Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of January 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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‘Failure of leadership’ at the Orange County D.A.’s office led to informant issues, report says
SB 448 (“Sex offenders: Internet Identifiers”) received some traction yesterday when when it was read for a second time, amended, and then re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety!
Well I need more people to help me get these Boe-Zoes out of office. Call me people I’ll teach you how to and a skill as well. This is a war! The problem with our ranks is many of them seem to think they’re still civilians.
This is an election year I’ll show you how to do some productive damage! I’ve already been in meetings with senator and assembly candidates and hitting the ground running…I need help here.
I can put a dent in their armor but we together will MOW them completely down! Robert (949) 872-8768. With your individual help, Janice and the RSOL staff we will become that mosquito in the room that drives everyone crazy and make a big difference! Robert (949) 872-8768.
“I can’t believe we use to witch hunt people Online.” – Future generations.
The media is slowly waking up to the false reality of safety that is Megan’s law.
Washington Post: The yellow star, the scarlet letter and ‘International Megan’s law’
How Corrupt Is the American Government?
I hope the safety committee also realizes that Janice has reams of court precedents specifically negating this law, and that this law will be challenged first thing in the morning (or even same day late afternoon) after Jerry signs the bill to become law. This will cost them thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars to defend.
It’s one thing to try to coerce the asses with carrots, but one must make the ass cognizant of the stick as well.
Ok class, take out your drivers license. Got it out? Good. Now look at it and realize that this document is regulatory. You cannot drive legally without it and it needs to be renewed every 4 or 5 years or you lose that ability to drive. Unlike the registry, that is regulatory also, you go to prison if you do not renew every year. Explain to me how the regestry is regulatory and not punitive?
The following needs to be brought forth in a CA court.. and also ,has anyone heard anything about the WAR class action that was supposed to be filed in the fall?
The sex offender registration and notification laws (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act) violate my constitutionally protected right to procedural due process with an irrefutable presumption of future offending that is universally untrue and which provides no meaningful process to determine such facts. When “particularly important” interests are involved in a civil proceeding, whether or not physical restraint is threatened, the United States Supreme Court has mandated a clear and convincing evidence standard of proof and stated that, “[n]otwithstanding ‘the state’s “civil labels and good intentions,” ‘ . . . this level of certainty [is deemed] necessary to preserve fundamental fairness in a variety of government-initiated proceedings that threaten the individual involved with ‘a significant deprivation of liberty’ or ‘stigma.’ ” Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 756 (1982) (requiring clear and convincing evidence standard to support termination of parental rights), quoting Addington v. Texas, 441 U.S. 418, 425, 426, 427 (1979) (civil commitment); Woodby v. INS, 385 U.S. 276, 285 (1966) (deportation); Chaunt v. United States, 364 U.S. 350, 353 (1960) (denaturalization); Schneiderman v. United States, 320 U.S. 118, 125, 159 (1943) (denaturalization). A registrant’s liberty interest is seriously infringed in the creation of a long-term relationship with the police, in the potential criminal sanctions overshadowing that relationship, and in the stigma of notification – all penalties that are “more substantial than mere loss of money.” Santosky, supra, quoting Addington v. Texas, supra at 424.
The court also too easily confines the State’s interest to a single dimension. While the primary purpose of the registration statute is to protect the public from sexual predators, the State also has “an interest in ensuring that its classification and notification system is both fair and accurate.” E.B. v. Verniero, supra at 1107. The State has no interest in making erroneous classifications and implementing overbroad registration and notifications. Id. See Doe v. Pataki, supra at (slip op. at 32). Contrary to the court’s conclusion, the burdens on the government are great, without any likely benefit, when it holds hearings for and maintains the registration of thousands of registrants for whom there is no clear evidence that they pose any danger to the public. Requiring the government to assemble and present clear evidence of a sex offender’s dangerousness would ensure that limited adjudicatory and police enforcement resources would be concentrated on those individuals who realistically may pose.threats to young children and other vulnerable populations. As observed in an altogether different context, but oddly apropos of this classification system as well, “when everything is classified, then nothing is classified, and the system becomes one to be disregarded by the cynical or the careless.” New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713, 729 (1971) (Stewart, J., concurring).
Among, my targets for 2016 I will be confronting the un-Christ like attitudes that is perpetuated and condone by Churches against RCs and families. This church behavior is in direct conflict with the Bible they teach and the Christ that suppose to represent.
