The Assembly Public Safety Committee today approved Senate Bill 448, which would require some registered citizens to reveal their internet identifiers to local law enforcement. Included within the bill are registered citizens convicted of possessing child pornography on January 1, 2017, or later.
The Committee passed the bill unanimously despite testimony in opposition to the bill from six representatives of California RSOL and the Public Defenders Association. The ACLU, which previously opposed the bill, stated during the hearing that they no longer opposed the bill, but did not give a reason for their changed position.
“Senate Bill 448 violates the First Amendment because it chills speech and is not narrowly tailored,” testified CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci.
Before voting in favor of the bill, Assemblyman Bill Quirk stated that “the courts will decide” whether SB 448 is constitutional. He praised the author of the bill for amendments to the bill including one that reduced the penalty for violations to a misdemeanor offense.
There are two legislative steps left before the bill is finally passed: consideration by the Assembly Appropriations Committee and the full Assembly. If the bill is passed by the Assembly, the Governor must sign it before it becomes law.
Assembly Committee to Consider Internet Identifier Bill (SB 448)
Thank you Steve it reassures me that there are reasonable well mannered and encouraging voices still on this site….Roger and Lake you are the ones that began this argument by saying that I need to stop preaching and start protesting or I am not worthy of this site or I don’t have a right or a leg to stand on to complain. I take personal insult to those claims its you that don’t have a right to judge and to give negative hurtful criticism instead of constructed purposeful criticism to someone that isn’t doing what you think they should be doing……I could go on and on about how protest have no effect and showing up to counsel meetings have the same effect zero but hey I don’t tell you that you don’t belong on this site and don’t have a leg to stand on because of your false hopeless efforts The only real change comes in the court room or from the input and assistance of a collaboration of organizations such as janices and the ACLU FCC CASOMB and hard empirical evident and that only mattered because the courts had already ruled those issue to be unconstitutional……..period……. Also I hate to sound negative and pessimistic on here but just like the internet bill the residency bill WILL be amended to satisfy the courts demand that it be narrowly tailored and guess what it will pass and these governing bodies will be applying them in a blanket fashion on anyone convicted of a crime against a minor…..that is exactly why I think we need to attack this at its heart and not incrementally and to do that we need collaboration constructive criticism and constructive discourse of any and all ideas that we can get……..
I must point out, I am not the least bit surprised about the ACLU abandoning us. I have said many times in many threads here that they have not been on our side at least for decades. I have often blamed them for all this crap being allowed to really take off ever since the Clinton administration launched it. (And now we are on the verge of the Clinton administration coming back.) They should have been all over that then and ever since, they should have done everything possible to nip it in the bud, it should have been a major priority for a group like the ACLU. Instead, they left a complete vacuum, the let we the weak to be thrown to the wolves.
One would have expected an organization that is supposed to be the savior of civil rights to have been all over this since day one, but they refused to have anything to do with it. (I was personally insulted for even asking for help from them, was told they have no interest in that issue — and their actions back that up!)
Here this time, they could at least have stayed away, stayed out of it, but they actually want in and said it is fine with them, effectively endorsing it. And a major name like the ACLU doing that overrides whatever this little-known CA-RSOL group has to say and gives MAJOR political cover to the legislators to whip us again, rather then giving them political cover to help us. That is, the ACLU just knowingly torpedoed us, they didn’t even just stay out of it, they undermined us, and they knew what they were doing.
I don’t know exactly why the ACLU has this attitude toward us. But I have been of the impression that the ACLU many years ago got a significant influx of influence from the women’s movement, and the organized women’s movement is really our biggest opponent, unfortunately but maybe understandably. An ACLU under the influence of the women’s movement is not going to help us, not in any significant way. (I always feel a need to explain, I am really one of the bigger supporters of women and women’s rights; but I strongly oppose much of what the organized women’s movement promotes, because it is NOT about women’s rights or equality, it is about man-hate and rigging the system against men. The women’s movement has been taken over by simply man-haters.)
