Public Safety Committee Chairman Stops SB 448

Public Safety Committee Chairman Bill Quirk stopped Senate Bill 448 from being passed in the Assembly yesterday when he refused to conduct a hearing on that bill.  He took that action despite a Rules Committee ruling that suspended both an Assembly rule and the State Constitution.

“Chairman Quirk is to be commended for his courage and his integrity,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci.  “He protected the U.S. Constitution as well as the civil rights of registered citizens when he stopped SB 448.”

Prior to the Chairman’s act, SB 448 was poised for passage on September 11, the last day of the legislative session due to the lobbying efforts of Facebook billionaire Chris Kelly.  Before the bill could be considered by the full Assembly, however, it required approval by the Public Safety Committee.

“Kelly attempted a brazen attack upon the First Amendment as well as upon registered citizens in his support for SB 448,” stated Bellucci.  “If passed, SB 448 would have stolen the First Amendment rights of thousands of Californians.”

In addition to his support for SB 448, Kelly is the primary financial contributor of Proposition 35, which also required disclosure of internet identifiers.  Kelly is also a party in a lawsuit filed by the ACLU of San Francisco that stopped implementation of that requirement.  Because SB 448 failed to pass, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will make permanent a preliminary injunction granted on November 18, 2014, and the requirement of Prop. 35 to disclose internet identifiers will not be implemented.


Letter from CA RSOL President Janice Bellucci to Assemblymember and Public Safety Committee Chair Bill Quirk – view pdf

SB 448 - Thank You to Quirk - Sep 2015


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This is excellent news!
100,000+ California thanks to Committee Chairman Quirk!
A victory for CARSOL and our nation’s Constitution!
And, of course, enormous thanks to CARSOL President Janice Bellucci!

GREAT news. Thank you so much Janice et al for all the efforts that helped stop this. No wonder Janice has made the top 100 Daily Journal Top Lawyers list.

But I must add a comment. The committee chairman cannot block a Rules Committee decision to suspend a rule. In fact, if the committee tried to ignore the Rules Committee ruling, the Rules Committee, with the Assembly speaker as chair, can simply pull the matter from the other committee and either hear it itself or simply send it to the floor (or block it itself, but in this case, that would be redundant). That’s the power of the Rules Committee. Whatever went on here, your explanation isn’t quite on the mark — of course, you didn’t say just what rule the Rules Committee suspended. But nonetheless, you, and Quirk, came through for us.

Quirk needs our support, You can bet now Chris Kelly is going to fund a major challenge to Quirk’s reelection — well, unless he is in his last term. We must not let our supporters in the Legislature be subjected to such threats. At the least, I recommend everyone send him a very deep felt thank you and express support for him and his reelection — although I don’t know, this might be his last term.

Janice- I am truly impressed, Thank You :]

This is great news indeed! I never knew that Assembly rule and the State Constitution could be suspended. I find this highly disturbing. I suspect I was right when I said someone must have bought (with $$$, influence, or both) most of those traitors to America with money or influence from the other traitor to America, Chris Kelly.

In another thread I said that perhaps Chairman Bill Quirk had a problem “stifling free speech.” I’m hoping this is the reason he stopped Senate Bill 448. I think we need to know who the honorable men and women are in the sea of sell outs so we can call on them when money mongering anti American pieces of sh_t like Chris Kelly try to buy or use influence on the weaker public servants when trying to undo our constitution and bill of rights.

I don’t understand all that is going on here, but the information you present makes me happy to see there is a courageous and honorable person like Mr. Quirk at the helm of a committee. Whatever his reasons for doing so, he halted a process that compromised the State and US Constitutions, he supported the State’s open meeting laws, and he staved off a costly court challenge that the State would have most likely lost. He looks like the only person of that body who had any sense.
That being said, I still can’t believe this happened. I get a feeling that they passed this anyway, somehow.

