General Comments October 2016

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of October 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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I would like an answer to this question. Is there a conspiracy by known and unknown conspirators attempting to overthrow the US. Constitution by utilizing the sex offender registration as a means to deny all Americans their rights. A yes or no would be fine by anyone.

I have a question for the moderators or admins of this site.

Now that the web site is directly supporting a national effort, is it possible to add a standard Forum/Message board to the site and additionally allow users to create unique and saved profiles to post with? I realize that due to some areas having rules about registered citizens or those on probation having to disclose any new usernames, that there still may need to be a way to post without a profile and just use an existing email address.

With separate Forums, the posts under news articles would be more directly related to that news article and issues dealing with particular topics could be addressed in the forums.

Forums would make it so subject discussions aren’t spread across multiple similar news articles with people having to repeat stuff all the time under the next new related article. It would also allow some “sticky” forum posts that have the first post constantly updated with the latest info or lists of info pertaining to that topic. That would be a great benefit to those new people coming to the site that can’t possibly search through tons of related news items when a simple topic forum would be one-stop-shop.

If there was the ability to register a unique username on this site, then there could also be non-required private fields set up in order to allow Janice’s team to easily target emails/internal messages to people with specific traits. There could be fields for State, offense, starting year on registry, tier, ending year, or check box that you are just a friend/family member for a registered person or were previously registered.

In addition, with unique usernames, it could track how often you post or any type of average rating given to your posts so that we could tell when the more active people are posting and when a new person is posting that may need some additional guidance. As it is, I can’t tell if a reply to something is from someone new, or a veteran that’s been through it all.

I know everything costs time and money that may not be available, but I would like to know if this is planned, would be nice to have but can’t due to resources, or can’t happen due to legal reasons.

Thanks for all you do!

Great podcast!

It includes Patty Wetterling questioning sex offender laws.

We are the 99 that are good. The registry is going to be around for awhile. We have choice either be succumb by the bitterness of the negativism of the registry or become victors and use it to our advantage. I am proclaiming from this day forward, that I am a member of a class of people that have been proven to be 99% of best people in the world. If, a employer want to a have 99% chance of having a good employee, hire the person that is on registry. If, a landlord wants to a 99% chance of a good tenant, rent to someone that is on the registry. Folks, we’ve been given a truckload of sour lemons let us make something out these lemons, like lemonade.

I take it we have never got an answer as of who these others are that janice was talking about that are supposedly preparing a real challenge on the real issues..I know war was supposed to of filed last fall but I haven’t heard anything about it…

I have a question. My new P.O. wants to meet with me one month after our initial mtg. My previous P.O. was following a 90 day follow up and would ask me when I wanted to meet again. Is this just a power play ?

I just went for my annual price club membership a week ago, and they had a field filled out with a “next of kin” with my dad’s name and address. Is it required for them to have this information? If not, how do I get them to remove it?

im going to keep asking everyday…Janice moderator or any other affiliate of this site who are these others that janice mentioned are preparing for a challenge on the real issues and exactly what is it that they will be challenging and can we please be involved and have our suggestions be at least considered or be able to provide some kind of assistance in finding or providing evidence in the suit…..we are laymen and not professional attorneys but it seems to me that the more input from a myriad of sources the better chance we have for success….

I’m sorry, I was not able to find the general comments section, if there is one, in this new website format.

I just got notified yesterday that appeal of the denial of my Certificate of Rehabilitation was denied.
No point in going into the details here but the appeal was based on the superior court judge’s. The Appellate Court did not buy our arguments.

I’ve had two unsuccessful attempts it is now the Orange County Public Defender’s Office.
I think they must put the most inexperienced attorneys on their New Leaf” program to file these petitions.
The first woman I had filed the petition in 2012 even though it was two years too early.
The guy that I had, in 2014, just got the response from the district attorney’s office the very day the petition was to be heard. He made some lame comma half-hearted argument against the DA’s response butt mention none of the points that I thought were germane. He even tried to talk me out of filing the appeal.
The appellate attorney seemed confident, based on her filingd and responses, though I never met her and she declined oral arguments before the Appellate Court.

Now I have contacted Chance Oberstein to see if he is able to help me.
Being on SSI I am economically disadvantaged. So how that will all play into it I’m not sure yet.

Sorry again for posting this here. But like I said I could not find the general comments section
***moved to General Comments***Moderator

Have done some reading & research on static 99 (or I guess static *99R* now). Some very informative info (especially user comments) on this website. My question is that I’m pretty sure the state gave me a higher static 99 scam score than I actually should have. The state says I have a 5, but I added my score & it actually looks like I’m a 3. What is my recourse in having *our* state correct its mistake? I think that if they’re going to apply the static score scam, they at least should count the points up right (it’s kindergarten math)!! Also, with me having lived w/ a lover for over 2 yrs (my wife of 5 yrs)… they should actually now give me a 2 score, right? Or is the scam only scoring at time of conviction? All of this just seems very wrong. :::confused:::

yes Chris I wasn’t referring to this iml issue…I was referring to a comment janice finally made about why no one including this organization has not filed suit on the real issues that could topple the entire registration scheme in which she replied that others were in fact working on such a suit…that is what my comment was asking once again who these others are and exactly what are their intentions in relation to the issues I believe need to be brought forth…

This just in the newsroom.. Creepy Clown spotted in your city..
Creepy Clown sightings in your city. .
Creepy Clown..Creepy Clown..
Why aren’t the statzi authorities making up a law so Creepy Clowns don’t scare people & register the Creepy Clowns..’for our children’ ..’for our children’.
Oooooooooh the humanity.

