FL: Palm Beach billionaire victims “complicit” so not truly victims, government says

A routine status check Monday on a 2008 federal lawsuit tied to sex offender ____ ____’s plea deal ended with a new allegation from the government.

The two victims who filed the lawsuit — Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2 — aren’t actually victims because they procured other girls for ____ and received money for it, Assistant United States Attorney Dexter Lee said in West Palm Beach federal court.

If someone “is complicit in the offenses,” they can’t be considered victims under the federal Crime Victims’ Rights Act , Lee said. Full Article

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Wow! That was some nice “special treatment” that Mr. Billionaire was able to arrange with Palm Beach law enforcement and prosecutors!
He should step up and make a very sizable donation to CARSOL!

This is going to be interesting to see how this plays out with a billionaire at the reigns in this case. He undoubtedly will get the best legal defense there is. That could have serious impact on the legal system if its found that these individuals can not be victims if they were complicit then most of the crimes that lands a guy on the reg. would have to be considered a victim less crimes then. Right????????????? Of course it will only apply to him since he has the power and connections that we all don’t.

As part of the deal, serving 13 months???? In a vacant wing of the Palm Beach County stockade????

He was awarded liberal work-release privileges????

Epstein forced her to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew and high-profile attorney Alan Dershowitz????

Gee wiz; he must have made quite a donation to help keep Florida’s (the other stupid state) sex offender industry going strong. $ I wonder how much the judge and prosecutors, as well as the jailers got $ ?

Well, I suppose there is precedence for this. After all, they were 13 and 14 when the crimes were committed, older than the many minors that are held responsible and convicted for sex crimes and forced to register for “crimes” committed even as young as nine years old. I mean if a kid can be a sex offender for giving an inappropriate kiss in elementary school, then that makes these kids by comparison hard core sex traffickers. Can this narrative get any more surreal?

….Oh really?

Well that’s just so nice of the government.

I wonder what other gems of legal insanity they continue waving around….

Hold on here…

If someone “is complicit in the offenses,” they can’t be considered victims under the federal Crime Victims’ Rights Act , Lee said

Okay… now here is where I am lost. What exactly determines “complicit”? Does that determine those underaged do have the capabilities of making an adult choice? If so, then doesn’t this challenge that minors who confess they are a willing participant are also “complicit”? So where’s the victim under those circumstances? On a tangent, shouldn’t this also affect registration – either there shouldn’t be one or all parties involved get registration, since there is no victim and the underaged are complicit.

This is trending under murky waters here. Can there be a crime if there is no victim? Or are all parties involved criminals b/c a state law was broken and all parties subject to equal punishment, including registration?

Right, this is a very interesting stance that the actual gov attorney is taking on this case. I don’t understand why other attorneys haven’t used this exact issue in criminal proceedings since it would have a major impact on those cases where the so called victim was complicit. It might not have a effect on the prosecution of those cases but it sure seems like the other party would also have to be charged and that it would impact the sentencing process with mitigating evidence that would lessen culpability for the accused.