International Travel Experiences

Please supply your recent experiences with traveling abroad using the format below plus your comment / narrative. This is intended to collect experiences AT THE PORT OF ENTRY IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRYFall 2013 and later and being detained, denied or allowed in. NOT about re-entering the US and secondary inspection.

It is assumed that there were no issues before Fall 2013 / early 2014 and that there is always a secondary inspection in some form upon returning to the United States.

In the interest of organization please copy and paste the list and write your details between / over the ***.  Any comments should be in direct response to the country in question.

1. Destination Country: ***
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: *** yes / no ***
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): *** yes / no (reasons) ***

2. Date of Travel: *** Fall 2013 or later ***

3. Issues: *** denied entry / detained / etc ***
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: ***

4. Currently registered: *** yes / no ***
4a.If yes, on public web site: *** yes / no ***
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: *** yes / no  ***

6. Offense Level: *** Misdemeanor / Felony ***

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: *** yes / no ***

8. State of registration (current or former): ***

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More information on my travels south of the border in California. I’ve been going to the designated tourist zones for the past 4 years, usually about 4-6 timesa a year. I’ve never had any trouble either while in Baja, Mexico or returning home. I always get sent to secondary inspection at the border, but not a problem, it’s expected.
I will be applying for an FMM, or a temporary tourist visa my next trip into Mexico. I will not use my passport, but will instead use my birth certificate and my driver’s license, which is an option for the FMM. This must be applied for while in Mexico or, if flying into Mexico from the US the airlines will issue that. Forget the airlines and the reporting ahead. So far, this is totally legal and above board. No laws have been broken, or will be broken in this process.
My next step, after issuance of the FMM is to board a plane in Tijuana for Cancun or Cabo. I believe this is very possible because I’ll not use my passport to obtain the FMM and there will be no background check made from the Mexican airports. There are no background questions on the FMM, only questions about destinations and duration of the trip. The form is good for 180 days and must be surrendered upon your return to the states.
I’m curious to see what happens and how this will work. Again, there are no laws being broken in this process, but wait for my next post on this.

When it comes to getting a VISA for a fiancé or spouse, if all else fails, contact your representative in Congress. They can certainly help you with VISA issues. Helping you with this issue isn’t going to politically hurt them. In my past life, I’ve seen members of Congress assist with getting people Visas that seemed impossible at first. Even better if you can find an aquantance or local polititian that accually knows someone in Congress that might help you. Just one more thing that you can try.

I posted this in the Travel to China/Thailand post. Apologies for the repost.

I’m a RSO. Crime was possession of images depicting minors. Completed probation years ago, but still an annual registrant. I have successfully travelled over the past decade, and even since mid 2013 where others seem to be having problems. Since last June, I have been to UK, Germany, China on multiple occasions for work, and Mexico.

Just this past week, I was denied entry into Mexico which came as a complete shock to my wife and I. Wasted money, humiliation, etc. Now I’m concerned about a business trip to China/Japan in first quarter 2015. (I was just there in September last year without issues).

Has anyone either been denied entry in the past 3 months or successfully traveled to China in the past 3 months?
In the eyes of ICE, is possession of images viewed as a lesser offense as a “hands on” crime?

You will be denied for sure. As long as you are ROS then you will be denied. I was denied. ICE informs Interpol. I am interested in trying to start some kind of class action lawsuit. I got engaged to my fiance from Thailand and now after establishing my relationship, going there twice already, then on the third time, I was treated like a fugitive on the run?? I am now off the registration. I am going to sue for my plane ticket and if I lose my fiance, I am going to sue for damages. I feel ICE should have informed me first before flying 23 hours. I thing it’s very ignorant to be treated like this when I did my time. How can we live huh??

Man people say that rso laws are akin to banishment but its so much more draconian as there is nowhere to go to start a new life no matter how much time has passed or how law biding you are. At least in the days of banishment you could leave and live off the grid away from society now with this people have to stay and be punished for the rest of their lifes. I would love to go live off the grid away from society instead of being subjected to all this bs

I was denied entry to the Philippines on Dec 2 2014. After 10 trips in 12 years. Federal conviction in 1996 for possession of images with minors. IE Magazines that are legal and sold openly in Japan.Off of supervised release in 2000. If a person can get off their states registry they stand a good chance of being able to travel freely internationally? Am I correct in this from what I am reading here? Any information would be appreciated.

