Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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New York to bar registrants on parole from playing Pokemon Go!
Surely next on the list, they will bar them from playing Monopoly, or Hop Scotch, or other similarly predatory games that will uniquely result in child molestation even by registrants whose offenses had nothing to do with children.
Re this change of the group from California focus to national, now I worry that even while we are overwhelmed with so much to do on the California level, efforts for that will have to be slighted, any number of things that otherwise would have been addressed will not be. You can’t multiply the state fight by 50 and think the state fight will be done, there have to be state chapters dedicated to the state fight or it simply be not get done.
I do think we need a major effort and attack on both the national level and the state level. National RSOL should have been out there doing more, as CA RSOL has been. But I don’t think one set of people can adequately do both. So I’m worried about this change.
And re the national level, why don’t we try to corner the presidential candidates on this issue — carefully so it doesn’t backfire on us? This fight has to be brought before the eyes of the public, it has to be a real issue out there, it has to be part of the pubic discussion, as nothing will change politically until after it is.
And one last thing, the name bothers me. It sounds like we accept that there can be laws imposing registration and maybe other things on FORMER sex offenders, after they have completed probation or parole. And I have always spoken against that, no registration law is acceptable and should not be considered to be Constitutional, no matter the interpretations of lying courts. You are NOT free if you are under any kind of registration law.
Looks like we missed this new law from October 2015.
Previously all California Residents had the right to receive restitution from the Victims of Violent Crimes Fund for most medical and wage losses due to being a victim of a violent crime. This is funded from court restitution fines and not from the State’s general fund.
Assembly Bill No. 1140
AB 1140, Bonta. Crime victims.
Section (8) of bill basically states;
This bill would also prohibit compensation from being granted to an applicant while he or she is required to be registered as a sex offender.
Law was updated to read:
SEC. 4. Section 13956 of the Government Code is amended to read:
13956. Notwithstanding Section 13955, a person shall not be eligible for compensation under the following conditions:
(c) (1) Notwithstanding Section 13955, no person who is convicted of a violent felony listed in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 of the Penal Code may be granted compensation until that person has been discharged from probation or has been released from a correctional institution and has been discharged from parole, or has been discharged from post release community supervision or mandatory supervision, if any, for that violent crime. In no case shall compensation be granted to an applicant pursuant to this chapter during any period of time the applicant is held in a correctional institution, or while an applicant is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Section 290 of the Penal Code.
So they slipped in one more law to deny us benefits that all other California Residents have. Now we just need a registered citizen to be a violent crime victim to have standing to fight this in the courts.
Are there any forums just for RSO’s so we can communicate without being corralled into specific topics? Similar to standard forums. Where the content is user based?
Did this story get posted?
I’m very appreciative of what Janice and this organization has done. I found the former CA RSOL to be the most active and successful RSO online support community out there. I can understand why the organization wants to broaden it’s appeal by renaming the brand. But I do see a few technical issues with the name change. In fact, some things are worst in terms of online searching.
Although I’m a native Californian, I found the site by accident thru online search terms. CA RSOL always pops up in reference to registrant advocacy, litigation, new laws and challenges to those laws. So the name CA RSOL has been out in cyberspace for a while. Since ACSOL is relatively new, it will take years for it to build up “street cred” in cyberspace where the name is most commonly associated with RSO activities across the country.
I’m well aware the CA RSOL page provides a link to ACSOL. but it doesn’t always work out right. One has to be aware that website content (such as articles and comments from the past ) will not connect to the page that links up with ACSOL. For example, a google search of California sex offender ordinance restrictions will bring you to an article posted by CA RSOL, but if you hit on the link, you’ll get a 404 not found. So now we just lost a potential supporter & donor. Not only does a person now figure CA RSOL got shut down, they also don’t know it morphed into ASCOL
So that’s the only issue I really have with the new changes. I know some people have problems with the name itself but to me, it’s saying current registrant laws aren’t constitutional, but they need to be. And that’s the major objective of this organization
Well, it’s official now. The state of california now has taken our daughter solely because I am an RSO and be a use my wife didn’t divorce me. They lied in court to a bias judge. Striped our parental rights and all that’s left is to clear her to be adopted by this evil, wretched woman liar. They are also wanting us to pay for the privilege by trying to make us pay child support.
I would really live to file a civil or constitutional lawsuit in federal court so we can side step the state buddy, buddy crap. I think we really have a good case, because they are basically saying that if you are an RSO, they can come and take your child at any time if they choose. They never accused us of abuse or neglect, just that I was a RSO and they think that “Maybe” could “Possibly ” happen to our daughter “sometime” in the future. Which I guess is enough to strip someone of their right to a family?… now I can’t find an attorney who is willing to help us file this case, and we have money… furthermore, if we were to win we don’t care about the money, that would all go to the attorney who helped us. We just want our daughter back.
Any suggestions of an attorney or other options or input would be greatly appreciated, we are just running out of options and hope… this is beyond any sort of punishment, this is cruel torture.
I really don’t like this new format and I really hope this doesn’t affect how our cause and issues here in cali get addressed. it’s been my personal experiences that any and every one has a price that overrides their personal integrity and influences their behavior. I am trying to stay positive and believe that janice is different and will always fight for what’s right and never be corrupted by money or power or submit to threats or coercion. I really don’t want to hear from you haters about my post if you’re going to attack me on a personal level for my comments either because I am telling you now I will not take those attacks laying down and even though I will try to refrain from attacking back i can not guarantee I will not. so if you’re so thin skinned like lake County says he is don’t throw the first punch. stay on topic and refrain from personal insults. I didn’t say that janice has been corrupted or attacking her integrity I am just saying it is worrisome for me personally because that seems to be a universal traight of people who become important and end up having influence over policy making
Excellent move on the board…..
