The Missouri Legislature overwhelmingly passed legislation last year that would remove many juvenile offenders from the public sex offender registry, which is posted on the Internet. It would not have lessened the punishment for any offender. Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed the legislation and then launched a misleading campaign in which he highlighted some of the worst offenders on the registry.
Let me tell you my son Zach’s story, as it gives a very different perspective. It shows how harmful the sex offender registry can be for juveniles who should not even be classified as sex offenders, much less be on a public registry for the world to see. Full Article
This just makes me sick!!!
Jay Nixon is scum in my opinion, and I know that one day he will have to answer to an authority much higher than him and than all of us. Then, he can burn in hell!!!
I agree with G4Change
This is just another cowardly example of someone in a position of trust denying the truth in the interest of their career, someone that doesn’t have the have the courage, moral fortitude or inner strength to stand up for truth, even at the cost someones of life and right to live a peaceful un-oppressed life. Even if it is a child s life. It just doesn’t matter to his kind.