TX: Program to corral ballooning sex offender registry failing

… In 2011, Texas began a so-called deregistration process. The intent was to remove those who were unlikely to re-offend from the list and, in so doing, save taxpayers money. By focusing police attention on truly dangerous offenders, it would also improve public safety. By that measure, however, the program has been a bust. In the 5 1/2 years it has been in existence, only 58 sex offenders have been permitted to deregister from the Texas list — less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the current registry. Full Article

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NY: These guys are really bad – NY wins big victory in locking up sex offenders forever

Albany, NY — New York’s top court this month delivered a big victory to state prosecutors who want to remove some of the worst sex offenders from society — possibly forever. It dealt a blow to those who fear that the state is expanding a controversial confinement program beyond its Constitutional grounds. Full Article

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