3 Cleveland women held captive for a decade is inspiring an Ohio lawmaker to call for expanding the state’s death penalty law.

State Rep. John Becker of suburban Cincinnati wants the death penalty to cover some sex-related crimes. Full Article

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Scary politicians. That’s why we need to abolish the death penalty. Can you imagine what the trial would be like for the victim to testify in a death penalty case? The death penalty changes everything when cross examining the prosecution’s witnesses. At least 100+ people have been released from death row due to proven mistakes, just from DNA results from the Innocent’s Project. How many more people would we falsely give the death penalty to if we added sex offenses?

Note how the political hack used an incredibly sick crime to influence his own bill, which has nothing to do with the original crime?

His proposal introduced Friday would allow for the death penalty in cases of rape, sexual battery and improper sexual contact with a minor if the suspect has a previous sex crime conviction and there are aggravating circumstances.

In other words, only registrants are eligible for the death penalty. In addition, virtually ANY registrable sex crime becomes eligible for the death penalty if the bolded “and” becomes interpreted as “or” in the final bill? The scenario has absolutely NOTHING to do with the horrific crime in such that the offender was NOT a registrant, and notwithstanding that the US Supreme Court already rejected the death penalty for any crime other than first degree murder.

. . . And they said it would never come full circle when you compare registrants to Jews in the Nazi era. It didn’t take too long, did it? First tag them, label them, restrict their movements, limit their rights, voice, etc, and now let’s put them to death. How anyone can whimsically consider the death penalty for crimes which have nothing to do with loss of life is beyond disturbing!! Oh wait…..we are talking about Sex Offenders, so who cares about what is fair, right? I will look good in the public’s eyes no matter what!

I hate to make light of this… But if you enact the death penalty why need the registry? Also we should make drunk driving and other crimes eligible for the death penalty too…

This isn’t the sex offender registry its the geonocide registry! That is what happens if you can’t work, live any place, goto a library, park, beach, shelter, nursing home or get medical care.

Vigilantes I’m a misdomeanor offender and required to register for 25 years! After that the third party sites can list you so the crazies can attack me using a map provided by the government.and I finished raising my kids alone so my son could goto the Air Force to fight your war on terror. I didnt tell him he could have stayed home to do that!

I need to watch the news because the president is speaking about human rights to other countries! Then I will goto mass and hope no one recognizes me so I don’t get kicked out of another church for practicing my faith.

The sex offender registry is all about genocide and you politicians, judges and public need to at some point say… Stop! Enough! We are killing people! This is genocide!