Any lawsuit count me in. The guys at ICE must be a bunch of the same guys that got rejected at all the school dances. You know, like the wimpy guys who grew up and became cops. They think they are on some kind of mission to make everyone else miserable too!

I am going to media. I don’t care if I’m exposed. I have done my time. I registered according to the law. I was compliant. I am off the registry. I’m going to fight this. I will keep you posted.

While I read your stories and feel the pain that most of you have I think that without a lawsuit not one thing will ever change.

I hope that the ones that are trying to get their love ones here or at least trying to see them will succeed.

Are just the ones that are still required to register having the most problems with travel?

What about the ones that are off the registry, completed their probation and have had their charges dismissed, Have all rights back, can vote, own firearms etc, are they still restricted from traveling, or being denied entry into other countries?

Thanks to all for the information each one provides, it has always been helpful.



I am off the registry too. Be aware, you still have to abide the registration rules when you come off. Live like you are on the list. That is what my letter stated after coming off the registration. When traveling to another country, I have no clue. I would like to visit my Fiancé elsewhere. Has anyone tried to go when off the registration?

Kind Regards

Based on my own recent travel experience, I believe that DHS/ ICE sends alerts based on sex offender registry and not conviction. I was listed on the registry since 2011 and alerts were sent. I was turned around twice (instant deportation). I was removed from the registry in mid-2014 and no alert was sent for my recent trip in Dec 2014.

When I re-entered the US, I was given the usual harassment special inspection by DHS. However, this time DHS did not even inspect my bag or ask questions about the purpose of my trip. Instead from the questions asked, the agent seemed to have her own agenda that she was looking for information or data on. She seemed to have no idea on my registration status. Based on this experience, I believe that DHS maintains its own file on you that is updated with this post-trip interaction. Of course who knows what the agent actually types in the data base to update your file?

Noteworthy to mention, if you have “turned around” or instantly deported by a foreign country, you are likely blacklisted within that country. You will need to take action with the foreign country to remove your blacklist status before you can freely travel there. This is one the most damaging consequence of the alert sent by the US government.

My comment filing a lawsuit against the US government/ DHS for this cruel program – a lawsuit is the only device to address this program/ policy. As said here, it will never fix itself through law makers and law enforcers. This needs to be class action lawsuit filed on behalf of the many registered citizens who have been damaged/ their families damaged and for all registered citizens who have the potential to be damaged. The objective needs to be the violation of civil rights and equal protection issues here. The monetary damage done to us hurts but the civil rights violations are monumental and permanent.

It is not a good idea to concentrate this kind of information in one place. Once the bastards discover that their moral certitude is not shared by other cultures, they will threaten to terminate funding from whatever country refuses to pass the international version of the Adam Walsh Act, like they did in the U.S.

I have lived peacefully in (unnamed foreign country)for more than a decade without problems or fear even though my new home is reputed to be dangerous and ungovernable; a failed state, if you will.

The cult of the American Police State is thoroughly out of bounds and, maybe, out of control. If you parse the situation, all men are criminals in mind if not action. This cannot prevail. We need our strong males in order to persevere in a world run amok with terror and persecution. This “sex-offender” blind is a terrorist action designed to convince us that our government is to be feared for our very thoughts, benign as they may be.

Yes, children are to be loved. Why is love designated a threat?
Because the perverted mentality of our prosecuting entities conflates love with sex.
What sick bastards they are to glue the two together, then seek to make felons from the result?

My friends and brothers trapped in Hell..
Leave the Country and try to be better. The U.S.A isn’t worth what you suffer and every other Nation on this planet knows it. It may take time to arrange things accordingly, but surely you will perish at the hand of this monster from Hell-290.
EVERYBODY, to someone, somewhere, is a Sex Offender. Maybe a sister or cousin or something. It’s part of the process of life, this education we obtain; and it has been this way forever.
As I asked at Parents United, “If sexual activity is present, as you posit, in 80% of families, aren’t you trying to tamper with a social norm?” “Oh, NO!”, cried the obese, sweaty social workers, “You can’t say that!”

If Honey Boo-Boo gets elected president, I’ll gladly put a bullet in my own brain. But I seriously doubt greater logic will prevail.

Leave the country. America is doomed.

Count me in on a class action. I am new to this, but am ready to fight. Tired of the rest of you carrying the weight.

