Victorville to mull sex offender laws [UPDATED]

12/17/2014: Victorville aligns sex offender laws with state
VICTORVILLE — The City Council this week reluctantly agreed to align its local ordinance restricting the movements of registered sex offenders with a statewide system already in place.

Victorville on Tuesday became one of at least 15 municipalities throughout the state this year to either repeal their ordinances or rewrite them to mirror state law. Others who have done so include Hesperia, Adelanto and Apple Valley. Full Article

VICTORVILLE — Amid a growing precedent and under pressure from a reform activist group, the city is expected to decide Tuesday whether to let state law pre-empt its local ordinances regarding registered sex offenders.

The City Council is scheduled to take the following items under consideration: Amending its code dealing with where registered sex offenders can congregate to align with state loitering law; approving terms of a settlement in a related lawsuit; and temporarily staying enforcement on residency regulations for registered sex offenders. Full Article

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E-gad! More bravado from a bunch of fools that actually think they have a choice! I hope they drag their feet long enough to get an information spanking from Janice, waking them up to the fact/reality that they are not above the law. I used to live there, and if any city needs to be sued it’s Slimeballville (Victorville). The local paper there used to publish the pictures of registrants on the front page once a week. I saw allot of good people on the registry harmed by this. Thank God I left before my picture was put on the front page!!!!!

I think this link has moved. I had to do a search for it. *** fixed – Moderator ***

As someone in this article’s comments stated, I have often thought that Janice would be the perfect attorney for Medical Marijuana issues. As a Northern CA resident, I know the Medical Marijuana growers have wasted a lot of money (10’s of thousands or more) on very weird attorneys that couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. The growers also have more money available to pay towards that issue than us Registered Citizens with our issues. They just need the right attorney, which so far has not been found. It’s so hard to find smart attorneys anywhere, especially one that is not afraid to fight political and constitutional issues.

They are going to decide whether to LET state law pre-empt their city ordinance?

I think, with the two appellate court rulings already in place, that that boat has already sailed.
Now all they can do it try to mitigate the damages their “mulling” to date has cost the city.
Bet they would have moved a bit faster, and done less grandstanding, if the money was coming out of their own pockets.

BTW, What is the point of rewriting these ordinances, to mirror state law, instead of just repealing them?
So that if a RSO violates the law they will get double the punishment?
(yes, that is a joke)

Or is it for these city council people to prove just how stubborn they are?

Seems a little childish to me.
Now they have to pay $5,000, of the city’s money, for being so petulant.

Seems to me that the settlement amount is way too low. 5k is a very small punishment that they will soon forget.

This is pathetic. Lets get real. Victorville is out in the middle of no where and we continue to have city leaders try and pass laws that do absolutely nothing. If this continues, where are those convicted of crimes long ago expected to live or work? This is nuts. I’m still waiting for someone to sue a city ie: Carson and not back down until a large civil monetary agreement is settled! Way dumb

So Victorville’s saying that they are “temporarily staying enforcement on residency regulations for registered sex offenders.”

ummm… I think I wanna go to Victorville and see how serious they are on this..

I need 2 people to videotape me in case I get arrested..

so anyone wanna join me and go down to Victorville for a little “get away”?

Heading to Vegas for new years. Fortunately the only business I do in Victorville is “number 1” but that’s only because I can’t hold it until Barstow.

I know Victorville is out in the middle of no where but I thought they would have internet out there. They probably should have googled “will we win versus Janice Bellucci and the RSOL movement”.

If I recall correctly, Victorville has a huge billboard for an adult video and toy store right off the freeway. Apparently they have a great selection. If the city wants to stay low key and not attract anyone interested in the act of procreation they should think about taking that billboard down. Just my opinion…