How are we to get any attention or help from legislators if the ACLU is out there pronouncing they think this is just fine and dandy?!
As I have said so many times, the ACLU of recent decades is NOT the famed ACLU of lore; the ACLU has not lived up to its reputation for decades. The ACLU is NOT going to do much of anything for us, they have no issue with the attack on our civil rights.
It is the complete vacuum left by the ACLU refusing to help us when the Clinton administration pushed this crap through and ever since that made this group so necessary — we can never thank Janice enough for so bravely and single handedly picking up and doing what should have been the far better funded-ACLU’s job. Janice has shown the kind of character of the ACLU of old.
The ACLU should be ashamed of itself! Acting like this on possible the mos significant civil rights violations of our times means it should close its doors and disband.
I strongly recommend that this group does NOT take advice from the ACLU as being the voice of experience and reason. It is not going to give advice for our goal, it will give advice for its goals, and its goals are not the same as ours, at least not when it comes to sex offenders (and various other categories from what I have seen, such as the homeless in Los Angeles).
In that vein, if it is the ACLU advising this “incrementalism” approach, well, no wonder. What they did here is their incrementalism, and what they did here is as poor a strategy as possible for us, for multiple reasons. All they did here was worse than nothing in an effort to pretend they did something.
Their action on this is NOT a surprise. The only surprise is that they ever spoke up in a little squeak at all.
AMEN Anonymous worded perfectly and right on point. people like you that aren’t just blindly following and simply agreeing with any and every one and seeing the bigger picture are the ones that are going to get registration abolished…. there is no doubt Janice’s efforts and accomplishments extreemly valiant and patriotic and thank god we have her fighting for us but inovated out of the box ideas and collaboration between as many people and organizations that we can get together is what can and will end registration. it is my opinion that the as applied motion that I am preparing with the help from various sources is the first step and is the vanguard to killing these laws.
Sex Offenders have a leadership problem.
Janice is a fine warrior and I donate money because my personal presence would not be an asset to our cause.
This sort of thing happens in every sex offender group. In fighting. Roger’s post trying guilt-trip people into showing up felt like a personal attack, Mike R’s post in response were not productive and the resulting war has no positive effect on any of us.
Roger is to commended to his time and efforts supporting our lead warrior in her fight against our enemy. But we cannot guilt trip or coerce sex offenders into participating. Many of us were able to convince older teens to participate in sex, and to convince those teens that they not only enjoy it, they asked for it. So trying to coerce or bully sex offenders, even if mostly hyperbole, is probably counter-productive and opens the door to counter-productive exchanges.
We will support you as we see fit. Period. You do not have to like it for us to be right in our reasons for not standing by your side.
My reason may differ from others. I was working. It took me 13 years to get a minimum wage job and I do not think I should try to take time off for the cause.
Additionally I tend to verbally overreact when confronted and my personal appearance would not be an asset. I decided to support our fight against the enemy financially. Small donations right now until the Edison bill drops.
I realize Roger maybe you felt a bit abandoned up there. I get that. You feel like you have us all with you and yet when the time comes, very few actually show up. It can feel like a betrayal.
Trust me in reassuring you that most of us would not intentionally betray you or want you to feel that way. But we all contribute in the best way we feel is appropriate for our personal circumstances and I think an overwhelming majority of us see your sacrifice and presence as a major deed. I surely do.
I see it as a display of bravery and sacrifice. But let us contribute how we see fit without attacks that seem guilt-inducing.
Try to show us in a more positive light how we should make the same sacrifice or that people like me, who would hurt the cause, can help financially by giving our lead warrior the resources she needs.
I try to do $10 every two weeks, but even $1 per month from each of us would help I am sure.
Granted, gas, time, food, lodging to show up is far more expensive than a donation.
I think you could have worded your post in a more positive way that would have turned Mike R’s digital fangs into useless marshmallows.
Sex Offenders have a leadership problem.
