Nearly 1 in 10 young Americans between ages 14 and 21 acknowledges having perpetrated an act of sexual violence at least once, and 4% of a nationally representative sample of American kids reported attempting or completing rape, a new study finds.
While those most likely to report initiating unwanted sexual contact in their early to mid-teens were boys, girls were among the perpetrators as the age of respondents increased. Latino and African American youths, and those from low-income families, were less likely to have coerced another person to engage in sex than were whites and those from higher-income families, the study found. Full Article
Back in the Day… Most boys tried to coerce girls to have sex. Didn’t these researchers ever go on a date? There is a lot of difference between “persuasion” and violence. Wonder how much of a grant they received for their research.
And soon, 90% of the known American population is going to be on the database