General Comments February 2014

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of February 2014. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Anyone with information about the murder should call the Major Case Squad at 618-825-5200 or 618-825-5201.

Contact reporter Carolyn P. Smith at 618-239-2503.

Read more here:


In FACT: You Cannot be gone from Your registered residence for more than 72 hrs with out telling them what yer gonna be doin’ or where You may be goin’…Don’t believe me? turn off or block your phone in 2 pie tins & don’t use your computer for 3 days & Watch what happens….Expect a visit compliance check @ the least within 4 days & being fallowed before that Just to see if Your Doin’ somethin’ Stupid!within 24 hrs. & Then When they do show up they will want to watch You sweat believe That My advise is Just be sure of Your conditions I DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO STAY IN COMPLIANCE. But they Use YOUR CELL PHONE God forbid its a smart phone because Yer a dummy if You have 1 You leave a bread crumb trail @ every cell tower who You called How long & they listen even when You think it’s Off, “They Have an app fer That!”


Ok, here is another question. The judge denied my petition in 2012 WITHOUT PREJUDICE because it was just submitted too early. In his letter to me (he denied it for the wrong reason in court, as they got my paperwork mixed up, and he wrote a letter to apologize and explain why it was really denied) the judge told me my real time was in 2014. But at the end of the letter he said to be sure to have what is necessary to convince whatever judge then that i was rehabilitated.

I wrote him back and asked him just what it was i would need. But never received a reply. Well, I’ve read the CA penal code section pertaining to rehabilitation over and over again, and all I can see, besides residency requirements, is that you have to be crime free, including arrests or under investigation, for X numbers of years. OK, Well, THAT is NO problem. So my question is, for anyone who has been through this or knows anyone who has, What else is NEEDED to PROVE rehabilitation?

Cops sexually assault mother, break 10-year-old son’s leg, claims lawsuit

Read more:

No Longer Supervised DOES NOT MEAN NOT UNDER INVESTIGATION!!! & Yea they check up on You here & there or if they get a call yer acting strange or suspicious. Besides Think about it How else are they busting people 10-15 years after their off parole for bein’ some where they did not Know they shouldn’t be? or not being where they say they are? Just THINK ABOUT IT! It is all smoke mirrors & $ with a Candidate running for election,,The party does not matter But A conviction Will.=STATISTICS.

We have a Web site, We March, Lobby,donate when we can, what don’t We do? Have a Radio Station with weekly/daily? shows & call in Q&A From a well informed individual Host. That is anonymous sort of & it get’s everyone’s participation. Just sayin’ If You look @ all of this from a strategic point of view Logistically speaking IMHO These Laws were designed for 1 thing to destroy Families not just an Individual? Why,,IDK Either that or it was ALL very short sighted .Just Sayin’

Take It To Em’ WAR, & Every registered Citizen that reads this Thread!

It’s come to this: You have to convince a judge that you shouldn’t belong on a list that is of itself unconstitutional.

Here’s Another “BILL” Why Don’t We introduce a Few Of Our Own?More Inconvenience & Added PUBLIC Persecution via The “SYSTEM”

@ Michael Yes Please do apply Like the wind…As for misinfo, I’m just a realist with experience in what happens behind closed doors”Been There”& “Screw That” I Really wish You all The best in Your endeavors. I Just cannot afford all the fees & Lawyers & Getting a letter from Mother Teresa? Not Gonna Happen. So Janice is the 1 with all the smarts in this & I AM NO ATTY. But IF I could study for the BAR EXAM & be allowed to practice,,I WOULD & Oh Boy What Fun I Would Have, I would Have a Fricken Field Day with some DA’s & PROVE WHAT KANGAROO COURTS WE HAVE! Once You Can do that? Hey Who Knows I Know this That GOD FORBID I ever wind up in front of a judge with a Public Pretender I Will Ask to Defend Myself because its all about the conviction & Who helps get it the other side is more likely than not to say We wanna plea I don’t care What the case is & You All Know It! That’s just the way it is & everybody from the Cop to the Social workers Have a Record to upKEEP & A Conviction Rate to Maintain &”A REPUTATION TO UPHOLD” A bonus raise maybe in it & Advancement to higher positions,,Like I said This was not about an individual(S) this was about Family unit destruction & Then there are those that use that destruction to feather THEIR OWN Nest. Does It Ever Stop? Meh,,, Probably not in MY lifetime

What is ironic and arguably unconstitutional is that persons convicted of sex offenses that carry much greater culpability than 311.11(a)do not have to wait any time at all to be removed from their court ordered mandatory registration. See for example 290.005(d)(2)below. These individuals do not have to obtain a COR, wait or even get an attorney; their relief is automatic.

