CO: Canon City High School Sexting Scandal – Will Students Involved Be Registered Sex Offenders?

Hundreds of Canon City High School students have allegedly taken and shared naked pictures of themselves. As minors, the legal consequences range drastically but they’re all serious.

The big question on everyone’s minds now: will the students involved have to register as sex offenders for life? Full Article

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What is going on in this HS is going on in all schools, in this nation, at or if, not greater scale.

In times past we locked up or placed everyone that used Cannabis on probation, now we place felony charges and the sex offender label on anyone even if it was pictures of themselves, good going lawmakers that ran amuck with all these laws. But they are our laws so prosecute each and everyone of these children, make them register for life exactly as you have been doing to 100s of thousands of others, now more people will see the real truth with the laws since it will involve their children and family. Place the Scarlett letter on each one for life.

God save this stupid country!

Craig, I agree. The imbecile lawmakers have gotten themselves into the G**damned mess, so let them suffer the consequences. When their constituents’ teenage sons and daughters appear in court facing felony pornography charges, maybe they (public & politicians) will start waking up to what they have wrought!

Reading the applicable section – CRS 18-6-403. Sexual exploitation of a child – there is no doubt these students should be prosecuted and if found guilty, have to register as sex offenders. Because that is the law, and the law is the law.

(3) A person commits sexual exploitation of a child if, for any purpose, he or she knowingly:

(b) Prepares, arranges for, publishes, including but not limited to publishing through digital or electronic means, produces, promotes, makes, sells, finances, offers, exhibits, advertises, deals in, or distributes, including but not limited to distributing through digital or electronic means, any sexually exploitative material; or

(b.5) Possesses or controls any sexually exploitative material for any purpose;

I am willing to bet the farm that it will not come to this and the DA will decline to pursue criminal charges. And that is the biggest problem of them all. Mandatory registration for certain offenses puts the decision whether or not someone has to register entirely in the prosecutor’s hands (the executive branch), taking it away from the judge (the judicial branch). And as we all remember from Civics 101, that violates the Separation of Powers doctrine and cannot be.

“Selective enforcement of the law is the first sign of tyranny”

or more simply put

“what is good for the goose is good for the gander”

“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”

– Abraham Lincoln

I’m at the point now where I’m thinking maybe they should throw the book at these kids…and all kids who act…like kids. Maybe THAT’S what it will take to wake this country up. I think Abe had a point!!!

“The DA stressed they take requiring someone to register as a sex offender very seriously and they will only do so when they feel it’s absolutely necessary.”

It’s all about Law and Order. If it has been ‘absolutely necessary’ to register the other 1 million people in this country, than why stop there? After all, we have a duty to protect the women and children of this country, and around the world, from exploitation by the Evil Doers. Stop the hypocrisy and do your job Mr. Prosecutor. Just like Joe spelled out for you in the above comment. It’s all in black and white. No grey.

I say make them Register. send emails to there Da’s office complaining about the threat these children pose to your children, say it even if you have no kids. The more that have to register the louder our Voices will become. Send Emails to reporters too, it’s very simple to do. Turn the media against these kids by showing interest on the issue to the reporter. Any reporter. this is your chance to do your part since most of you are afraid to show your faces at Government hearings. Even if you only send 1 email it’s a start and it helps. Maybe then you can hold your head higher with the knowledge your doing something to fight back. trust me when I say fighting back will make you feel better about life. The American revolution was won by people getting together with one Common goal, Freedom.