After 1.5 yrs on probation, I have learned many things:
1. I am alone in my journey. Doctors, Probation officers, friends, all act like they want you to get through this ordeal. But it is just that, an act.
2. People need someone to hate and blame. Laws have made it legal to hate me.
3. The rest of the world is not against us, but our ggovernment wants them to be, so they make absurd laws ” for the children”.
4.Media reports drama, not news. They care little about injustice, just ratings and revenue.
This adds up to a life destroyed not by myself, but by a system that will never change, and only get worse.
It sounds very negative, and it is. But it is also reality.
wow its really hard to catch comments soon after they are made , is this how its always going to be ?or is this a short handed kind of thing ? its kind of hard to have a discussion with this kind of lag time , buts not like I am not greatfull for the people that Moderate , because i am,,, just kind wondering if their is some kind problem that can be helped
nomore< hope your doing well Bro , and not half as rung out as I am , running around in town , makes me sleepy just thinking about going around town ,lol any way here you go 661- 563-3407
man this format bites I’m about done with this site I really hope janice and team realize they need to do something or they are going to lose a lot of support its just a fact…like someone else stated it’s going to take years for this new sites name to start appearing in search engines and even if it does the format is just like every other site and has zero apeal. sorry just telling like it is. I feel like we have lost our greatest warriors and it’s really troubling.
idk maybe I will get used to it and it might be a great move but right now I am really discouraged. this is just pushing me harder to finish my own motion which I will be going to the law library tomorrow….
YES….I now have preformatted boilerplate court documents that I can download and edit with my own information so I can continue to move forward with my motion. I don’t know why I am even posting this here i feel that we have lost our following and our discourse is extreemly diminished due to this new format. I guess time will tell….
Great move Janice and team. Of course you probably created a lot more work for yourself being national now and having to tinker with the new website to get everything just right. Web design is not always easy, so I expect it will take a little time to perfect it, but good job so far! So far it looks like everything works the same as the old site but with a slightly different appearance. The fonts could be better, but that may be because of my computer’s default font setting.
I’m getting ready to book a Labor Day getaway with the family and ordinarily would not give it a second thought, however recently I’ve read of RSOs getting turned away when they get to their hotel.
How common is this? I really hate to have my wife book the trip in her name as it will cut into whatever semblance of normalcy we’ve achieved.
Any advice?
I’m trying to get what happened to me in that crooked orange county courthouse to showcase as here what happened to this guy in the news…A Wrongful Conviction & record payout. !$10m-settlement-with-la-county/1457800/
Here’s a nice fellow to have as a neighbor
I heard a lot of weird stuff coming out of Wisconsin but that takes the cake
that dude is inciting and encouraging violence he must have some skeletons in his closest. remember the ones who yell the loudest are usually the ones who are doing something wrongJanice needs to use that photo which says child molester south America and shows the guy with knifes sticking out of him. worrying about that kinda crap happening especially with the mark of the beast on our passport is real.
moving right along with support of my motion covering just one more issue. still have several more issues to research.
pro se
Elmore v. McCammon (1986) 640 F. Supp. 905
“… the right to file a lawsuit pro se is one of the most important rights under the constitution and laws.”
Jenkins v. McKeithen, 395 U.S. 411, 421 (1959); Picking v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 151 Fed 2nd 240; Pucket v. Cox, 456 2nd 233
Pro se pleadings are to be considered without regard to technicality; pro se litigants’ pleadings are not to be held to the same high standards of perfection as lawyers.
Maty v. Grasselli Chemical Co., 303 U.S. 197 (1938)
“Pleadings are intended to serve as a means of arriving at fair and just settlements of controversies between litigants. They should not raise barriers which prevent the achievement of that end. Proper pleading is important, but its importance consists in its effectiveness as a means to accomplish the end of a just judgment.”
Puckett v. Cox, 456 F. 2d 233 (1972) (6th Cir. USCA)
It was held that a pro se complaint requires a less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer per Justice Black in Conley v. Gibson (see case listed above, Pro Se Rights Section).
Picking v. Pennsylvania Railway, 151 F.2d. 240, Third Circuit Court of Appeals
The plaintiff’s civil rights pleading was 150 pages and described by a federal judge as “inept”. Nevertheless, it was held “Where a plaintiff pleads pro se in a suit for protection of civil rights, the Court should endeavor to construe Plaintiff’s Pleadings without regard to technicalities.”
I have left emails, messages, and letters for my state assemblyman, but never once a reply or even acknowledgement. Why bother, since it is obvious they could care less. Protests, letters, nothing works. We are really disposed by all. F*cking humanity my a**.
I just read that someone is suing the state of CA for violating their 1st amendment rights after their website listing the home addresses and phone numbers of all legislators that voted yes on a certain bill was forced to be taken down by the state. The guy called it the “Tyrants Registry”. He is suiing as “Publius Doe” as there are criminal penalties for posting this information.
How can it be a crime to post information about our PUBLIC elected officials, but not punishment to post our information?
Just a note…
RSO-agitator Valerie Parkhurst, AKA “Valigator”, passed away on July 27th. She had been a thorn in the side for registrants in Florida, constantly harassing them (many to the point of eviction or loss of job), even brandishing a weapon at them, but never arrested for it. She was 60.
In lieu of flowers, I suggest sending a donation to ACSOL instead.
Can anyone tell me where the list of states and their RSO laws went to, I cannot seem to find them on this new site. Also this site could use some color, it seems cold and sterile. Anyway if someone could point out where that list is I would be grateful.