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Shi..y article I thought. Dude must of looked hard for the highest recidivism study he could find and starts his article with pedophiles can’t be cured written by some intern. What bs. Should’ve described what a actual pedophiles is and shown that those are not the majority of people on the registry

Maybe pedophiles cannot be cured but you can sure choose to alter your behavior . There’s other ways to control your sexual desire, you just got a live with it. I for one have not re- offended in 22 years And don’t plan on it . You just learn to go through life and control your behavior how simple as that .

Useless story that was clearly just a “fluff” piece to sell newspapers…just put sex in the headline…no new information or anything really at all.

Keep moving on…nothing to see here.

This guy has written three articles now and many citizens have written him. He keeps missing the mark. It must be his fear of being seen as soft on offenders. LM hit the nail on the head!! I am neither a “sex offender” nor a pedophile. I had consensual sex with a minor, instigated by said minor, during a period in my life where I was under extreme duress. It doesn’t excuse my actions, but I would NEVER EVER consider making that mistake again… I am not hard wired to seek out minors nor do I have a proclivity towards minors. It was a one off. And I am quite sure there is a large population of offenders who had a similar experience.

Could it be that BOBBIE DEE is having fun with us ??? After all, he is quoting heavily someone named Norman Rose….OH NO! That’s the SAME GUY who was FIRED, er..demoted,(and reassigned) while being Warden of Richmond Correctional Institution for, among other things forcing inmates to watch religious TV shows. Sept,2003. It wuz BIG NEWS, and I’m sure Bob’s readers all laughingly remember that! Bob Dyer is a HUMORIST,thriving on sarcasm, irony, and wit. Don’t belive me? Go to Akron’s Beacon Journal, 3/13/15 article titled ” Bob Dyer: Akron Police Seek Serial Pooper” which, incidentally became international news !!

Got a couple of registrants interested in an income generator that promotes local politicians for our cause! Boots on the ground and in salons in your area. A free how-to on servicing and leveraging contacts to help our cause. Affect things locally where you live and do it part time or full time. Scissor sharpening and sales. Robert (949) 872-8768.

Did he really start the article equating homosexuals with pedophiles? How is this guy not fired?

Bob asks whats different about sex offenders and all other people not convicted of a sex crime. I would answer that with ‘under 5% of sex crimes are done by the first group and 95-plus % of sex crimes are done by the second group, so lets focus on the second group if we really want to address and prevent victimization’.

Bob Dyer should have just used the current verifiable studies of today which conclude registrants reoffense rates are under 2% and 95+% of sex crimes are done by non-registrants. Throwing out a number like 13.7% for overall sexual reoffense is quackery and does not apply to the current reality and I would be suspicious of its application in the past as well, given todays more accurate and verifiable research. It does not report the reoffense rate for the same crime, which Bob implied he would report on in his second article for this 3rd and final article. Bob must not have liked the low numbers for re-offense for registrants in the current studies , such as the 3.9% same crime-reoffense rate for CP-offenders taken from another Hanson study. So Bob just states the 13.7% reoffense rate for any sex crime committed after the index crime, which the study gets from a combination of studies taken from multiple countries dating back to 1943 and of which, 50% were unpublished and untraceable for review. How do you review an unpublished Austrian study on sex crimes from 1943? Now I know Austria is a different country than Germany, but they were kind of the same country with the same people. The same people who were not able or willing to stop the killing of sex offenders, which then led to killing of Jews, Gypsies, Disabled people, communists, political opponents, etc and people killed all around the world as a result of World War 2.

Don’t have to read much to know this guy is a quack! I can think of better descriptors for the ignorant, close-minded, over-educated, pompous fool but then it might get edited out.