CA RSOL to Conduct Monthly Meeting on March 12 in San Diego

California RSOL will conduct a monthly meeting of registrants, family members and supporters in San Diego on March 12. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and be held at California Western Law School, 225 Cedar Street, in downtown San Diego.

Janice Bellucci will lead the meeting and discuss the ongoing legal challenge to the International Megan’s Law which requires the addition of a “unique identifier” to the passports of some registrants and notifications to be sent to foreign countries when more registrants plan to travel internationally. Other topics to be discussed include residency restrictions and parole conditions.

Attendance at the meeting is limited to registrants, family members and supporters. No government officials or media will be present. There is no cost to attend to this meeting.

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We will have much to discuss at this meeting including updates on the International Megan’s Law, CA Dept. of Corrections and CA Dept. of Justice lawsuits. We will also be listening to challenges faced by registrants and their families.

I didn’t know where to put this. Alabama is trying to pass a law saying an abortion clinic can’t be within 2000 ft. Of a school. OMG! Clinics are now following under sec offender laws. The world is crazy!

Is there a room assignment for this meeting?

Hi All,
Just a little tip about the meeting. The law school occupies two buildings. Our meeting is in the eastern building. (east is opposite of the ocean) When you arrive in the lobby there will be signage directing you to the meeting and a friendly person from CARSOL is usually there greeting arrivals.
We hope all of you in the area will be there. Janice will have lots of things to tell us!

FYI..there is going to be a St. Patrick’s Day parade in the area, so you might want to plan on getting there a little early due to parking.

My boyfriend, who is a registrant, and I would like to attend. However, we live in the Los Angeles area and San Diego is just too far. When will CARSOL have its meeting here?

Cindi, the main carsol civil rights meeting (NOT to be confused with the “emotional support group,” which is different) is scheduled for about 1 month from now: April 16th at 10 AM in the ACLU building in downtown L.A. Last January I went and there were tons of people, not just 290s… but also family/friends and even a bunch of random/curious supporters from the public. It was nice. I guess more people realize 290s are being screwed by the law, law enforcement, judges, politicians, the media, etc. We are all human beings who made mistakes after all. It’s a dumb label.

It was a great meeting. Thanks Janice, Chance, Alex, Frank and all that came and participated and showed up! I know that I hate driving into “downtown”, but it is so worth it.
Please spread the word and hopefully our next San Diego meeting will be even greater. Power is in #’s! and we need more people to get involved if we want to fight for our loved ones and families constitutional rights.

Can’t wait to see/hear/read the transcripts or notes from this important meeting. Being 3,000 miles away makes it pretty much impossible for me to attend these meetings. Thanks everyone!

When will the next meeting be held