International Travel Experiences

Please supply your recent experiences with traveling abroad using the format below plus your comment / narrative. This is intended to collect experiences AT THE PORT OF ENTRY IN THE FOREIGN COUNTRYFall 2013 and later and being detained, denied or allowed in. NOT about re-entering the US and secondary inspection.

It is assumed that there were no issues before Fall 2013 / early 2014 and that there is always a secondary inspection in some form upon returning to the United States.

In the interest of organization please copy and paste the list and write your details between / over the ***.  Any comments should be in direct response to the country in question.

1. Destination Country: ***
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: *** yes / no ***
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): *** yes / no (reasons) ***

2. Date of Travel: *** Fall 2013 or later ***

3. Issues: *** denied entry / detained / etc ***
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: ***

4. Currently registered: *** yes / no ***
4a.If yes, on public web site: *** yes / no ***
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: *** yes / no  ***

6. Offense Level: *** Misdemeanor / Felony ***

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: *** yes / no ***

8. State of registration (current or former): ***

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I have spoken with David and am ready to head up a group that can focus on Thailand restrictions. There will be other groups focusing on theit country of travel. If anyone feels they want on board , please speak up.

Thank you

1. Destination Country: The Netherlands, France
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: No
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons): N/A

2. Date of Travel: October 11-21, 2015

3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: n/a

4. Currently registered: Yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: No
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: n/a

5. Offense child related: CP

6. Offense Level: Felony

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: No

8. State of registration (current or former): CA

Same here. Flew into Shipol, no problems at all. Came back to the US and my fiance was put into secondary for questioning.

I am a RSO since march of 2010.I was on probation for 4 years. I got off probation September of 2014.During probation ,with a court order , I was able to travel to India twice via Bangkok and no issues except when coming back the usual harassment of two to three hours. During that time I also travel to India thru Dubai going and coming and no issues. In Oct 2014 I travel to Costa Rica with three other family members. I was stopped and guarded back and was sent right back to USA. Very frustrating and embarrassing. Then I went on a cruise from a port in Florida t on RCC and boarded the ship with no problem. Once the ship started cruising, I was called to security office and questioned big time. The cruise ship officers then said I was to stay away from all children area like game rooms. No problem and sailed ok to St. martins,St. Thomas and Cocoa Cay,Returned home with no problems and no problems when going thru immigration upon return.
In December 2015 I am going to Thailand with connection in Narita.
Am I going to have issues in Narita. I am not entering Japan bit just in transit.
Then to Thailand for 3 days and then to India.
Can someone help answer my question. I have been thru Bankgkok with a stayover twice brofre during my probation and as a RSO. WIll I have a problem this time.

After travelling to India, I will be going to several countries in Africa with 4 other people in December of 2015. Can I expect any trouble in Africa. I see very little information on Africa. Any information will be appreciated.

In reply to PK, the answer to your first question is that the U.S. has been able to influence other countries around the world to fall into lock-step with their restrictions on our international travel, and they have implemented a system whereby they could be sure to notify the immigration officials of these countries and have them comply.
As to your second question, India began tracking down and kicking out tourists with sex convictions after the big earthquake/tsunami that devastated Thailand, Malaysia, and even India’s coast. Apparently, sex offenders were using this disaster as a means to exploit homeless children.
I remember hearing the news after the tsunami how India was arresting prospective sex offenders and kicking them out. Frankly, I can’t blame them for doing so, unless the reports of sex exploiters were greatly exaggerated (though I tend to believe the reports) as a means to employ the U.S. plans. I remember telling my wife at the time that I expected this to really hurt those of us who are registrants, and I was correct, as now my wife and I are separated from each other because of these new restrictions.
The one possibility that you have is your Indian ancestry. If you have, or can get dual citizenship, or a separate Indian passport, then maybe you can return to India. That is just a guess. You will have to deal with India’s embassy here in the States.

