In June of 1994, a convicted child molester named Charlie Taylor moved into a small apartment in downtown Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, across the street from a community center. He had no family. He had no parole officer. At the time, sex offenders deemed too dangerous to be let out of prison early were, paradoxically, released at the end of their sentences with no ongoing oversight or treatment from the Correctional Services of Canada. Full Article
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Having the influence of supportive people around helps one to see one’s choices through their (hopefully) less-distorted eyes. Being isolated encourages one to “act out” driven by the subconscious. This guy was punished once as a victim; then again as a perpetrator. Why do people reenact traumas? Is it to find the meaning of the abuse?
I was totally bonded to my abuser-cousin whom I only saw at Grandma’s house on Thanksgiving. According to my distorted thinking, it meant wonderful things about me that this college boy was giving me so much attention at age 9,10,11. I felt he must really be fond of me, but I also found I was frozen in inability to speak to boys that looked like his “type”.
As a grown married woman, I recalled a completely buried trauma on a Disneyland ride at 13 with a different boy age 16 (a friend of my older sister’s friend). This memory came to me just shortly before I started my own subconsciously-driven grooming efforts with a teen boy who actually looked very much like my abuser-cousin.
My Therapist said that I was reenacting my traumas, but slowing them way down so that I could control every aspect.
This is a very important article on a site that has wide reach (on Gizmodo, part of the Gawker family of websites). This is a point of view not normally expressed, and I was very happy to see this…another example of the tide of public opinion turning.