Teen sexting is definitely a problem, but a felony?

True or false: Your teen could be convicted of a felony and be labeled as a sex offender — for life — if he or she has sexted photos of classmates? The answer is “True” if your kid lives in one of the many states, like Colorado, that doesn’t have laws specifically addressing teens who sext. Why bring up the Rocky Mountain state? Earlier this week, it was revealed that an unspecified number of Cañon City High School students had been suspended for using their smartphones to share explicit photos of…

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TN: TBI will soon post animal abuse offenders

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Come January 1, Tennessee will post online a list of animals abusers near you. It will be similar to a sex offender registry, and Tennessee will be the first to have a statewide site. “Her hind legs were put into a pot of water. Boiling water,” said Cindy Marx-Sanders as she held Molly the chihuahua. Molly was rescued from an abusive home. “She is exactly why we need an animal abuser registry,” Marx-Sanders said. Full Article

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