So there is a high probability that a lot of statutes which appear in the COR are there unconstitutionally as decided in: People v. Tirey (2013) , Cal.App.4th [No. G048369. Fourth Dist., Div. Three. Nov. 15, 2013.]; D.M. v. Department of Justice (2012) 209 Cal.App.4th 1439.

290.005. The following persons shall register in accordance with
the Act:
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (c) or (d), any person who,
since July 1, 1944, has been, or is hereafter convicted in any other
court, including any state, federal, or military court, of any
offense that, if committed or attempted in this state, based on the
elements of the convicted offense or facts admitted by the person or
found true by the trier of fact or stipulated facts in the record of
military proceedings, would have been punishable as one or more of
the offenses described in subdivision (c) of Section 290, including
offenses in which the person was a principal, as defined in Section
(b) Any person ordered by any other court, including any state,
federal, or military court, to register as a sex offender for any
offense, if the court found at the time of conviction or sentencing
that the person committed the offense as a result of sexual
compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification.
(c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), any person who would be
required to register while residing in the state of conviction for a
sex offense committed in that state.
(d) Notwithstanding any other law, a person convicted in another
state of an offense similar to one of the following offenses who is
required to register in the state of conviction shall not be required
to register in California unless the out-of-state offense, based on
the elements of the conviction offense or proven or stipulated facts
in the record of conviction, contains all of the elements of a
registerable California offense described in subdivision (c) of
Section 290:
(1) Indecent exposure, pursuant to Section 314.
(2) Unlawful sexual intercourse, pursuant to Section 261.5.
(3) Incest, pursuant to Section 285.
(4) Sodomy, pursuant to Section 286, or oral copulation, pursuant
to Section 288a, provided that the offender notifies the Department
of Justice that the sodomy or oral copulation conviction was for
conduct between consenting adults, as described in Section 290.019,
and the department is able, upon the exercise of reasonable
diligence, to verify that fact.
(5) Pimping, pursuant to Section 266h, or pandering, pursuant to

As each new case gets decided in favor of constitutional protections it is for all of us here to apply the theory to other combinations of circumstance.
Section 266i.

OK, Now I’m really confused.
Guess I’ll just have to try the public defender again.
The letters thing is the real hard part. As i am have never been on the Megan’s law site very few people know I’m an RSO. And if you ask for a letter, addressed to a court, they want to know why. And even though I have never been on the Megan’s law site, if my conviction is public record for anyone willing to check. I worked ever since I got of probation in 2005. Except for being off form work injuries. But I’ve also been homeless (though since I have a van and a gym membership not in too bad of shape) most of that time.

As for improved life, that’s a tough one when you are an RSO. Because if an employer does check, you’re not going to get the job. I’ve currently back in school…but that is only until my current VA program runs out. But getting the COR would help with all (jobs etc.) that. Catch-22

No, about the ONLY things I have going for me is that I have not been in trouble during the “rehabilitation period”; Mine was originally, as these things go, a low level misdemeanor; Never missed a registration period/time and I had my matter dismissed under 1203.4 back in 2009. Letters? I got a whopping 3. And only one of those may have any real import as it from a retired cop friend.
But that’s about it.

ALL of us should be absolutely offended by this! If Holder is out to restore people’s rights, then I support that! But let’s not half-ass it!

California Supreme Court Justice Joyce Kennard today announced she is retiring in April. She is considered to be one of the more liberal ( which really means more moderate as there are no liberals on the California high court) of the justices on the court. I would have to go look up how she has voted on sex offender registration and collateral punishment cases.,0,5498215.story

This will give Gov. Brown his second appointment to the court, the first being Goodwin Liu (who was supposed to be a great liberal but who was an extreme disappointment in supporting the court’s very right-wing decision in Doe v. Harris regarding state of the law at the time of a plea bargain. Had that ruling gone the opposite way, it would have relieved a lot of registrants of their registration requirement).

