TX: Program to corral ballooning sex offender registry failing

… In 2011, Texas began a so-called deregistration process. The intent was to remove those who were unlikely to re-offend from the list and, in so doing, save taxpayers money. By focusing police attention on truly dangerous offenders, it would also improve public safety.

By that measure, however, the program has been a bust. In the 5 1/2 years it has been in existence, only 58 sex offenders have been permitted to deregister from the Texas list — less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the current registry. Full Article

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Is anyone surprised? If you reduce the registry, you also reduce the political clout it wields by showing that those registered aren’t really that much of a threat.

That’s where I live and the de-list legislation was a complete joke.

To de-register, your offense (there can only be one charge) has to be one that has a longer registration under Texas law than under federal law, and you have to have been on it at least that long. Then, a “council” has to approve and recommend that you aren’t a threat. Then a judge has to agree to let you off…yes…an elected judge has to have it on his record when he goes up for re-election that he let a SO off the list. Yep…not very bloody likely.

It’s legislation was just an excuse just to fend off any constitutional challenges because at least Texas can claim there is a “due process” way to get off the registry even if it isn’t practical or actually allowed very often.

If only the government had to go through any red tape to put someone on a list that violates many of our constitutional rights to begin with we wouldn’t be in this mess.

My situation in TX is very complicated. I took the Stat 99 and was classified low risk. My PO showed me the site and showed me what was visible. I looked maybe one other time on my own and a couple of friends checked it and said, “at least you are low risk.” Well my Mexican lawyer told me to get documentation on my low risk status as he prepares an appeal to enter Mexico. I look on the site and now it says on the risk level, “not reported.” I called DPS and was told that I need to check with the Probation office and ask them to resubmit. I called the PO and since my probation was completed over 6 years ago, I was told that my paperwork was shredded. So now even though I have to jump through all those hoops, they can lose my risk level and all they say is too bad. Actually the woman at DPS was courteous, but the end result is the same. To make matters worse, I was made promises by my lawyer as to how my case would be disposed if I cooperated and nearly everything that I was told was not accurate. So I complained and even hired attorneys and investigators because this registration is an every changing animal. I found significant errors but also found out that the witnesses were very reluctant. So now I will have the prosecutor working against me as I start the deregistration process. There is a lot more to the case, but in the end, I have invested some money with an attorney who is now currently researching my situation to determine if I am eligible to go through the process. I hope that I hear something soon.

“If only the government had to go through any red tape to put someone on a list that violates many of our constitutional rights to begin with…”
So very true, Chris F. !!!

Is there anyone on this forum that has gotten off of the TX registry without being on the registry for 15 years? It seems like I have read in some of the posts that some have gotten off of the registry and I wondered how they did it.