L.A. County moves closer to publicly shaming those who solicit sex from minors

Los Angeles County supervisors have moved one step closer toward publicly shaming individuals convicted of soliciting sex from minors. Interim County Counsel Mary Wickham told the supervisors that she expects to bring a draft ordinance before the board next week that will enable the county to post the names and booking photographs on the county’s website of individuals who have been convicted of soliciting sex from minors. Supervisor Don Knabe requested the ordinance late last year saying he wanted to begin a “shame campaign” to lessen the demand for child…

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FL: Man arrested in child sex sting sues Orange County Sheriff Office

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — A man arrested in a child sex sting is suing the Orange County Sheriff’s Office on claims of entrapment. ____ ____’s attorney said deputies tried to entrap his client, who he said never had any intentions of meeting a 14-year-old girl. Full Article Related http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-11-01/news/os-sex-sting-child-predators-arrests-20111101_1_youth-pastor-disney-worker-disney-employee

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