L.A. County moves closer to publicly shaming those who solicit sex from minors

Los Angeles County supervisors have moved one step closer toward publicly shaming individuals convicted of soliciting sex from minors.

Interim County Counsel Mary Wickham told the supervisors that she expects to bring a draft ordinance before the board next week that will enable the county to post the names and booking photographs on the county’s website of individuals who have been convicted of soliciting sex from minors.

Supervisor Don Knabe requested the ordinance late last year saying he wanted to begin a “shame campaign” to lessen the demand for child sex trafficking. Full Article

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Just like the sex offender registry and the ankle monitors, what will it take for Calif. politicians to learn that, that was an expensive lesson?

Well, there are several similar campaigns going on throughout the country. I know the Orange County DA posts the names and photos of those convicted of soliciting prostitutes. I don’t particularly agree with this ordinance, but it is against the law to solicit prostitutes and soliciting a minor for sex is even worst. You can come back with a barrage of responses, but this isn’t old news. Soliciting a minor or underage prostitute is a big no no.

Maybe we can turn drug dealers into victims also, after all; if there wasn’t a demand for drugs, the wonderful people selling them could maybe go out and get a regular job and not have to sacrifice their moral standards. We should give them free housing too. Oh, those poor drug dealers, And shame on the buyers.

We already have public shaming in the form of the registry. Did anyone notice it’s not specific about what kind of shaming, just that he wants public shaming. Someone should tell them about the Megan’s Law website. If they keep up things like this, we just get closer and closer to having it so obvious to everyone that it is cruel and unusual punishment.

We need to be conscious of maintaining solidarity with sex workers. SWOP is one leading org doing good work. The rescue industry would sacrifice both them and us to keep the money flowing to law enforcement and rescue/awareness nonprofits.

Well, let’s be honest. Prostitution is rampant throughout LA. There are street walkers, websites with photos/prices, massage parlors are all over the city and weekly newspapers advertising sexual services in either English/Spanish and ect. This sometimes leads to bad behavior by clients. As well. I suggest anytime someone gets arrested for prostitution, their photos are posted for all to see. From the little research I’ve done, it’s honestly a joke that these places and establishments continue to exist year after year.

Public shaming does not prevent crime. It is a punishment and form of revenge just as showing guys picking up on prostitutes on COPS never did anything to reduce prostitution.

The penal code 290 includes a provision that bars anyone from using the information on the registry to harass the person on the registry.

Public Shaming IS a form of harassment and yes, harassment is STILL A CRIME in California.

Well, I first and foremost state that I don’t agree with the possibility of the DA posting the names and photos of those soliciting prostitutes. I do believe it would make me think twice about soliciting a hooker, but it’s wrong. I do feel it would reduce arrests, but what’s next? Prostitution is rampant in LA. I might suggest harsher punishments and go to the source of the problem. Lastly, posting the photos and names of arrestees has nothing to do with 290 pc. If your a 290 and soliciting prostitutes, get help! A judge wouldn’t look at you in a pleasing manner

When does the harassment stop from this EVIL State ?
Ive got a GPS Bracelet, Ive got to wear LONG Pants, its called SHAMING the thing is the size (bigger) than a pack of cigs. In the UK they are SMALL… WTF. In san diego there is 500 290’s on parole. But yet on Halloween they arrested only 3 on parole for VIOLATIONS, NONE related to candy,lights on etc. But they RETALIATED because of the lawsuit. One Parole officer CASTILLO said to all of his parolee’s WE ARE HITTING EVERYONE BECAUSE OF THE LAWSUIT, but in the CDCR’s manual called a TITLE 15, “Retaliation” isnt permitted. Are the parole officers making their own rules outside of their rulebook ?…
and YES this was posted with a VPN from russia(lol).