IL: Granite City to begin collecting $100 fee from sex offenders

Sex offenders in Granite City will soon have to start paying a $100 fee to register with police, as required by law. In 2010, the state increased the annual fee for sex offender registration from $10 to $100 a year. But even before that action, the fee largely wasn’t being collected in the majority of Illinois municipalities, according to news reports, because most of the convicted sex offenders could not afford it. Full Article

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To quote Police Chief Miller, “Dont stop here. Let’s do it all.”
Yes indeed, why not charge every offender $200… $500…. even $1,000 per registration?? Yes, it’s more expensive than a Price Club membership. But remember, it’s neither punishment nor taxation – it’s merely a regulatory administrative fee. (Oh yes, my sarcasm was most certainly intended!!)

Do arsonists (who also have to register in most places) pay a fee? What about ex-drug dealers? Felony DIU drivers? Do they register each year and pay a fee??

(On the other hand, if I pay the fee for 10 years after which I’m off the registry, okay, I can agree to that. Can I just shorten it and just pay the full $1,000 now and get off the registry today? Cali doesn’t provide such an option.)

But still… Not punitive in any regard.

I do believe making someone pay a few to register is unconstitutional. Remember reading somewhere in federal law a passage that specifically forbids forcing someone to pay.

Although not quite as bad as being literally put to death as Hitler did starting with the sex deviants/offenders, public shaming and the infuriating requirement to pay for your own terrorization are fastly approaching concentration camps/death. Many juvenile sex offenders have committed suicide. Making you pay for your own demise is about as offensive as John Walsh suggesting to put explosives in the asses of registrants and explode them, if they go outside of a determined radius. The feeling the Jews, and other victims of the Nazi’s, had when the Nazi’s kept making more and new strange, cruel and unusual punishments is not unknown here.

*Insightful comments follow that website’s article. Worth noting.

This is nothing more draconian than losing your job, losing your family, losing your house, losing your future due to the sucking out of your life under Megan’s laws. And still they smack their lips, bellies grumbling for more blood.

This is strikingly similar to what the Nazi’s were doing to the Jews in Europe during ww2. Getting all they could from them. I can’t understand how these people don’t see this as punishment. Here is an example. The parallels with what is going on today and what the Nazi’s were doing is really striking!!!!

Eyewitness account by Anatoly Lipinski of what the Nazi’s would do to the Jews;

1. register all Jews “they had to do his regularly.” (sound familiar?)
2. they were ordered to give up their gold. (Today we just pay, and pay. The Nazi’s used this to fuel their war machine; our government uses our $ to fuel their oppression machine.)
3. “then all of them had to sew Stars of David on their coats.” (Today some states place a mark on registrants drivers licenses. And of course we have the registry; the modern equivalant)
4. “the word Jew was written on their back.” (today we have the registry. It’s the modern equivalent.)
5. “they weren’t allowed to use the sidewalks or enter shops.” (Sound familiar? This is presence restrictions.)
6. “they had to do hard labor.” (today this is many times the best a registrant can do simply to eat. The registry forces us to have to do this; that is provided you are physically able)
7. “that was how they were humiliated.”
8. “of course they had no rights. They couldn’t leave.” (this should sound familiar too.)
9. “they were kept in the ghetto. (Today many registrants would feel lucky to live in a ghetto instead of the streets.)
10. “they had to give up all their belongings; rings, gold teeth. (today the state causes many of us to lose everything because they require a modern version of the Star of David to be sewn on our backs, it’s called the registry.
11. When asked by the interviewer who did this to them, Mr Lipinski replied “all the rotton people who enjoyed humiliating others.”

The people that concieved the registry in the present form are indeed Nazi’s; if you called them this I’m sure they would laugh, But I say “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you’ve got a duck!!!!”

go to the 33.16 time stamp

Extortion. Blackmail. Coercion. Compliance or prison.

Labeling this punishment as administrative process and having few judicial checks and balances to enforce violations of retroactive application is the cornerstone by which every possible way of harassing and destabilizing registrants is founded.

It would be simple enough to make enforcement of these statues occur within the state of that law at the time of sentencing. But why use the constitution as a guideline? It is apparently a nuisance and only seems to get in the way…

Ultimately the most egregious and shameful result of these laws is unnecessarily marginalizing and punishing children and families of registrants decades after the fact.

When you have a big hammer, all the problems look like small nails.

The supreme court has ruled that sex offender registry is a civil matter thus cities and states can impose there own restrictions, somehow that not being punitive. My question is have the payments that go to the registry been challenged in court? How can an individual get into trouble if they do not pay as it’s the states who should be funding the program as it’s there decision to enact it and enforce the law?