This is the new Jerry Brown, not the old liberal Jerry Brown. The new Jerry Brown lives in fear of being anything but harsh on anyone who has strayed to the wrong side of the law, and that means especially a sex offense.

A child victim of the registry talks about being bullied and ostracized at school because her father is on the registry.

She wants to know where are the people that think this is wrong. Apparently none of the teachers or any other responsible adults at that school think it is wrong if your father is on the registry; this makes me angry.

Where is a registry outcry for this:

I bet she killed more people than any registered sex offender in California in the last 3 years… probably more.

I finally got a “Score” on my profile on the Megan list… a score of Zero…. what the f#ck does that mean?

We are coming up on day 160 – over five months – since the hearing of the Prop 35 challenge. Most decisions take 90 days or less, and although there has been a delay due to a family emergency by one of the judges, this is just too long. Janice had commented that the delay “helps” us, but that’s only because the stay is still in effect. However, a delay also gives more and more time for the judges to formulate a credible-sounding response in support of the law, because they KNOW a decision in our favor would send shock waves across the country.

I really am not trying to be paranoia minded, but this decision is really way overdue for an argument that seemingly was so one-sided the decision could have been rendered in a week, let alone over five months.

Well, I’ve got a hammer
and I’ve got a bell
and I’ve got a song to sing
all over this land
It’s the hammer of justice
It’s the bell of freedom
It’s a song about love between my
brothers and my sisters
all over this land

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This is a good article taken from a blog. It is titled (“Creeping Fascism Or Maybe It’s Just Me…”) and it talks about the public fear of just about everything and the digression of the US into a police state. I could really relate and I think everyone else here will relate too.

The USA has turned into a kindergarten where everybody is afraid of everybody, everybody calls the cops out of sheer panic of “something” and were everybody is guilty until proven innocent. And uniforms everywhere. These rent-a-cops belong to organizations like “Internal Intelligence” or “American Security” and they have fancy cop-like uniforms, but they are also totally *useless*: the bad guys don’t care about them, and the good guys are constantly harassed.

But the worst is not that. The worst is in the mind of people: they have accepted all this as normal and inevitable, they have embraced, whether consciously or not, the kind of creeping Fascism which permeates all of US society, on the streets and in the minds of the people.

Off-topic but newsworthy.

84-Year-Old Nun Sentenced To Nearly 3 Years In Prison For Nuclear Plant Break-In

Godspeed, Sister Megan. I only wish I had your courage and conviction.

Some one said,”AFTER supervision is complete, however, does the public have the right to”:Answer: They Don’t IF WE WERE TO DO WHAT THEY DO,,,IT WOULD BE STALKING IN THE LEAST!

Track a person’s every move?
Receive constant updates of personal information?
Receive notifications when a former offender moves into the neighborhood?
Know what vehicles a person owns or drives?
Know where that person attends school?
Know where that person is employed?
The constitutionally-correct answer is a resounding “NO.” Until former offenders take a stand against these encroachments on their liberties, however, things will continue to get worse.

It saddens me that there are 750,000 people out there like me, Then again 750,000 would make 1 hell of a group to be contended with let’s all get motorcycles & Ride on the capitol ….lol…Just kiddin’,. but WE NEED TO ORGANIZE 10 here 3 here 2 there WE AS A GROUP need to city by city have anonymous get together s to actually come up with & brainstorm “battle plans”for lack of better words in every city every county it will give us resources amongst each other & support for all involved. Janice can give a meeting but she can’t do it when 1 of us needs support Now! She’s an atty. she will watch our back but WE HAVE to do this For Our Families & Our selves. No One is goin’ to do it for us. Hell We Are Now a significant part of the population use that to our advantage people are pi$$ed let’s help them focus their anger in the right direction through Information & set aside division & show how That is being used to seperate children from society.

So I got to go do my annual today. Nice enough police officers however when I got to the part where I told them I’ve had my house egged 4 times this year the reply was “that’s just the nature of the beast” WTF? So nonchalant. What if it caused major damage and I had to spend thousands repairing and repainting..”that’s just the nature of the beast”