California Legislature Will Not Consider Tiered Registry Bill This Year

The deadline for the introduction of new bills has passed and there is no tiered registry bill for consideration by the California legislature during this two-year session.

“Despite strong efforts by the CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB), an author for the tiered registry bill could not be found,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of California RSOL. “The next opportunity to introduce the bill is projected to be 2017.”

The CASOMB strongly recommended the creation of a tiered registry in a report issued in April 2014. CASOMB repeated its recommendation In a report issued in February 2015 which also specified that a tiered registry take into account risk principles, including but not limited to, the risk level of the offender.

“Some of the consequences of lengthy and unnecessary registration requirements actually destabilize the lives of registrants and those – such as families – whose lives are often substantially impacted,” the CASOMB reported. “Such consequences are thought to raise levels of known risk factors while providing no discernible benefit in terms of community safety.”

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The way i see it, it just gives us more time to educate and show how ridiculous the registry is. Maybe by then, all of the politicians will have someone in their family they care about, who will be on the registry.

Meanwhile, i keep reading in the news murderers walking away from prison in only a few years, with no ankle monitors and no residency restrictions.

I have personally done more time on probation, prison and parole than murderers will ever get in their lifetimes here in California. (Hit and run resulting in death, manslaughter, DUI killers, etc.)

So, if there was any doubt, that should let everybody know where we stand with the law makers of this state. Not a single one was willing to sponsor the bill, even with the backing of CASOMB’s report. Knowing this, it seems clear to me that supporting CARSOL is critical. Moving forward, I submit that the only logical place we will find relief is in the United States Supreme Court. But that has to be done carefully. Support Janice and her team. Taking a case, the right case, to the SC is a time consuming, and expensive endeavor. This is a game of chess. It’s time to build a strategy for the next several moves.

Cowards. That’s all these law makers are. Absolute cowards.

What is the point of having CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB)?

These cowardly lawmakers need to stop pandering to hysterics and start using reason and evidence-based policymaking:

As Matt said, we need to stay involved, raise money and recruit!

Thanks to all who spent their time and resources on this valiant effort. A battle lost, but not the war. Onward and upward.


Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Even if somebody had sponsored it, I gave it a 1% chance of it ever passing anyway. It’s too much of a political landmine. Even though they all know it needs to be passed, their jobs come before supporting something like this. But thanks anyways to all those who worked hard in trying to get this a reality.

However, I am optimistic that sometime in the future, I would say 5-10 years from now, the whole sex offender registry will get torn down via the courts. It’s just impossible now to argue against the constitutionality of the whole thing. And as more and more laws get passed, restrictions are piled on, it just makes it easier and easier for the courts to remove it all together because of the un-constitutionality of it all.

This is utterly pathetic and proves without doubt the vote pandering logic of the electorate.

This also underscores their false claims that this body of law – or regulations as they are conveniently referred to – is not punitive and unconstitutional.

Here you have a sitting body sanctioned by the government to be a clearing house
in essence designed to normalize these egregious statutes and they are summarily ignored in favor of political advantage.

This is disgusting at best and a poor display of the real priorities of the electorate which totally ignore human rights and constitutional protections on a wide and damaging scale.

This is one action (or inaction) that pathetically exemplifies the tainting and distortion of the tenets of legislation.

It is hard to watch this unfold and portends a disturbing distortion of what our country stands for. It is not only damage to a group subjected to mob rule, but clearly to the tenets of the freedoms this country was founded upon. There is hardly separating these actions from those taken in Germany in 1933.

Next thing you know, the CASOMB will not get funding – the reward for telling the inconvenient truth. If tears aren’t rolling down the cheek of Lady Liberty, she has rusted. Say it isn’t so.

Chins up Californians! They just gave Janice more time to focus on SCOTUS!

I don’t think anyone will be beating down the door to introduce it in 2017 either.

I’ve got mixed feelings about this, as I didn’t like this version of a tiered registry. While I didn’t support this proposal as it was, I also think it’s very telling of where the legislature stands. They know approving a tiered registry would be seen as an admission that registrants are not as dangerous as claimed. When they are so completely set on exploiting a group of people for their political gain, they aren’t about to do anything that would lessen their ability to exploit that group.

Actually, a bill still could go — but until we get these tiers right, I would prefer we wait anyway. The legislators routinely introduce place-holder bills, just there to meet the deadline but never intended for that bill to proceed. It is there in order to be completely amended away later and used for a completely different matter instead – such as a tiered registry. Still, you have to get someone to have it amended into a tiered registry bill.

OK, so we now have time to wait and get this right, instead of the wrong thing that was being pushed.

This bill must not rely on assessments. This bill must not require any application to end registration. This bill should simply end the registration requirement at a certain reasonable time frame after conviction — according to the offense, not according to some BS assessment.