This is excellent news indeed! Thank you Janice and all who contributed to this effort to stop SB 448. And of course a big thank you to Assemblyman Quirk. A little background: he represents the 20th district which is the East Bay. For those who don’t know that area, it’s the Hayward area in the SanFrancisco/Oakland/SanJose metro. There is NO WAY any Republican can unseat a Democrat Bay Area representative.

Quirk is no softy on crime, so I don’t see how Chris Kelly could even think of labeling him as such. Quirk has authored AB909 which requires local law enforcement agencies to track and report on the number of rape kits they collect, test and decide not to test. He’s authored AB2089 to make it easier to get a domestic violence restraining order.

He assumed office in 2012 so he will have more future elections. Here is his website with contact info:

I’ve already sent a thank you email.

Thank you, Janice and all involved here with this!

Please be sure to send your thanks in emails, letters, and calls to Assembly Public Safety Committee Chairman Bill Quirk.

And please be sure to send your advisement to the Senate “Public Safety” Committee (especially Hancock and Leno and Anderson) – and Ben Hueso – that the Brown Act, the CA State Constitution, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are strengthened by justice, not political demon-ization and legislative exploitation of law-abiding citizens and their families and loved ones.

I did my annual birthday requirement this week, and the processing clerk got her usual verbal digs and put-downs toward me personally and the category in general. I kept my mouth shut….up till the end. As I gathered my papers and started to leave, she called out after me snidely: See you next birthday! I turned and walked back. I mentioned I serve on the city reentry council on committee for policy, legislation, and operational practices. Her response: Yeah? How’s that working out for you? I replied: Good….we’re working on that all this is unconstitutional, and also violates my civil rights……and I turned to walk away. She said to my back: NOBODY’s gonna help sex offenders! I turned around, took a step back toward her, stopped, looked her in the eyes, and said: You might be surprised. And turned and walked out.

Thank you Chairman Bill Quirk. Thank you for showing that proposed bills and legislation should have to pass a constitutionality test before even being discussed. A wonderful and righteous and unfortunately must-have-to-be courageous act that helps celebrate this individual’s birthday, in solidarity with other good-hearted registered citizens.

To commandeer a local pro sports team’s motto last season: Strength in Numbers!

Do Not Quit!

Light and Right will Prevail!

Reach out to your family, friends, loved ones, and others! You will find more people willing to help that you think! Witness the juries across the country starting to be our advocates as well!

Let the word go forth to this time and place…that the torch has been passed to a new generation…Unwilling to permit the slow Undoing of those human rights that this nation is committed to… .
President Kennedy’s words then ring true today.
It is in that regard with gratitude and respect to all involved in these legal efforts… Thank You for protecting the Constitution: EFF, ACLU, Ms.Janice Bellucci , CARSOL, Federal Judge,Ninth Circuit Court, and Chairman Quirk.
Thank You.

This is great and really puts a smile on my face. Janice, Frank, Chance, all of RSOL. thank you all and all the others SecretTrial Backhallway mentioned. Cyber-nazism took a blow of defeat yesterday ,thanks to all of you.

I am humbled and truly grateful to all of the people responsible for my rights as a citizen. I am only able to contribute a pittance as I have 9 months remaining on my 5 year parole. So I practice, on a daily basis, true citizen choices, as I am now a much better man than before. I don’t have words to express my appreciation for all of your tireless work Janis, Chance, Frank, and everyone else. Thank you.

This is great news. I too am writing a letter to
assemblyman Bill Quirk. I will commend him for listening to all those that spoke out against this bill, reading the correspondence that was sent by all of us and for abiding by the oath he took to uphold the constitution. I also thank Janice and RSOL for everything they have done and continue to do.

And as MarkW-SF stated above there is indeed strength in numbers.

I too, want thank Janice and team, all participating RC, families and friends, Chairman Bill Quirk and God, for his Divine help.