I moved to the west coast of Mexico in Oct of 2013. Prior to moving I attempted to get a temporary resident visa where I disclosed my background and was denied politely but told that I could go on a tourist visa. That is good for 180 days. So I drove in with as much as I could carry and declared what I brought and paid the duty. During that time I developed a great life with many friends and was in a position to help some that were less fortunate than me. It was satisfying. In April of 15 I flew back to the states for some medical tests and upon my return was met at the plane and denied entry. It mattered to no one that my vehicle, all of my furniture and my fishing equipment which was substantial was left in Mexico.
I left thousands of dollars in Mexico. A month later I hired someone to drive my vehicle with as much as he could load and met me at the international bridge where I drove it across the border. I just had to walk away from all of my furniture which was a house full.
I hate living in the USA. I am in my 60’s with a limited fixed income and really have no place to live as the registry makes it almost impossible. I do not know how to determine if there are states where low level offenders are not on the public registry. How difficult is that to find out?
I would much rather return to Mexico but as of now that seems impossible.
Any help would be appreciated.

I currently live in NY and am going on a cruise that will be international for 1 day next weekend, I emailed my state a while back and they said they did not collect travel information. However now i am worried because NY is Non-Sorna Compliant. will I be arrested for failing to provide info 21 days prior to travel?

1. Destination Country: Dominican Republic. Flew out of Boston to Miami International then to Dominican.
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: No
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons):
2. Date of Travel: March 2015

3. Issues: Denied entry up passing through immigration.
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?: Not really. They said the U.S sent them notification’s saying I should not be let in. My GF thought she overheard them say”rape” in Spanish so who knows what there telling them.

4. Currently registered: yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: yes
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: Sexual Abuse of a Minor

6. Offense Level: Misdemeanor, Class D.

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no

8. State of registration (current or former): Maine

Side note: I never notified Sorna or anyone of my departure Once the passport is scanned then it must send our an alert.

1. Destination Country: Jamaica via a cruise
1a.Does this country require a Visa?: No
1b.If Visa required, was the application denied (reasons):
2. Date of Travel: Jan 2016

3. Issues: None, including none upon return
3a.If denied, was there a reason given?:

4. Currently registered: yes
4a.If yes, on public web site: no
4b.If no longer required to register, reason for termination: *** Expiration / Court Order / Other ***

5. Offense child related: Yes

6. Offense Level: Misdemeanor, Class A

7. Conviction expunged or dismissed: no

8. State of registration (current or former): New York

Note: traveled via birth certificate and license as closed loop cruises of the Caribbean allow

Anyone has any experience with Frankfurt Germany port of entry at all?

Also Bora bora and Maldives?

Hi so, Frankfurt now has the Operation Angel Watch? When did this happen?

Can an RSO enter bora bora and Maldives?

I breezed through Frankfurt customs last May. They barely looked at my passport. I had notified my local police registration office three days before leaving (the requirement in my state). The good news is that once in Germany you can travel without customs inspection to any Schengen country, which extends from Scandinavia to Greece. No one back home will know where you have been. My destination was Greece, and I had consulted via email with an attorney in Athens, who wrote me regarding the sex offender’s list: “Such a list or equivalent of it doesn’t exist in Greece. More than that, the Greek authorities only receive notifications from Interpol for serious cases and regarding international warrants of arrest and not for previous convictions, which don’t interest the Greek authorities for tourists who enter the Greek territory.” I believe that’s true in most European countries.

Lee, The Maldives Immigration system runs off of ICE here in the states.

Robert, what does that mean ICE? So it’s not good to go there then?

Lee, its not a go to the Maldives. Their Immigration system is off of the US Immigration system. So when your passport is scanned in the Maldives they will know all about you right then and there and you will be denied entry. It is the same with Japan. When they scan your passport there they will also know about you since they too run of of ICE,FBI, and NCIC database. Even Singapore now scans your fingerprints and face. But i dont think they are hooked up with ICE and FBI computer database

Robert, thank you for the info, but how do you know if Maldives setup with ICE? It’d be helpful to know this.

Lee. I read their Immigration statutes. I also wondered if i could enter the Maldives being a RSO. But back in February I did enter Indonesia on Bali with no problem

David, also I went to the island of Bintan in Indonesia. It is a 45 min boat ride from Singapore through the Tanah Merah ferry terminal. That was on March 3rd. It was there they did electronic fingerprint and facial scan at the ferry terminal. When entering Indonesian Immigration i was cleared in less than a minute.

