GA: Lawmaker apologizes for bill scrapping sex offender loitering statute

A freshman Republican state lawmaker apologized Monday for introducing legislation that would scrap a state ban on registered sex offenders loitering near schools, daycare centers and other places where children gather.

“In hindsight, this rookie mistake was silly,” Rep. Sam Moore of Cherokee County said in an extraordinary speech delivered on the House floor. “I am mature enough to admit that. At the time though, I believed that I was fulfilling a campaign promise to hit the ground running.”

Moore said he did not intend to enable child molesters with House Bill 1033. He said he was instead trying to protect Fifth Amendment rights by eliminating what he says are discriminatory and vague state laws against loitering. Article

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Once again they bow to the hysteria of the discrimination that the states push upon us.

“How dare that freshman legislator show up and try to repeal laws that we hard working men of the people enacted to protect our defenseless children. That boy’s gonna get a harsh lesson in how we do things ’round here and how we like our laws: vague and unconstitutional!”

After watching the video I am not sure who I hate more, reporters, politicians,or politicians who roll over at the first hint of resistance from entrenched cronies.

How about a “No Loitering” law for ALL in ALL children dominated places. Under what circumstances would anyone without legitimate business (parent / visitor) be allowed to enter a school? There are rules against this already, it just is not a crime. I also do not see any reason adults need to hang out at the playground / park. To do what? Drink? Deal drugs? Worse?

Where this runs into trouble is the definition of ‘loitering’ (stop & frisk, anyone?) and the fact that this will negatively impact the embarrassingly (for a society that considers itself the beacon of civilization) large homeless population in this country.

A gutless coward that wants a political future rather than doing what is right. Not surprised at all, sort of like being intimidated into a confession by police and crooked DA’s. Spineless little freshman wimp, he’d roll over for a fast buck, stinking jellyfish!

It sounds like his campaign promise was to uphold The Constitution and Its Amendments. They wasted no time in neutering this youngster and quelling this rebellious inclination.

If stupidity were a college subject, most politicians would have been on the Dean’s List

Why would this idiot think that constitutional protections apply to Americans?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program, “The Shredding of the Constitution”.

I can’t fault this man for his actions or comments. He got a taste of what we go through everyday. Am I a coward for taking a deal to avoid prison? Pushing this would have probably been career suicide for him and he took the easy way out.

He got a taste of the constitution but the cronies got to him, made him spit it out, washed his mouth out with soap, and told him he would never be elected to another public office if he didn’t withdraw his statement.

That’s probably how it went down.

He swore to uphold the Constitution, as he understands it, but chose to follow the herd when it became a choice between the two. He is not now a leader, but what politician is. They serve the media and money. No Lincoln or Teddy Roosevelt here.