I here people say the Price Club a lot. I remember shopping at the real Price Club when I was a kid & I assume that’s where the slang came from. But is it just a coincidence that the Price Club went out of business in ’93 then the government Price Club a.k.a. Meagan’s Law started immediately the year after afterwards?
So that why they withdraw their voice?
“( American Civil Liberties Union and Electronic Frontier Foundation ) dropped their opposition after Hueso made violations misdemeanors punishable by no more than six months in jail.”
roger i completely understand your frustration with your sacrifices to show up and no one else being there and the ACLU and there bs stance and all of it. and I apologize for bashing your efforts and discouraging anyone from participating in anyway that may or may not benefit our cause. I was really angry when I posted also when you guys told me to stop preaching and start protesting and that I didn’t have a right to complain and if I don’t like what or personally agree with the tactics of Janice’s or your guy’s than I shouldn’t be on this site. I have been to rsol meetings and have attended countless committee hearings on the homeless issues when I was on parole so I have my own personal reasons for feeling the way I do about meetings and hearings. I have been donating and blogging on this site and sosen and have contacted every organization I can possibly think of to try and get help with my motions the ACLU public defenders mcgeorge school of Law law professors at verious colleges and several private civil rights attorneys and have been shot down by them all before they even hear my arguments or see my motions that I have put countless hours in to get as far as I have. I will try not to say anything negative about anyone’s efforts on here in the future but I will continue to voice my opinion that we need radical change and seek any type of feedback and help i can get from anyone willing to give it. once again thank you for your support and sacrifices and for what I feel was a sincere apology and I hope you understand my position and accept my sincere apology.
and woooow I really don’t know how to respond to Lake County there’s last post. what a revelation he revealed.
I’m basing my opinions on my 2 years in law enforcement, 1 year doing my specialty contract work for CYA Probation Officers and 12 years working daily for the Santa Clara County courts. I am a California State certified senior professional in my field of law. (Sorry but I don’t wish to state my job position on a public forum). I’ve had both victim and defendant clients and have a success rate that got me lots of media recognition in that County. So I understand how both the law and courts work
from what he states he is like a radicalized jihadee terrorist turned patriotic American informant. I hate to show my digital fangs as renny put it but welcome to the other side lake. hope you’re enjoying the fruits of your previous labors. you’re so wrong on so many levels having the nerve to even consider participating and lecturing to any of us on this site or any rso for that matter after no telling how many of us you’ve put on this list… woooow!!!!! and to claim you have all this court room experience and legalese where you have had such great success but yet haven’t put these so called self proclaimed talents to a much better and more productive use in our fight for our cause. once again wooow an ex cop and law professional turned SEX OFFENDER there is a god… sorryyyy not….
that was really cruel of me but by God lake just made my day no my week month and year. sorry lake even after everything is said and done i still welcome you to the fold and encourage you to use your talents and expertise in our fight in which you were once the enemy…. take my post how you want i cant help that your revelations put a huge smile on my face.
and i didnt mean sorry there isn’t a god i meant i really am not sorry for what I said about lake County!!!!!!!!i know we all need to stand in solidarity but someone with lake Countys law enforcement history needs to earn the respect of our community and be Hella great full that anyone of us including janice and these site moderators allow him to post and be on this site. after all most rso sites dont allow law enforcement or judicial officers and parole or probation affiliates to participate in discourse or even have access to these sites. just because you have been forced to come over to our side doesn’t negate the fact that you are probably still in cohorts with the enemy.
i know I shouldn’t rejoice and feel happiness over some one else’s unfortunate situation and I probably shouldn’t post my negative thoughts I just had to do it. sorry to anyone I might have offended hope you understand why I posted this…I promise not to post anything else that doesn’t further our cause unless I am under personal attacks again from someone like lake County and even then I will try to refrain from doing so.