David H. What i was charged with back in 1989 was here in New York 130.25. It was 3rd degree statutory rape . A class C Felony. In the last 4 years, here are the places I have been. This year i was in Singapore, Bali and Bintan Indonesia. In 2015 it was Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand. In 2014 I was in Singapore, Bali Indonesia, Hong Kong, Langkawi Malaysia. I was Blacklisted from entering the Philippines in 2013. What happened there was that I did was an extended stay visa which triggered a background check. The good ole US Embassy told Philippine Immigration about my crime and I was detained for 2 days and put back on a flight to Korea not the US. What was funny was that I was approved for the extended stay visa and used it. It was when I tried to renter Philippines I was stopped. The only time i was really questioned by CBP was when I came back to the states from Thailand. CBP notified my local sheriff that I went there. Now that New York removed my name from the registry back on March 22 after fulfilling my 20 year registry obligation, i am going to travel Asia again in summer. I will see now if I will be stopped for secondary screening when I reenter the US

I notice people are still posting their international traveling experiences which is fine. But I don’t mean to rain on everyone’s parade. The unique identifier will change everything. So I’ll be more interested in traveler experiences a year from now, vesus today

I am unhappy to disagree with Irwin…but I must.

We as a group tend to automatically restrict ourselves, if only because we want to avoid trouble and especially contact with LEA in general. It is these self applied breaks we put on our own lives that is the most powerful force that keeps us…not only in line, but from living our lives as fully as we might.

Nothing is free and we must, as is true for everyone, take risks.

I thought the Angel’s watch program was the problem…since I was caught up in that…once out of a dozen trips. Maybe the Green Notice Interpol things are not as terrible as we think…maybe the Unique Identifier will be in the RDF chip in Passports….we just don’t know.

And it is for this reason that sharing information is so very important…on a couple of levels….1. Knowledge is power (at least over our own lives)…and 2. sharing experiences makes us feel useful and engaged…which is always good on a personal level.

This information is important and I would like to thank Robert and others for sharing with us.

It may embolden me to live a little freer.

And if I get burned, I get burned…it won’t be the end of the world…it is the effort to live free that counts…and these reports help Mightily in these regards.

So thanks to all these recent reports…my attitude and approach on International Travel might be all wrong. (they purposefully keep us in the dark)

Sometimes it is great when I am wrong.

Best Wishes, James

PS Obviously Mexico and Brazil are out…exactly because of the reports received…but again, this need not necessarily be true for everywhere. Hope is our friend. There are things that are true and things that maybe are true…being able to draw these distinctions is what this board is all about.

I was arrested in 2010 for capturing and distributing a nude image and I am now a tier 1 RSO. Before my arrest, I was a field service engineer and traveled to many foreign countries. I have a passport that is valid till 2019. How do I know if it is still valid? could they have cancelled my passport without me knowing? I am planning on meeting my girlfriend who lives in Bankok in Amsterdam this summer. I was just wondering what my chances are of getting into Holland. I used to fly into Shipol in Amsterdam all the time and it was always a breeze, I have a feeling it my not be so easy anymore.

Tuna,, I was in Singapore back in Feb and March. I went to the resort island of Bintan in Indonesia through the Tannah Merah ferry terminal because it is a 50 min ferry ride to the Island. Leaving Singapore and reentering they did a facial scan and fingerprint scan to all passengers. They are going to set this up in the airport too. The problem I had coming back into Singapore from Bintan was that the Immigration officer scanned my passport 4 times. Then another office came over to tell her what F buttons to hit on her keyboard. Finally my passport finally did scan and I asked her if there was a problem. She just said her system locked up. But I wonder

I flew from SFO to Lima Peru through Houston Texas. Upon arrival in Lima Peru with my wife I was initally denied entry. They said the interpol had me on a list. My conviction was 5 years ago for possession of 4 emails that each had 2 underage pics in them. I did not distribute pics etc but in California I will have to register for the rest of my life. They finally let us into the country and upon my return to the US I was stopped in Houston upon re entry and my luggage was checked. Nothing was mentioned about being a registered sex offender but I am sure that was why they stopped me