Review finds parole agents swamped with sex offender caseloads

Nearly two-thirds of parole agents who monitor sex offenders juggle caseloads that exceed department standards, a state corrections review reported Wednesday in response to an Orange County murder case.

Agents are supposed to supervise between 20 and 40 parolees, depending on how many are high-risk offenders. But more often than not, the state Office of the Inspector General found, agents are overburdened. Full Article

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Déjà Vu, Groundhog Day, Broken Record. Insanity.

It’s 2007 all over again.

GPS and residence restrictions were put in place by ill informed voters, spearheaded by odious and ignorant moral entrepreneurs including, I well recall, Fox News. Getting rid of these ineffective and useless restrictions is taking too long, but I can see you need to build up an effective case so the courts and legislature can eliminate them. This report should be helpful in that regard.

The bottle neck caused because of so many invasive laws and policies that address those laws. The word of the day for California government should be “DEREGULATE”…so much plumbing is clogging more than just good sense! Getting rid of the Sex Offender Registry would be a great start…why? at only a 1.8% recidivism rate the price tag doesn’t justify the demand. TRUTH

Well, its rather sad that this is occurring. Truly. ALthough, I will admit this. My legal misgiving took place in LA County. Prior to this, I had never had any legal issues prior or since then. I was told via my Lawyer (could be a commissioner in OC now/I can neither confirm or deny this) that LA was much more fair than OC. Well, after easily having my issue expunged ect in LA, I eventually made my way to OC and OMG. The Judges where very stearn/all are/but almost out of control/the DA was a mad woman and I was literally blown away by their actions. As such, its becoming increasingly apparent that more and more individuals are having to register as sex offenders. I would love to know how many are being added to the Registry Annually. This is certainly a wonderful article and at the same time potentially dangerous for the general public/parolees. As such, this is another reason why California needs to get with the program and pass a tiered offender system so those who have paid their debt to society so long ago and get on with their lives and the resources and be focused upon newly released offenders

Wow, staggering numbers. I personally think the numbers could be higher! As such, how are cities such as OC (who are monsters at prosecution) going to keep up with the numbers? I used to have (expunged/summary/20 years ago/not child related) 2 compliance checks a year? I could have been out of town, but I’ve not encountered anyone this year? THe numbers are staggering. Then, go onto the MEgans website and search Orange County and there are 2216 registrants? 12403 in LA? 829 in LB? 3413 in San Bernardino? 2812 in Riverside County? Oh, this doesn’t count the numerous individuals not on the site/low risk ect. The numbers are staggering.

Wo wo woooooo uas ..take note in the article that ‘risk’ is a assigned somehow within parole control punishment period…NOT a lifetime parole…any attachment is after the fact and that puts people in conditions of deprivation of rights…please take note ..also how much did your attorney cost for you to plead guilty .to lesser charges ..?..had you gone to trial what were the charges ..?

I have a solution. How about Registrants that have been off probation or parole for a while be recruited (with pay of course) to monitor and mentor those newly on the registry. We have the experience of what it takes to walk that thin line.. I know that would actually be a sensible thing to do and we are talk about government and agencies. They’ll never go for it!

All I know is my hub has been on parole for almost three yrs now. In that time period, he has had about 9 or 10 different parole agents. The longest time he’d had the same one was about a year. Everyone else has been from a 2 week long to several months.
Each one of them had different interpretations of the *rules* and conditions. What was alright to do with one of them, was not alright with another.
His conditions are basic ones but within each there can be things that are not clear.

I dont know what is going on with parole agents in our area, but it seems to me that it serves no one to keep switching them up so often. I understand they dont want anyone to become *too familiar* with a parolee, but this is nuts.

Hollar at nk….your comment is saying they are mixing alot to somehow confuse your partner and you too ..just make sure you log notes name time and note what was and yours will make it through .