Recently returned from a cruise that visited several ports of call. Departure was from a port in the state of Florida. If you want to know the specific cruise line and detailed itinerary please contact me through and the website operator can direct your inquiry to me so I can respond directly to you. Please include your name, phone number and email address in the inquiry. I have heard that RCI and Disney are denying boarding to registrants but this was a different cruise line. I had no issues entering any ports and did not have any special treatment upon returning to the U.S.

1. Destination Country: various ports in the Caribbean (none were ports in Mexico)
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: no
2. Date of Travel: December 2014
3. Issues: none
4. Currently registered: yes (currently a lifetime registrant)
4a.If yes, on public web site: yes
5. Offense child related: yes
6. Offense Level: felony
7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no
8. State of registration: IL

Everyone keeps saying class action, well let’s do it. Can Janice or her staff help us here. I am tired of crying myself to sleep knowing there is a beautiful person hoping to see me again. What is the process and how can I help. What is the first step?

Maybe we can go to media.?


They send out your conviction. I found that out because I have the report and letter of warning from the Freedom Of Act Information (FOIC). Even if you plead out & some charges were dropped, that was in the reports. The charges that were dropped was added to the report. It was misleading!! I am finding out how to do a class action lawsuit. ICE usually has immunity toward and lawsuit. But if we get together as a group and develop some kind of petition, this can work!! I feel strongly that ICE should have informed us before leaving the states. We could delayed the trip!! The FOIA Report was sent during flight. I was in Thailand twice before. I was treated like a fugitive. I could not talk to my Fiancé. In the courts, you cannot “assume” that I will re-offend. Where is my protection when information is sent to a foreign country?? This country has the right to Protect and Serve not Select and Serve!! What right do they have to send private information to another country when I was compliant of the laws. I did not plea out to have the government keep adding crap!!I am going to sue hard if I lose my fiance. It took ICE less than a day to Report me!! It’s been a year to get answers!!

Robert could you please contact me email my wife wants me back with her and I love the Philippines I would live there the rest of my life if I could I have a great family there and have committed no crime there or the us in over 18 years in the 7 years ive ben in and out of the country been the man I know god wants me to be thanks tim

I have two questions. Why, can’t the US Government be sued for harassment of RC when they provide “warnings’ information to other countries, when we travel? Do US get warning about SO visiting here from a country without SOR?

So, I was watching, of all things, Last Week Tonight, and it discussed American provinces. Has anyone tried to go to one of these countries without a passport and been denied as a RSO, as it seems like all of these do not require a passport? I still have to register but the charges were expunged last year.

Puerto Rico
US. Virgin Islands
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands

Thanks all.

I’m a born UK citizen naturalized US citizen and hold dual nationality. Both passports expired. About to get US passport renewed but in order to have UK passport renewed I need to be present in the UK.
SOR New York State Level 1 which is not public information.

What do I do ?

I believe I’m luckier than most which is of small comfort.


I just returned from the US Virgin Islands Saint John and it was pretty easy to satisfy them. Just get in contact with the Department of Justice in Saint Thomas and let them know you are coming and set up appointment. Get off the plane go to the DOJ and you will be in and out in 10 minutes. That’s it and yes bring a passport for leaving it speeds it up. You will receive a letter from DOJ and it is your fast track home with no hassles, just show the letter and off you go. Have fun!!

Anyone have recent experiences with travel to any European countries? Countries? Details? Suggestions?


You do not need passport but it will speed up the process when leaving the Virgin Islands. I do not think there is a limit on the amount of time you visit but call the DOJ in the territory or even better email them. They are really Lax over there, they have plenty of other problems like drugs and assaults to worry about you. Yes they will want your total itinerary but be vague and if you go somewhere else just call, it is really an easy gig. We wanted to go to the British Virgin Islands as a side trip but we did not go because of time constraint but pick the agents brain on to do or not to do’s. Also a tip, say you are on a anniversary or Honeymoon it tends to let them know you are there for a real vacation with your loved one and your not trolling the streets or something. We were there for my sons wedding so it was perfect. Good luck!!

Can someone clarify what happens if you’re a level one sex offender and want to travel to Europe, South America? What do you need to do? Has the international Megan’s law been passed?
Are passports scanned automatically? Are you automatically rejected from traveling internationally?