thank you roger and you’re absolutely right United we stand we are all brothers and sisters in arms standing against the evil that is corrupting our great country and I welcome any and every one that wants to join our cause even ex law enforcement and correctional and parole or probation affiliates such as lake County. I really hope he just takes my criticism of him and his past as a right of passage to be included in our fold and understand that he truly is lucky to be welcomed with open arms to a group of people that I am sure feel nothing but hate and disgust like i do for anyone that has anything to do with the government , especially the fields in which he claims to come from….
if I’m wrong about you lake County i do truly apologize and like I said it doesn’t matter what walk of life we come from we need to stay United and all be warriors and Patriots and strive to be just as brave as Janice and her team have been.
with all the legal background and courtroom experience you could be a real asset and use your expertise in helping me draft and prepare my motion. I want to have it ready by next summer at the latest and believe it or not I’m not even doing this for myself since I am nock on wood not really feeling any effect from these laws at this time. I register once a year and register at the beginning of each semester at college and haven’t never had any contact with any law enforcement since I’ve been off parole over 5 years ago.I am going willing to put myself and my fiancée life’s on the line and am preparing for an epic battle against not just the courts but every vigilante groups or crazy individual.I expect to be bombarded by law enforcement news crews and every victims advocate group out there if I can even come close to achieving what I will be attempting. I am going to do it for myself and the hundreds of thousands of registrants and their families that are truly suffering across this country of ours. as you know if I can achieve a win with my as applied challenge it will open the door and set precedents for thousands of people. That’s my end goal. I hope all my warrior brothers and sisters in arms including all our rso organizations will stand with me and help protect me and my family when the time comes.
You win Mike r, Your right, Janice’s way is a waste of time. All my letters and phone calls to defeat these laws the last 3 years must be useless. You’ve made me not care about advocacy here. I will wait to follow your way once you get your law degree. I will let Janice know the IML protest is useless and that I will no longer attend. I have enough crap on my plate and too many medical issues to be wasting my time here. Okay Mike r, now you can gloat some more for turning me away from useless efforts.
watever dude you give up pretty easy and can’t handle taking criticism to well you shouldn’t let me or my opinions dictate what you do…I offered my sincere apologies if what I said about you and your past wasn’t accurate so do what you have to do…
don’t be so thin skinned lake. I already apologized and I already told you I only posted that crap because you were telling me to stop preaching and start protesting get over and move on and put that talent and expertise in the courts and legal system to good use in our that right i said our fight.I’m not apologizing again to you and if you’re any kind of mature man i would expect you to apologize for your insensitive remarks.
It makes my heart sing when a official that helped create or enforce Sex Offender Laws gets put on the list, and then cry foul when they realize just how unfair and cruel their laws are.
I welcome them to my nightmare with open arms.
Michael A. Lewis Sr.
Well, I’ve just read your comments guys and I’m disappointed. 1. This website wouldn’t exist unless it was for Janice. Mike R, you sound narcistic and ungrateful! I’m shocked. Your clearly a control freak and attack anyone with different views or thoughts. You clearly have issues. The Civil Rights movement took years/one fight at a time. If you don’t agree with Janice’s views or methodology, get involved/volunteer and quite complaining. I’m still registering with an expunged battery plea that resulted in summary probation? If Janice/who doesn’t owe you a thing wasn’t here, I would probably be banned from parks/beaches and who knows where else! Move on and donate/or volunteer. Let’s be constructive, rather than distructive. Nobody gets anywhere from being negative!
PS: you guys can write a mommoth letter attacking me, but the truth hurts. Stop being cry babies and I’m ready to Volunteer. Contact me Janice
Just in case anyone wonders why I would welcome them, here is why;
They are the crafters and defenders of these laws and so they have the knowledge and ability to destroy what they themselves created.