This is great that this bill did not pass,but we still have brothers and sisters ,who are scared to fight for there rights. We who are not afraid, should help to encourage are fellow people to stand up, and remember we are always there.

While not related to SB-448, Bill Quirk has weighed in before on sex offender issues as the head of the Public Safety Committee. Here is a particular position Quirk held during the OC Park sex offender ban bill last May:

“Assemblyman Bill Quirk, D-Hayward, who chairs the Public Safety Committee, pointed to ongoing efforts to lessen restrictions on where sex offenders can live, not increase them. Quirk said he was reviewing the bill in relation to the recent state Supreme Court decision as well as a 2014 report by the California Sex Offender Management Board when Brough decided not to have it go through a hearing.

Quirk noted that the report made five recommendations, “two of which were contrary to the intentions of this legislation,” his chief of staff, Tomasa Dueñas, said in an email. One calls for the state to only restrict where sex offenders can live “on a case by case basis.” The other calls for no laws to be enacted that restrict where all sex offenders can go “because no evidence shows they are effective in reducing sexual re-offending, and they may be counter-productive.”

As the chairman of the Public Safety Committee in the house, at least HE listens to the CA Sex Offender Management Board as a rational, constitutional-minded representative would, and should be accorded our respect. Everyone should send him a personal letter of thanks to him, as I have, or at least call his office and register a compliment.

In addition, he is probably our Number 1 proponent in the entire Legislature, mainly because he is the stopgap for any vicious bill. When sex offender issues come up in the future, keep him in the loop no matter if the bill starts in the senate or assembly.

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Well this makes 3 excellent pieces of news today for me. This one had the potential to push me out of the State of California again.

Thank you everyone, who pushed to stop this.

These are great news, and to be honest, they were expected. Thank you Janice and Team for all you do, and all the people who made this happen. It happened, because it is the right thing. People are starting to see the truth, and it will only get better with such a great team we have here.

this is great news for everyone!!!

what about the september 15th deadline for the injunction of prop 35? I remember somebody saying last month about it, DOES ANYBODY KNOW ABOUT THAT? JANICE DO YOU KNOW?????????? THATS TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Chairperson Quirk,

Thank you for stopping SB448 by your actions Friday September 11, 2015. This is a welcome sign that a legislator with conscience finally takes his oath to protect the CA and US Constitutions seriously.

Your action September 11 is considered in the “has-to-be-courageous” category. Many pray for a day it passes into the “of-course-right-is-right” category.

Approximately 110,000 individuals in CA exist as a Registered Citizen (RC), with significant loss of civil, constitutional, and human rights.

Established and increasing empirical evidence and facts through government, academic, and professional research proves the vast majority of these RCs are law-abiding – with spouses, children, loved ones, colleagues, neighbors, relatives, friends, and others who are all impacted by the draconian lifetime punishments – yes, punishments – imposed by unfounded, unscientific, and false claims, from those promoting demon-ization for political and personal profit. The numbers impacted are growing exponentially daily.

Please consider a CA Assembly Public Safety Committee investigation (or similar) to finally put an accurate and factual cost analysis together on what RC bureaucracy and enforcement in CA (and in each district if possible) actually costs. CA estimated costs have been mentioned at $22M range, and more.

Please visit the work of civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci and CA Reform Sex Offender Laws (CA RSOL) board and constituents when researching further.

CA Senators Hancock and Leno pay lip service to sanity in RC policy and legislation, caving to verbal promises allowing SB448 to pass from committee without final written language, then voting for it in Full Senate. They refuse to carry or find sponsor for tiered or abolished registry.

You, Sir, notably stood for the individual’s (not the majority’s) rights guaranteed in the CA and US Constitutions, and especially The Bill of Rights.

Thank you!

Just for everyone’s information, which I was not aware of as I was out of state serving my sentence, Mr. Kelly ran for State Attorney General in 2010. This man having worked in the Bill Clinton administration, definitely seems to have political aspirations along with a lot of money. Below is information from Wikipedia on his bio. I was not aware of who he was, and perhaps this will help to clarify for others who this man is. Big money and involved in politics. It does look like money can buy influence in our state legislature.

