AZ: If You Change a Baby’s Diaper in Arizona, You Can Now Be Convicted of Child Molestation

The Arizona Supreme Court issued a stunning and horrifying decision on Tuesday, interpreting a state law to criminalize any contact between an adult and a child’s genitals. According to the court, the law’s sweep encompasses wholly innocent conduct, such as changing a diaper or bathing a baby. As the stinging dissent notes, “parents and other caregivers” in the state are now considered to be “child molesters or sex abusers under Arizona law.” Those convicted under the statute may be imprisoned for five years. Full Article



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Has the system completely gone nuts?
I’m going to invent a pressure washer and blow drier to sell to parents. I’ll be rich.
What about hospitals. Nurses and Doctors can’t touch those areas either.
Good thing 15 and under don’t require the colonoscopy. Those Dr.’s would go out of business fast.
Can the nurse clean a newborn?
Has this gotten out of hand yet?
Just keep it up you “IDIOTS”.
At one time in Arizona, you had to watch out for drunk Indians. Now look out for drunk Judges and legislators.

The cynic in me can’t help but find this to be Outrageously Hilarious!! 😆
It’s a real life version of the South Park cartoon in which they were soon looking at everyone as a potential child molester/predator ….teachers, clergy, coaches, then all men (stepfathers & biological fathers), then mothers and other children as well!!
But, to be fair, if this law protects just one toddler from getting an unwanted bath or one newborn baby from getting a dry diaper, I really think it’s worth it!! 😆😂😄

outcome of new law: DO NOT EVER CHANGE YER KIDS DIAPER ! AZ will be one stinking state ! never visit or live there !

I am glad this is happening, YES I am glad. Laws like this will eventually cause all sex offenses come crashing down. I want to see everyone in AZ on the registry, yes, Yes and YES!


I just had to come back for a second helping. 🙂

Keep that left/right voting cycle going! We conspiracy theorists told you totalitarianism was trying to come to Murica. How does that taste?

Then under this ruling the majority that voted for this are surely child molesters for changing their babies diapers and should be registered..Also their sons and daughters etc..All sex offenders and if they continue to change their kids diapers, definity predators!!

If it saves one child

Anyone with just half a brain would leave Arizona NOW!!!!! Or at the very least demand a recall of the judges and lawmakers involved with this abuse of power.

If I lived in Arizona, I would take down changing tables in public restrooms and then post a sign that says it illegal to clean your baby. ‘change the law before you can change your baby.’

It HAS to be an April’s fools joke. There just isn’t another explanation! Nobody can be that stupid, or can they? I am still laughing….

At one time of my life, i started dating a woman with 9 month old child. As the relationship got more serious and I doing various “dad” duties, I had a sit down with my by then fiance and discussed why it wouldn’t be okay for me to change diapers to give the child a bath, etc. It was so I couldn’t be accused by anyone, at any time of doing anything bad or wrong.

It wasn’t long after that she saw what I was talking about in society and quit her job as a teacher. She was very afraid that she too, like other teachers would get accused of sexual misconduct.

I’ve seen too many divorces end very badly because of accusations. I’ve seen entire careers dropped to avoid the possibility of accusations. And now that I’m reading this coming out of Arizona, I can only say that I was right once again. The laws are so crazy because “We the people” and a broken court system and idiot legislators pushed things this way, intentionally or not.

This could be a blessing in disguise. Absurd laws draw attention to a ridiculous system. I would laugh if one of those legislators had a son or daughter go to prison for breaking a law they implemented.

The most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!! So what!! You are to leave the baby dirty and wet!! Gtfoh with that BS!! With or without a law, my child would be changed!!

Hey guys, laugh all you want, but we’ve already had a similar conviction in California before. I came across a guy who changed his infant daughter’s diaper in public place. She had diaper rash really bad, so the father was putting on a diaper rash ointment hoping it would help. The rash had the baby crying the whole time, as it usually does. A woman saw this from a distance and was quick to report that he was rubbing his daughter’s pubic area with her diaper open. He found himself convicted over it because the witness was a mother herself and stated his rubbing was longer than necessary to do what he claimed.

On another side of this, perhaps if every parent in Arizona gets convicted under this, it will finally be the tipping point we need to show how out of control these laws are and prove they are overreaching and not doing what they claim.

This is awesome! Good job Arizona. You have actually found a way to out-legislate Florida and New York combined. Bravo!

Of course, when tens of thousands of Arizona babies arrive at the hospitals and urgent care facilities with severe infections from untreated diaper rash and open sores from acidic shit, those parents will be charged with abuse anyway.

Aw, who are we kidding, if the people of Arizona allowed this law to be passed, then none of them probably changed diapers anyway, or their underwear for that matter.

Well Florida, New York, you idiots are no longer protecting children as well as Arizona. I am sure you can come up with something, it’s an election year after all.

I already see the next law in the works. Registered sex offenders in Phoenix can’t live within a 1,000 ft of any facility containing a restroom with a diaper changing station

The system will fail and the American people will go to war against the government,you have restarts making stupid laws so that they can imprison American citizens.