California judge imposes prison term of 1,503 years(!?!) on father who repeatedly raped daughter

As reported in this local article, a state judge in California gave new meaning to the term “mass incarceration” by imposing a prison sentence on a rapist that will not be completed until the year 3519. … In addition to the prison sentence, Sarkisian said Lopez will have to register as a sex offender. Full Article


Rape, Incest And Retribution

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Seems fine to me.

Apparently the article fails to mention that he will be required to register for the rest of his life after his release.

20 years to Life would have been a sufficient sentence for this man.
As Doug Berman pointed out 1,500+ years is absurd.
An as Scott Greenfield pointed out “absurdly long or absurdly short, it gives rise to the public perception that this is all just a big game subject to the whims of feelings, outrageous on either end, and without any legitimate grounding in doctrine or purpose”.
60 days for raping your child is inferior and offensive but 1,5000 years for doing the same is distorted and inordinate.

I never understood why they used to hang, draw and quarter criminals. Such a medieval concept. The first part did the job. Now if 100 years isn’t long enough and this guy isn’t a vampire, what’s the purpose of it? Just showing how we can go backwards. Maybe the judge does think the convicted is a vampire.

The difference between the sentences offered for the plea deals, and the final sentence; is that if he plead guilty, the sentences would’ve been served concurrently. So instead, they sentenced him to consecutive sentences. That’s how they come up with those outrageous number of years.

The same basic set of 2 or 3 charges were repeated for each alleged incident, over a 4 year period. If everything is collapsed into 1 set of concurrently served sentences; he’d only get 13 to 15 years.

I’m not in any way condoning what this guy did. I feel like hurling just thinking about it. Guys like this and Garrido, etc. are the poster boys for the morons who love these registration laws. But, I just have to point out that if he had simply killed her while driving drunk, he would have gotten less time.
Seems like Judge Sarkisian is hoping for a few headlines followed by a promotion such as an appointment. Just sayin’.

Did anyone consider the mental state of this guy? The article states
that he left song lyrics for her. This guy had emotions invested. Maybe someone should have diagnosed him for pedophilia and treated him instead of punishing him. It sounds to me like there is something wrong in there; but instead of giving him a light sentence and treatment, just hang the poor bastard! The article didn’t even mention if he was evaluated and/or if he’s susceptible to treatment.

What a strange story…. how do you forcibly (!) rape a 20, 19, 18 year old woman, and even a 17, 16 girl hundreds (hundreds!) of times over 4 years? One of the commenters on this story (claiming to be a CA prosecutor) said she did not speak English. Neither does half of the population of California. She had no family in the US? There is no shortage of police stations. Was she kept in a box or inside the home? Did she go to school?

I am sorry… but at some point I would – have to – expect such a person to ‘tell’ or say ‘no more’. Before 4 years and twice weekly forcible rapes go by. Okay, you can all yell at me now. It is like I expect a 17, 16, 15 year old student to decline to get involved with a teacher or a coach.

We are not talking about about a toddler here… we are talking about an adult or a person old enough to be treated like an adult by the system the ENTIRE time this was going on.

Sounds to me like the judge is a trump supporter, get those Mexicans. I’ve never seen the most vicious white or black serial rapist or murderer get this kind of sentence. Yea, they really hate the people that were here before them.

But on the more legal side, I thought you had to kill someone to get a death sentence? Didn’t the scrotus rule recently that rape didn’t warrant a death sentence?

It probably won’t matter anyways, the Cali dept. of Corrections will sick the inmates on this guy and he will likely be dead soon anyways.

This case is ridiculous, not because the daughter could have spoke out long ago, we will never understand her fears and reasons; it’s ridiculous because there is a statute that covers continuous sexual abuse of a minor, which totals 8 years–no I’m not convicted of it. It’s absurd to think one could receive an individual sentence for each event within the same crime. It’d be like receiving a separate sentence for each child porn picture found in a computer– I’m not convicted of that either.

but regardless of the absurdity of the sentence he had twice the opportunity to receive what has become the norm! Overall, I couldn’t imagine hurting my daughter in this manner, and because of his stupidity I believe he got what he deserves

I find it striking that so many of the posts express a judgement of what someone’s penalty should be. I know plenty of people who might kill you just for stepping on their shoes or pissing them off at the wrong time. I would have thought that many of you would have come to grips with the problems of humanity by now.

We live in a world guided by rules, these rules of equal and opposite effect have severe consequences on us as a species. For every act of kindness, likewise comes one of sadness. Another rule is one all of you should know, no 2 things can be identical, even acts against people. As we can all see from the media, every crime us different, in varying degrees of tragedy. This should no longer surprise or shock anyone, except those who desire to live in a fantasy world.

So everyone should understand these rules by now, they are plain to see. And as those rules require, as you restrict, so shall the desire to be free of them will become stronger. As you take away our freedoms, so yours will be reduced as well. These laws are irrefutable in respect to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

As you can see, as we impose our powers overseas, and misuse our laws here, so too will other powers exercise their power, and will not listen to a nation demonstrating so much lawlessness. The right to know is a double edged sword, it informs the world of our problems, but also destroys our image. The boisterous and clamorous nature of America has been revealed, and now it will reap what it sows. You see, even the Bible uses the laws of TIME IS EXISTENCE.

I want to know… if by chance this person lives a 1503 years he is free?
Why such an extreme number? Why not 110 years? I don’t understand my country… sigh…

Why are people blaming the judge in this instance? Did you all actually read the article? This guy had a hundred and something counts against him, and he HE TURNED DOWN A PLEA DEAL OF 13 YEARS to take it to trial. I mean, why would you do that, especially with these types of charges? No juror is going to by sympathetic.

The judge didn’t convict him, jurors did. Then, by law, the judge had to apply all the years with all those counts the jurors found him guilty on. It’s not like the judge can give him any sentence he pleases, he has guidelines he has to follow. I mean, sure, the judge can give him the low range for each charge, but then it would be 1000 years instead of 1500, doesn’t make a difference.

Let’s take the lesser number of 2 multiply it by weeks then by 5


So she let herself get raped at least 520 times before she said anything?!

Everyone only has one life. No one can serve a sentence longer than their life. Sentences like this one only serve to prove just how ignorant (defendant having to register as a sex offender?) and vindictive judges in America can be.