NY: Curran calls for Extension of Sex Offender Regisry

Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st AD) today called for the extension of the statewide sex offender registry that requires registration for Level One sex offenders who registered in 1996. Curran said these individuals were the first offenders to register with the system and were required to register on the statewide registry for a 10-year period at that time. This was extended in 2006 for an additional 10 years, for a total of 20 years, which ends in January of next year. Curran noted that a new roster of Level One sex offenders entered into the registry today would be required to register for a 20-year period, ending in 2035.

“While the registry itself is not expiring, the requirement for offenders who have been registered since 1996 for the 20-year period is. Therefore, those Level One offenders will be taken off the list next year because the law suggests they have done their time,” said Curran, a father of four. “I am calling on the legislature to enact another 10-year extension (for a total of 30 years) of this requirement; this should have been done before the end of last session. The safety of our communities is imperative for our children and families. As a parent, I would like to know who is moving into my community or who will be my neighbors upon settling in an area. It’s an unfortunate stigma to be classified as a sex offender, but it is better for everyone in the communities in which we live.” Full Article



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California law is a cesspool of legislative and executive mismanagement, tempered only by recent court verdicts initiated by Janice, Chance, and the donations to CA RSOL. To that end, what law is Curran talking about? I seem to recall that year the Governator signing into law a bunch of crap that was shut down. NONE of what he signed included a registration extension.

To that end, this looks strictly like a political stunt. In fact, MOST RC’s have to register for LIFE in any case.

The original bill the Governator signed back in 2006 is listed on his page: http://www.schwarzenegger.com/issues/milestone/making-california-safer

Note there is NOTHING about extending the 10-year registry to 20 years. Curran is an ass and he knows it.

“Curran, a father of four” I wonder what his position would be, if his “four” are into sexting?

This has echoes of indefinite detention. Oh sorry, you were cleared for release, because we have no evidence that you were still a danger to society, but, Jeez, we just don’t feel comfortable letting you go. They do it to detainees, to registrants, what’s to stop it from expanding to anyone these politicians can present as bogeyman before the ignorant public?

… the safety of LAWMAKERS CAREERS depends on this important legislation….

If this guy is in favor of extensions for level one registrants I wonder what bright ideas he would propose for level two and three registrants in New York. I think the real reason for this outlandish call for extension is based on funding. There are probably so many level one people one the registry since 1996 that if they get removed it would be difficult on the next fiscal year to justify what is surely a bloated budget for tracking, monitoring, and registering individuals at the current scale with all the personnel on the job. Which of course is trumped up as a matter of community safety and protecting children.

This guy is a jerk. He should be put on the idiots.com registry so people like me can know who I’m living next to…

Brian Curran said “It’s an unfortunate stigma to be classified as a sex offender, but it is better for everyone in the communities in which we live.”

It’s only better for non-registrant sex offenders who haven’t been caught to benefit from a false sense of security to be able to commit their crimes without scrutiny. Curran seems ignorant of the less than 1% re-offense rate of registrants. Once caught, re-offense is virtually non-existent. This Curran guy seems to be hiding something in his own life. Listen to how he speaks on youtube. His voice is not what you’d expect from looking at a picture of him.

Or I should say, looking at a picture of him next to his credentials as a tough-on-crime Republican father of 4.

This is a very disturbing article. I can only imagine the number of individuals counting the days before they fall off the registry. This man clearly isn’t up to date with statistics/so on. I suggest he do the right thing and let people move on with their lives. Furthermore, a state like California needs to wake up and realize there are over 80,000 offenders on the registry? It’s time to instill a tiered system and allow people to be removed from the system as well. It’s the right thing to do.

Now that Silver has been found guilty, NY Sex Offenders have lost their greatest ally. Anything could happen unless we mobilize ourselves using all our resources.