A new Justice Department study shows that allegations of sex abuse in the nation’s prisons and jails are increasing — with correctional officers responsible for half of it — but prosecution is still extremely rare.
The report, released today by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, takes data collected by correctional administrators representing all of the nation’s federal and state prisons as well as many county jails. It shows that administrators logged more than 8,000 reports of abuse to their overseers each year between 2009 and 2011, up 11 percent from the department’s previous report, which covered 2007 and 2008. Full Article
Bureau of Justice Statistics: Survey Of Sexual Violence In Adult Correctional Facilities, 2009–11 – Statistical Tables
After reading “Who Really Commits New Sex Crimes?” and looking at the numbers this does not surprise me at all. The article says that 8,000 reports of abuse were reported which makes me wonder how many sexual assaults by guards were not reported. And I think the # 8,000 represents an actual rise because when I read the news I usually see police charged with a crime get off scott free more and more, and I think this is because of not only the good ol boy club (police prison unions), but if there was a high conviction rate for police and prison guards charged with a crime everyone would know that there was a problem; a really big problem not only with sexual assaults but especially regular assaults and murder by the police and prison guards. Just look at what happened in the Theo Lacy jail in OC last year when a jailer informed some of the gangsta types that there was a “pedo” in their midst knowing full well what would happen. This innocent (innocent until proven guilty) victim never made it to court because he was beaten and stomped to death; and the jailer that set this murder up walked away a free man!?!?!? The rest of the article just goes on to spew the usual standard garbage that comes from these types. I think it safe to assume that nothing will be done because their union lawyers will fight any changes or prosecutions. And by the way. It is these unions that fund and lobby for many of the draconian laws that are destroying this country from within. They have become multi million dollar players in politics.
“…imprisonment turns the state into a gay dungeon-master.”
Jesse Jackson