Christopher Michael “Chris” Kelly (born August 18, 1970) is an American entrepreneur, attorney, and activist. From September 2005 to August 2009, he served as Chief Privacy Officer, first General Counsel, and Head of Global Public Policy at Facebook. As an early leader at Facebook, he helped shape it into one of the most successful businesses in history. In 2010, Kelly was a candidate in the Democratic Primary for Attorney General of California. Since his departure from Facebook and run for Attorney General, he has become a prominent investor in award-winning independent films, restaurants, and technology start-ups including Path, Loyal3, Fandor, Organizer, and rentLEVER. Kelly became a co-owner of the NBA’s Sacramento Kings in May 2013.

There seems to be some confusion about Chris Kelly’s motives here. It is not an example of big business working to oppress Registrants. It is an example of a liberal Democrat and feminist who happens to be a billionaire sinking his vast resources into advancing a left-wing victimist political agenda. Facebook itself, and Mark Zuckerberg, are very much on the left political spectrum and have pursued an aggressively sex-hysterical and feminist social re-engineering project in which “sex offenders” are to be extirpated from society, a great reason for all of us to abandon the Facebook universe they are creating (but in which we are not welcome anyway).

To be clear, the right has been just as bad but this is not an example of their work. It is an example of someone with nearly unlimited resources who is now free to pursue his wrong-headed and deeply illiberal ideology and passions. It is a hobby-horse much like that which Hollywood celebrities, such as Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, love to ride. It makes them feel good about themselves and provides a sense of power as well as adulation by adoring fans. That’s the motivation.

David said “There seems to be some confusion about Chris Kelly’s motives here. It is not an example of big business working to oppress Registrants. ”

Except Kelly never really broke ties with FaceBook when he ran for Atty Gen of California in 2009. He lost in 3rd place and his platform was anti-‘Internet Predator’ whatever that meant, which I suspect would have meant only going after rso’s. Kelly has not stopped pushing these registrant-self-reporting-to-police-internet-identifier laws in states where Kelly first tried to meet and convince the Attornies General to implement his cyber-nazi anti-1st Amendment internet identifier laws, on the FaceBook dime. I don’t know how much stock Kelly still owns in FaceBook, but he’s still working in tandem with FaceBook/Big-Cyber as a major component/proponent of the FaceBook-to-prison pipeline.

“It is an example of a liberal Democrat and feminist who happens to be a billionaire sinking his vast resources into advancing a left-wing victimist political agenda. Facebook itself, and Mark Zuckerberg, are very much on the left political spectrum and have pursued an aggressively sex-hysterical and feminist social re-engineering project in which “sex offenders” are to be extirpated from society, a great reason for all of us to abandon the”

Kelly a liberal? I would call him more of a conservadem or a blue dog democrat. He was, of course, a low level staffer in the Bill Clinton administration, fresh out of law school. Kelly must have been in his early 20’s when he worked in the Clinton administration and I doubt he set any policy himself there. To call him a liberal kind of misses the mark since he never proposed anything liberal as far as I know and he did low-level work for Bill Clinton, a conservadem. I think he reached out to Nathan Fletcher, who was a Republican at the time he sponsored Chelsea’s law. Fletcher is now a Democrat, but back then he wasn’t. A few of those organizations that backed Prop 35 and SB 448 are Republican such as those police organizations, victims rights groups and , some of the DA’s that gave support to Prop 35/SB 448, etc.