I have contacted the Nor. Cal Prison Fellowship Ministries to ignite a dialog on this subject. The other target is contact every RC in my zip code to introduce and update of activities them of CA RSOL.
Post conviction relief update:
Several months back I hired a national law firm specializing in post conviction relief. Goal was to end my probation early ($1,000), have my wobbler conviction reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor, and expunged ($1,500). Last Friday was my hearing. Today I was informed that the judge approved all three. I took a plea deal before AB20 went into effect Jan 1, 2014 so expungement was still a possibility for me. My heart goes out for those with the same conviction as be but are subject to the horrible reality of AB20.
I will now pay them $200 to make sure that the major background check companies update their records so that (in theory…supposedly) my conviction will no longer be disclosed to potential employers doing a background check on me. They claim to “expedite” the natural process of the databases being updated. I will get a voucher to run a background check on myself to verify the results. Will it still show? Will have to wait and see. Will my 290 status show up/still show up? No idea.
A few months ago one attorney told me that if/once my wobbler felony is reduced to a misdemeanor…I should vanish from public disclosure on the Price Club membership website. Hopeful about this for me, my wife and two children.
Maybe in a year or two…might attempt to regain a state professional license I had n 2012 but surrendered after my conviction. It wasn’t what I did for a living…rather it was supplemental income. A law signed by Gov Brown back in 2013 (went into effect Jan 2014) opens the door for a chance at this. AB 2396. I will share the results on this site (good or bad) when I attempt it.
My post isn’t to brag about how grand life is for me at this point. It’s a far cry from what my life was in 2011 (before my arrest) or 2012 (after my arrest), or 2013 (the year of my conviction) but it’s certainly better than it was in 2013. At least I don’t cry almost every day like I did the for the 1st year. I make 1/2 what did in 2011 but I have a have a job, a roof over my head, and a beautiful wife that stuck by me.
NEW BILL introduced in House last Thursday : HR-4346…wants to take away 20% JAG FUNDING of any State that won’t eliminate statute of limits on certain sex offences.
Calif gets more JAG than any other State.
Per Cal Bill Sb-926 of 2014 session the current Calif SOL is 40 years of age, effective 2015.
SCOTUS 2002 Stogner decision protects against any retro, but “discovery” loopholes in Calif do exist.
All this is NOT to be confused with the 10% JAG PENALTY of not being AWA compliant.
I was released from prison in 2013 on probation for one year. I lived at a ministry downtown LA and after probation release my wife and 3 children moved here from Florida to be with me. Due to Fl laws it would be harder for me to move back there. When my wife and kids got here I was asked to leave the ministry. No one wants to rent to us and we have been living in a hotel for the last year. Our savings have been exhausted from the huge expense of hotel costs and fast food. We no longer have first month rent and deposit saved up so now even if we found someone willing to rent to us we would’t be able to come up with move in cost. Housing assistance is banned to sex offenders. These laws are more destructive than they help anyone. What are we suppose to do? I just feel so scared most of the time that I may inadvertently break one the registry requirements because life is always so unstable without a permanent place to live. I am in despair most of the time but struggle to not let it show to my family. I thank God that I do have a job but it pays much less than I am use to and they take advantage of me because they know how difficult it would be for me to get another job. We need to get laws changed. This can’t keep going on like this.
Technical question:
Clicking on the article title doesn’t navigate to the page of the article as before. Instead, it just refreshes the current window. Can this be fixed? Note: one can still navigate to the correct page clicking on the “Read More >>” text, but most people instinctively click the title to do so. Thanks!
It’s official. The Rams will be moving to a yet-to-be-built stadium in Inglewood.
Nothing makes me happier than knowing that Carson will NOT be getting the revenue from having a NFL team and stadium.
This is called karma, Carson. Now swallow in it.
MS • I did the eligibility test for my fiancé on record gone, but it says he is only eligible for background check removal but not for any legal post conviction relief. Is that because he is still on probation? Does anyone know if a felony PC314 ( Indecent Exposure ) is eligible for reduction of expungement? I sure would like to try anything possible. Thanks.
Not true new person. I am going to college and am in fact receiving financial aid. Loans and the pell grants. My reg status has no effect on financial aid. At least not here in CA.
There’s no maybe about it. I am receiving that aid. So if anyone is having a hard time finding employment college maybe a feasable option.
Thanks to Janice and everyone that helped stop AB201 including the commen sense of the assemblymembers I can go to classes without the worry of being banned because of some ordinance. I still have to tell campus police and still worry a little about other students finding out about my status since I have to do group projects but that isn’t going to stop me. If other students can’t handle it oh well its their problem.