The time frame for this tier must run from conviction, not according to how long a registrant has actually been registering. That is, a 10-year tier should not be 10 years of registration but 10 years since conviction. For instance, if you moved to some place where you do not have to register (another country?) or otherwise had a circumstance where you were not registering (there could be legitimate reasons), and you come back after the 10-year time frame, you should not have to register for 10 years in order to have the requirement end. (For example, a COR now requires that you actually be registering IN CALIFORNIA for the necessary number of years — even if you were registering in another state, that does not meet the standard, you will denied the COR!)

Yes, that would be similar to a statute of limitations – and that is how this bill should read. Required time frame only, and that measured from time of conviction, not according to number of years you have registered. And no need to file an application to stop — that is a HUGE opening for all kinds of crap to happen, and it will. If you want to do it by providing notice, fine; but not by application. But they don’t need notice – they already know.

And the only time the assessment can get involved would be for those who want to apply to be moved to a lower tier. At that time, they can be assessed; they don’t need to be assessed otherwise, they will be in a tier according to their offense. And that is even a lot cheaper for the state, and a lot less bureacracy.

Stop thinking of tiers as too many have been. Think of them as more of a statute of limitations instead!

This whole assessment thing is BS. That only creates a HUGE bureaucracy geared to protecting its jobs and income by virtue or keeping us enslaved! Without us, they lose their jobs, a lot of people in a huge bureacracy that will only lobby against us like the prison guard lobby. The only reason they currently are wanting to assess everyone is because that makes for a bigger, stronger bureaucracy.

Get these tiers right – then we can push them. Don’t be pushing a bill full of landmines, even if you don’t see them (I sure see them!).

Well, to say the least, I’m rather disappointed. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that California has financial/economical and a vast variety of other problems for a reason. Yet, we have the the Governor signing bills such as AB 1266/ transgenders can use any public restroom the desire and SB48/teaching gay history in the classroom. I think I might be afraid of some large male entering the public restroom with a teenage daughter than addressing a tiered registry for someone convicted of an offense years ago!

A tiered registry has to be based on risk the matter what your crime was your risk changes after a period of time for everyone. If you have one conviction and it was 15 years ago and you’ve not recommitted your crime you should be let off the registry today doesn’t matter what your crime was 15 years ago you’re completely different person now

Can someone explain why we would have to wait until 2017 for another opportunity to introduce this bill?

In conclusion, its rather disappointing to see how no one could or would address this issue. If you review some of the bills being passed here in California today, you would simply scratch your head. Anonymous, I think your comments are well written ect, but no one ever got anywhere being negative. Good luck. Yes, I’m very disappointed.

Did you ever consider using the stigma of RSO as a tool. For instance if an organization representing RSO publicly or loudly supported a candidate it probably would hurt him. If the person had a problematic history-affairs, prostitutes etc it could really sting.

Think about it.

I initiated written, contacts with my Legislature Reps, Senator Ted Gaines and Assembly Member Brian Dahle, they are both Republicans. Today, I received a phone call from Mr. Dahle’s office. I highlighted my concerns on how badly the State of California is treating their RC’s and ask his staff person to give a copy the proposed CASOMB, tiered registry bill and a copy of CASOMB Year End Report to Mr. Dahle. The staffer said, she will acquire these documents and give it her senior staff, who is meeting with the Assembly member this afternoon, with my concerns. She will contact me, if there are any developments or if, they additional input. I have not received anything from Mr. Gaines, however, I just sent the message to him on Friday.

Dear Janice,
One good thing about this seeming setback is that it gives me a chance to offer this suggestion to the drafters of the bill. There absolutely must be a provision in any tiered registry proposed in California, currently in existence anywhere else, and in the whole registration program to require all disabled citizens be dropped from the system. If a doctor can provide a clinical diagnosis stating someone is legally disabled they should be dropped from the registry, Megan’s website, and free of any Jessica’s law restriction.

A couple of months ago I was doing my registration duty. My appointment was for 6:30am. There was this guy sitting in his wheelchair who probably had a 5:30am appointment. He was upset because others were going in while he was left outside. He got at least 2 calls from his ride. I could only hear his side of the conversation but I could tell the person on the other end was pissed about how long it was taking. I’ve heard about people out in the snow of Chicago waiting to register because the idiots that run this thing didn’t think of needing a building big enough to get people inside.
Fortunately, I found out you can make an appointment up to 30 days in advance. This would make a boss less likely not to hire someone if they had that much warning. But still, it is beyond inconvenient for disabled people to arrange for transportation.

What kind of weak-link, loser mentality society are we living in where the public are afraid of a guy in a wheelchair?! You keep hearing about obesity in the country. Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, and that often leads to amputations and blindness. With a registry fifty years old and over 800,000 people on it in this country, it wouldn’t surprise me if you have a bunch of disabled on the list.

I’m reasonably healthy myself, but I feel sorry for those with issues. There is absolutely no reason for disabled citizens to be treated to this foolishness! They even let people out of prison with life-threatening issues (except Charles Manson’s crew), so what’s the problem?!

Here’s the CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) Tiered Registry report PDF:

It sounds like the Board Members have been educated by CA RSOL, which is encouraging. However, I agree that a “High Risk” designation is something that could easily label too many of us.