But in the meantime they have to live in a nightmare they created.
you’re right nps I shouldn’t have let his remarks about how I should stop preaching and start protesting effect me like I did at least I am man enough to apologize this is the last post about this issue. and usa if you go back and read the post you would see i was attacked first. but even so that was childish of me to attack back. I apologized lets move on….for once I agree with you usa I would be facing all the same restrictions and bans if it wasn’t for Janice’s team and I don’t understand why or how you guys have made the leap from not agreeing with her current tactical slow and steady approach to i don’t appreciate and support her efforts because I do. I donate I write letters I make phone calls whenever she says we need to and I’ll continue to do so no matter what is said or happens on this site.
you’re absolutely right Michael if someone comes over from the other side in whatever field it was they should use their skills and experience in the effort to fight our cause
Mike R, you seem like an intelligent guy who is dedicated to helping RCs get out of the chains that we are in. I respect that, and of course I hope your efforts are successful.
Civil rights movements are started by organizing and focusing efforts. I’m glad that you are writing and calling to support our efforts against bad bills even as you work on your other ideas. Janice is a highly effective leader who has proven results, so those of us who support CARSOL have, by definition, chosen to follow her plan. When we all contribute to Janice’s core efforts–even as we work on our own projects—we have a serious impact on society. You may have heard the saying that a river without direction is a swamp.
I think it is great that we agreed to stop negative comments among ourselves since that causes disharmony and just helps the RC haters. Just look at the Presidential Election this year to see an example of what happens as a result of infighting. Channeling our efforts against unjust laws and encouraging each other will help us succeed.
During the past couple of years since CA RSOL has been doing strong lobbying, letter writing and calling–and teaming with ACLU and sympathetic politicians and others to fight nasty bills–it has been AWESOME to see the surprised expressions on the faces of politicians who were sure their bills would be unopposed yet another year, to see many bills to be voted down, to see some bills to be very weakened, and to see at least one bill be withdrawn. Yes, we have had some setbacks, but we have had lots of wins.
We’re all in this together.
You are absolutely right roger and believe me I commend janices efforts and fully realize that she has been one of the very few if any attorneys or individuals that has had success and we all have benefited from those results throughout this entire state myself included> I couldnt even be attending college right now if it wasnt’ for her efforts and all of us that supported her efforts to squash the presence restrictions in our state since there are day care centers on every campus… I am so grateful to her and her team and will continue to support her in any way I can. I commend and thank any and every one that participates or fights for our cause in any way all i ask is the same respect.. Just because i might disagree with one of janices tactics doesnt mean I dont fully support her and every one else…And To Lake County and every one else I am a uneducated layman that has very limited experience in the judicial system and absolutely zero formal training but I have created formatted and filed my own motions(motions to dismiss, Demurrers,motions for summary judgement and a motion for declaratory relief) during my two year trial so I am familiar with some of the court procedures. Unfortunately I was getting assistance from a paralegal attorney that was a civil rights activist I cant recall his name but he called himself lawyer dude on the internet (look it up). I was using a program called front page express to format them which is no longer available so I am unable to format my motions at this point, but I will learn how or find help doing it sooner or later…I do believe that the only reason that my motion for summary judgement and declaratory relief failed is because I filed it in the same courts as my trial was taking place so the judge that was to hear the case starting on the day my trial was set to start disqualified himself for a conflict of interest because he played golf with the district attorney and judge that I named as defendants in my case…I had great success on my habeas corpus petition while locked up and on my appeal for my half time against cdc..I guess what I am saying Is lake is right that I am not educated and I dont have any formal legal training and that is exactly why I need his help or anyone else who would offer it.. so When I post my revised drafts of my motions just humor me if you get tired of reading them or seeing them because it makes me feel better to see them on line and know that maybe just maybe someone else might read them and appreciate all my work…
for anyone that’s interested here is a link to lawyerdudes webpages. his name was david palachek and unfortunately he died while I was locked up. very talented and won many constitutional battles even though he was disbarred in CA incredible self help information on his webpages. scroll down his page and you will see an extraordinary amount of valuable information for any one interested in law and how to get in front of a judge with properly prepared and formatted documents that the court clerk accepts for filing. Although I only knew him for about the two years during my trial his expertise and encouragement got me through the most difficult time in my life. I really miss his positive feedback and encouragement he was a real American patriot. here’s a link to just one of his many pages.