It’s interesting that Kelly, during the month of August, while he was heavily stressing out the registrant community in California with SB 448, hosted a Hillary Clinton fundraiser at his home. Hillary is involved in an e-mail scandal where she had her own server for possibly classified data. So at the same time Hillary is trying to minimize the perceived impact of her online behavior, one of her major fundraisers is claiming, without support from the facts, that the on-line behavior of registrants warrants emergency legislation to deprive them of their 1st Amendment rights. Hillary probably would like to stop this unsupported hype of the dangerousness of normal on-line behavior Kelly is drawn to. I am ironically a Hillary supporter. My reasoning is that if Hillary gets taken out of the race, the even worse Andrew Cuomo may jump in the race. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his AG Eric Schneiderman were instrumental in Kelly’s genesis of attacking the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens. I would rather Hillary who may be influenced by Kelly as President rather than Cuomo whose own agenda is to push for these horrible, nasty and unamerican internet identifier reporting laws on his own. Perhaps Hillary would not let herself be bribed too much or at all by Kelly. Maybe some of the Republican candidates would be better, but definitely not Jeb or Rubio, since they are from Florida and seem to be touting Florida as a model for the rest of the nation. Trump seemed to support Donald Sterling, in his gifts-for-sex/racial commnents scandal, so maybe Trump would also not be so hard on rso’s who had similar lapses of judgement minus the racial comment stuff.

“a great reason for all of us to abandon the Facebook universe they are creating (but in which we are not welcome anyway).”

The more prevalent FaceBook becomes in modern life, the more FaceBook needs to change their criminal Terms and Conditions banning registrants.

“To be clear, the right has been just as bad but this is not an example of their work. It is an example of someone with nearly unlimited resources who is now free to pursue his wrong-headed and deeply illiberal ideology and passions. It is a hobby-horse much like that which Hollywood celebrities, such as Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, love to ride. It makes them feel good about themselves and provides a sense of power as well as adulation by adoring fans. That’s the motivation.”

As far as Ashton , Demi and other celebrity involvement in Prop 35, I think they were more taken in by the sex trafficking stuff. I saw an L.A Weekly article that called Ashton out for his already-debunked claim of 300,000 children in the US being involved in sex trafficking. Those 2 I did not hear mention forced-self-reporting of registrants internet identifiers. I think I did see something on Jada Pinkett Smith at a Kelly-attended Prop 35 fundraiser/rally. I also think I heard she was a Scientologist. The late founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard once said that his utopia is a’1984′-like society. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly is a Scientologist as well since he seems to share the view of utopia being a Big Brother like society.

I just posted a comment but forgot to fill out the name field. Can you please attribute the last comment in response to David, to myself, anonymously. Much appreciated.

IMPORTANT: If YOU don’t support CA RSOL and YOU refuse to write letters for issues like SB 448 (YOU know who YOU are :), then consider this: YOU are putting all the work on just a few of us! We are saving YOUR BUTT from a nightmare of presence and residency restrictions, ankle bracelets, no privacy on the internet, and other crap that would make your life a living hell. Without Janice’s leadership, without us giving a few bucks each to CA RSOL, and without us writing letters and visiting the capitol, we would ALL now be facing potential FELONIES for overlooking just one email address in our lifelong reporting of Internet identifiers (read SB 448 if you don’t believe me). Please don’t just sit on the sideline! Click the Donate link on this page. Visit this website weekly. Tells others. PLEASE GET INVOLVED so we can continue to make your life better!

When Kamala “The Faker” Harris leaves office, there is concern Constitution Violator and Aspiring Fear-Monger Wannabe Politician Christopher Michael Kelly — with his degenerate Facebook fortune — will become California’s next Attorney General (as he had tried, but failed, in past election). IF Constitution Violator Chris Kelly successfully uses his illegitimate wealth and irrational influence to be California’s next Attorney General, you can bet our sex offender laws will only worsen and CA RSOL will be placed in a bogged position of having to fight more stupid laws like SB 448, rather than offensive mode. Politicians are generally sick fear-mongers who only care of themselves (not unlike the sex offender who never learned his/her lesson). IMO, there should be community notification and registration laws that require politicians to register with police when they move into a new neighborhood.