I wanted to get some opinions on the chances of ending my probation early.

I have felony 288.2(a)(1) for an internet sting (so, no actual victim). I was given 5 years probation here in LA county. I have now completed 1 and a half years of it.

I have completed all the sentencing requirements (I got 1 year house arrest, 600 hours community service), have passed the polygraph, and completed the counseling program. I live at home with wife and kids (though DCFS tried in the beginning, oh those bastards tried), and have just celebrated 10 years at my job. I am doing well and there are no issues.

Last month when I visited my probation officer he said “why are you still here? It’s been long enough hasn’t it?” He suggested I could probably ask for early termination… though he said strictly speaking it was their official policy to recommend against it if they get asked by a judge. “But that’s why you get a lawyer to do it, he can argue for you”, he said. I haven’t even been visited at home by the probation office in quite a while.

I know generally you can ask for early termination around halfway though. That would still be a year away. But it seems that even the probation officer doesn’t see a reason I should still be on it.

What do you guys think? Is it worth trying?

There is a way to possible correct the prevailing the “high recidivism” thought train with SCOTUS.

As has been noted many times previously, the “high recidivism” rate was provided by the USG’s Solicitor General (SG) as noted in an “‘Frightening and High’: The Supreme Court’s Crucial Mistake About Sex Crime Statistics” ( to SCOTUS for use in their considerations of the case at the time.

Come to find out, there is a way for this error could be possibly corrected as noted in this article “Inside the Supreme Court’s little-known revision process”

The question becomes does the Atty General (AG) get petitioned to correct the error if enough people contact them or if an online petition is submitted with an atty generated letter asking the AG to correct the error through the SG? Is it that simple? SG works for the AG by the way. Obviously there is enough data to overcome the “high recidivism” rate thinking. If they can correct a 200 year old error, see the PBS article, then there should be no reason why they cannot correct an error 13 years later.

Of course, in the end, you are asking the SG to acknowledge their own error and correct it. Have to wonder if that would get any traction and action.

Thanks “Moderator” for placing a GC section on this much needed site. Thanks!

How “Risk Assessment” Tools Are Condemning People to Indefinite Imprisonment

Very detailed and thorough analysis of issues of risk assessment and “predictive policing,” which covers many of the issues that are so urgent in our legal battles. Favorite sentence:

“There is no research that suggests that sex offender registries and the multiplying regime of community notification laws, for example, have reduced child sexual violence, caught perpetrators, or protected children: Research supported by the US Department of Justice concludes that Megan’s Law, a key federal law that contributed to the establishment of sex offender registries, ‘has no effect on reducing the number of victims involved in sexual offenses.’ States with civil commitment do not have lower rates of child sexual violence than states without civil commitment. Labeling the passports of people with convictions for sex offenses, or limiting their housing options and employment opportunities, does not reduce child sexual violence.”

The story which appeared online in truthout is by Erick Meiners, The Bernard J. Brommel Distinguished Research Professor at Northeastern Illinois University, and a Soros Justice Fellow writing on reducing our nation’s reliance on criminalization to end sexual violence. Definitely sounds like someone who could be called as an expert witness on our team. Maybe Janice in California or Mark Weinberg and Adele Nicholas, working with Illinois Voices, should call her.

Here’s the link to the complete article

I don’t comment that often, but I have a question. Has there been any news on the status of the 200+ homeless RCs in Floriduh?

All hail the “Sex Offender In Chief…”
CNN: Trump bragged on hot mic about being able to grope women

I read that 4 of the O.P.D. officers involved in the sex scandal had been fired. 7 more suspended w/o pay. Really? That’s it? I guess the lesson here is , if you are going to break the law, become a law enforcement officer first. Then you can get away with anything, even murder, and walk away with a reprimand. They can do anything and get away with it. Time to fight back.

Hurricane in Florida: Welfare report requested on RC living in tents along the R x R tracks in Miami. Do anyone there have information?

Well judging by the republican parties nominne for president, who says all you gotta do is grab women by the p**sy, you would think all republicans are pervs. They support a guy u who demeans everyone, just shows you the hypocrisy of it all, and you still have faith and trust in the people running this money bag of a nation. This country is mentally ill, period.

😆 ROFLMAO!!! 😆😂 TRUMP!!! Yes, by all means, please let America elect a Predator-in-Chief and then contort itself into knots about what to do with its Registered Citizens, while also figuring out what to do with him!! OMG, we would be the laughing stock of the World! Inagine it: America – the one country in the World that is the most hysterical about sex offenders – elects a confessed sexual predator to be its leader! 😂

😄 What if POTUS had to carry a “uniquely identified” passport?? Would Angel Watch send green notices?? Would the D.C. police require a sign on the White House front lawn? Or maybe in the Rose Garden? 😄

Now the sex crusaders want to hang the guy who sexually assaulted a 9 month old baby causing her death. Its totally understandable, just like it is when a parent, friend, or stranger causes any childs death through any form of abuse. Whether the cause is sexual anger, pariental anger, or any anger. The reason is not the significant issue, the childs death is. Sex crusaders actually use the cause to take away everyones rights, but say nothing related to any other cause. Somehow, the manner of their family members harm is different from every other way. A death or harm as the result of any cause is tragic, not only for the person, but also for the perp, who has now crossed the final line. It is so sad people die before there time, or expected time, for any reason. A tragically imperfect world.

Any employee of the US Gov’t has to have a US Gov’t specially issued passport, that would include POTUS, ( and it is different than the common citizen’s passport; therefore, it has unique identifier in the color of the passport cover.

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