NC: Private school will not rehire principal in wake of sex offender scandal

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) – A Fayetteville private school principal will not return to her job after school board members voted not to rehire her after she allowed a sex offender to work on campus.

In September, ____ ____ was sentenced to 11-months probation as part of a plea deal after she allowed a registered sex-offender to work at Freedom Academy.

Dayton told Cumberland County Superior Court Judge James Ammons she was unaware of the law and thought the sex offender, ____ ____ , could work at the school as long as children weren’t on the premises.

She was facing a felony charge of violating the state’s Sex Offender Registration Act. Full Article

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Doesn’t this article reveal how it limits job opportunities for registrants? Isn’t that a form of punishment? Isn’t that also unconstitutional?

I know where I live they won’t accept registrants to be fire fighters, but are willing to accept some violent criminals.

We’re getting run over as if our rights don’t matter nor our second chance at a normal life after serving our sentence.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this: (this was a recent email from my son’s school)
FYI: I plead to a battery charge/expunged and it didn’t involve a minor. I’m not on the Ca Megan’s website or any other website (National); I emailed the principal and asked for clarification/from a anonymous email.

Hello (blank) and Staff,

The (blank) Unified School District is committed to ensuring the safety of all students. The District is in the process of installing a new visitor check-in system at all sites as an added safety measure when accepting visitors on campus. This new system will be used for those who are volunteering in a classroom, directly interacting with students, or any other reason a person may be on campus for an extended period of time.

Anyone visiting campus will scan their driver’s license using a digital card reader. Seconds later, a name tag will print for the visitor. We are excited to bring this new technology to Lee! The new visitor management system is scheduled to be in place by the end of November.

Thank you for your continued support in making (blank) the best place to be!



A prime example of the collateral damage caused by the sex offender registry.

I completely concur. I actually emailed the principle via a private email address. They honestly wont share too much info? Can you believe this. Read it. You can be a convicted felon ect and get in. This is a joke. Whats next? Church? Mall? Ball Park? They already request a thumbprint at Sea World?

How is an offender check performed?
A visitor inserts his/her driver license into the scanner and in approximately 15 seconds, School Check IN searches
the SCI National Offender database. The scanner reads the front of the license (picture side). Special scanning
software reads the information on the license. This information, along with the driver’s photograph, is brought into
School Check IN. School Check IN sends a query, using the visitor’s information, to our secure web server where
the visitor information is compared against the SCI National Offender Database, and the result is then returned back
to the School Check IN workstation.

If the visitor passes the check, a visitor ID Badge is printed, which includes the visitor’s picture. If the check is
negative (a possible offender match occurs), no visitor ID Badge is printed. A scanning error is reported back to the
visitor (Scanning error XX – please ask for assistance). In addition, an instant alert can be sent via text message or
via email to administrators and school security

This same message is reported back to the school along with a code and all possible offender matches for this
visitor. The goal here is to stop possible offenders from entering your school and provide you (the administrator)
with all possible information on this visitor’s status and to do so in a non-confrontational manner. Keeping this
individual in the office and away from the children until security arrives is tantamount.

How large is the SCI National Offender database?
The SCI National Offender database contains over 675,000+ people from all 50 states, District of Columbia, Virgin
Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, and all Native American Indian Tribes. In addition, the SCI
National Offender database contains nearly every convicted offender’s photo, which helps make a positive
identification easier.

These individuals are convicted as either offenders and/or predators. The difference is that a predator generally
involves violence (rape or assault) and/or children. School Check IN only uses official state provided data. School
Check IN does not use third-party acquired data because research showed this data had too many inaccuracies.

Can all driver’s licenses or state issued IDs be scanned?
Generally yes. Click here to view current state options. To adjust for new driver license formats and/or changes,
updates will be available on a regular basis. New scanner updates can be downloaded directly to your School Check
IN workstation.

What are the system requirements?
OffenderCHECK is available for both Windows and Mac OS users.
Here are the Windows System Requirements.

OffenderCheck allows you to scan the SCI National Database of Registered Sex Offenders quickly and easily!
$125 /Year
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Here is another one. So, if you pay your debt to society, fulfill the requirements of probation/parole, you are still banned? This is nuts. I smell lawsuit. In summary, they are essentially stating that rehabilitation is non existent. Lastly, I again question if they are able to find those individuals with expunged convictions? My offense has been expunged for years, but I’m still required to register? I’m not on the National Sex Offender Database or on the Megan’s website? So, what will my background show? hmm

Track your School’s Visitors

Installing LobbyGuard school visitor management in your school sends a message to all visitors that safety is a top priority. LobbyGuard school security systems are simple yet powerful solutions that streamline the visitor sign-in process. Track everyone who enters your campus and stop any threats at the door. LobbyGuard’s system will make it easy for you to track sign in time, sign out time, reason for visit, who was visited, and much more.
Run Background Checks on all Visitors

Our kiosks and sign-in solutions come equipped with LobbyGuard Visitor Management software, which runs background checks on all who attempt to sign in to your school. Stop sex offenders, criminals, or make a custom list of banned individuals for your school.
Simplify School Visitor Management

Get rid of your paper sign in and visitor logging system. LobbyGuard offers a faster, smarter way to manage visitors and know who is in your school.

Sign-in takes mere seconds, freeing font desk personnel to focus on other important responsibilities. LobbyGuard arrives ready for use in your school, or may be customized to fit your specific visitor management needs.

Students who check in late or leave early are easy to record, process, and report on. Multiple export options make it easy to import this data into your Student Information System, reducing your school’s labor costs.

Instant background checks work with national sexual offender databases and customized lists of known local offenders and unwanted guests. Tracking volunteers and parents is easy, with records available from anywhere on the web.

Salem Middle School

Lobbyguard kiosks and software are field-tested and approved by more than 300,000 visitors every week.
Pricing and purchase options are available to fit any budget. Check out our newest and most versatile kiosk – The Optio.
Frequent Visitor Keytags

Parents and visitors to your school will love the convenience and ease of use, and your school will love the funds that can be raised.

Frequent Visitor Keytag reduces sign-in time by more than 60%.
Visitor keytag sales have helped hundreds of schools raise money across the US.
Learn more about keytag fundraising

Wow, I sent a very sincere and professional response to the email that was sent out. Wow, the principal referred me to the safety administrator at the school superintendents office? I asked for clarification in a nice manner. He refused to give it to me and requested I call him and identify myself? What the ?