Fontana School District’s “No Registrants” Policy Challenged in Court

Today a lawsuit was filed in state court challenging a decision by the Fontana Unified School District to prohibit all registrants, including parents, from entering all 45schools in that district. The five members of the school district board voted unanimously in favor of the “zero tolerance” policy on September 14 after several angry parents threatened to oust any board member who opposed it.

According to the lawsuit, the school board policy is preempted by state law and is inconsistent with other state laws which require schools to allow parents and guardians of school children to participate in the education of their children. The lawsuit requests that the court issue a writ of mandate requiring the school district to stop enforcement of the policy.

“The Fontana Unified School District is violating state law each and every day it enforces the unlawful policy of prohibiting all registrants from entering all schools in that district,” stated civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci.

The lawsuit also alleges that the school board is exceeding its authority by creating and then enforcing a policy that excludes registrants from school campuses.

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cindy and Irma…lmfao…..status qou cowards who never had a original thought in their lives…simpleton sheeple….knew they were to weak nd feeble minded to come back and try and support their stance with some kind of evidence……disgusting

As someone who is not allowed to enter my 5 & 6 year old’s schools for any purpose even for a one on one parent teach conference I think the state law needs to be challenged.

Garden Grove is also doing illegal unconstitutional policies.

I inquired with the principal of my children’s school and she was open to me participating with my children’s education. UNTIL the school district and the police caught wind of it. She was told to tell me that if I step on school property I will be arrested. IF I want to come onto school property I must give months of notice and have the police do a full investigation to determine whether I have committed any more crimes. ALSO, The principal will need to come up with a plan for me to use the restroom walk through the halls and enter and exit the building walking me all the way to the sidewalk. So basically she told me and my wife it is a nuisance to do all of that and she doesn’t want to do it. WTF?

The law states all I need is a letter from the principal. She was open to it until a bunch of “better safe than sorry” idiots got involved adding a bunch more requirements.


Joe, well no duh. You have the money to lend me to fight it? Is it worth it to poor everything I have into it SELL MY HOUSE, SELL OUR CARS, SELL MY GUITARS, SELL EVERY DAMN THING IN MY LIFE if in the end I live in a one bedroom apartment and have nothing left? How is that being a good father to my children? They’re first not me. It makes no sense to give them a poor quality of life fighting for something that I want to do.

Unless you can give me the money to fight, it is much better to provide my children with a great life financially and leave the school thing alone. GOT AN ATTORNEY THAT WANTS TO GO PRO BONO ON IT? Otherwise keep the wise ass unmotivating comments to yourself. Gracias.