“The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to pour time and taxpayer money into convincing the American people that there’s an epidemic of sex trafficking here. So bad is this alleged epidemic that ordinary crime-control measures won’t work, hence the deparment is recruiting truck drivers and hotel workers to be its eyes and ears on the ground. Ugh.”
“Despite federal fearmongering, there’s no concrete evidence to suggest that sex trafficking is even prevalent in America, let alone on the rise. But you would never know that from listening to lawmakers, federal officials, and their local-media mouthpieces talk. And while some of this propaganda stems from good intentions, it also provides good fodder for all manner of civil-liberties abuses, from seizing sex-business assets to expanding police wiretapping power. Now it’s providing law enforcement with cover to convince citizens to spy on each other and report one another to police for perfectly normal activity.”
Hi Corvus,
This is in response to what you said below…
The lawyer group I got was the one that showed up the highest in the search return.
Summit Defense. Their website showed that they specialized in these kinds of cases.
I have never dealt with a lawyer before. Not like this, so I have NO idea if the one I have is doing what is right. He doesn’t return my voicemails or emails and I talk to him once a week for just a few minutes.
Summit Defense: same as me. No responses to voicemail and email…same as me. I bet the last name of the attorney starts with a W. I seriously don’t think they have as much experience with CP cases as their site would have you believe. Not rookies but I wouldn’t consider them experts. I don’t think I could have afforded him but I wish I could have gone with Seth Chazin out of San Francisco. He was very generous with his time (over the phone) and very knowledgeable…but I had already taken a plea deal. After speaking with him I seriously considered trying to withdraw my plea but several weeks had already passed. I was worried what a 2nd go around would cost financially (Seth told me he would have charged more than the $10,000 I paid Summit) and emotionally. Wife and I decided to stick with the original plea deal and try to move forward with our lives. Still trying to pay off the credit card I used to pay the attorney fees.
When it came time for post conviction relief my wife and I knew exactly what lawyer we wouldn’t be using. We intentionally used somebody else. and we are very happy with the results. When you are paying thousands…it’s nice to get responses to calls and emails.
There was a Living with 290 post that I kind of pushed to get deleted. I don’t see it anymore so I’m assuming that’s what happened. I think that’s a good thing, but I hope the OP isn’t mad at me (sorry, I forget your name!).
An insane story made more insane by the reaction it got:
And the follow up:
What is a World Passport?
Can anyone suggest employment opportunities that have worked. I am in a minimum wage job, my ability to work in my field was forbidden until a COR (7 yrs), and interviews consist of ,”you seem like a good person, but…….. . I am getting less motivated to put any effort in each day. I have so much to offer. I see these specials about people laing their jobs and going homeless. Scares the cap out of me. My Healthcare career doesn’t transfer well to blue collar work. 0 experience. Beginning to feel not worth the trouble. Dreams are bullshit. Reality destroys them.
Maybe check out employers that say they will hire felons.
I resigned from my $80,000 year job after my arrest and it was 6 months before I was working again. A old friend from high school which had his own painting business was kind enough to let me work for him. It was hard work and it didn’t pay anywhere near what I had been making. I didn’t have any painting experience but he put me to work anyway. If it wasn’t for him…my family and I could have ended up homeless. Worked for him for about 18 months until God sent me a better job. The way it all happen I have no doubt the job was sent by God.
Once you have completed 2/3 of your probation…try to have your probation terminated early. Once off probation…you can petition the court to reduce it to a misdemeanor. If you took a plea deal before Jan 1st, 2014…you might be able to get it expunged as well. I just had all this done through Higbee & Associates for $2,500. If you took a plea deal after Jan 1, 2014…expungement isn’t an option thanks to AB20 (Assembly Bill)
As far as a COR goes: Some people say it’s 10 years for a COR for a 311.11(a) while others say it’s 7 years. Read a blurb by a person suggesting it could be done after 7 years (clock starts ticking from the day your are released from jail) mentioned a case: People v Schoop (December 2012) which found that a differential between 7 and 10 years amongst 311 cases was against the equal protection doctrine and all 311 cases are now eligible for COR after 7 years.
Hoping that CA over the next few years (thanks to all the hard work of Janice, Chance, RSOL, and involved RCs will finally go with a tiered system. If this happens…thousands will be able to cancel their Price Club memberships without having to do so through obtaining a COR which I know isn’t easy or cheap.