IL: A setback for First Amendment protection for anonymous speech

Continuing the one-step-forward, one-step-backward pattern that has characterized the cases examining the constitutionality of state sex offender registry statutes, the Illinois Supreme Court has upheld the provisions of the Illinois sex offender statute compelling disclosure of all “Internet identifiers” just a few weeks after the district court in Florida struck down, on First Amendment grounds, a virtually identical provision in the Florida statute. Full Article

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An appeal to the US Supreme Court seems in order here. What has amazed me recently is seeing fewer and fewer apposing voices in the comments. The ways of ALL gov’t (all 3 branches) seem to be more about clogging the plumbing rather than really solving anything. It almost takes getting to the point of revolution before anything of substance is done! We have an incarceration issue in the USA. That is our largest problem that needs to be addressed. STOP making more and more BS laws and repeal the ones we have and fire the crap out of all the law enforcement agencies out there. Communities can within themselves govern their own and punish their own. We need to go back to communities and churches handling their own areas and people. Close the prisons and start local work and training programs and have local churches getting involved as well doing daycare and community support. Everyone is so afraid of the criminal element when most of those committing crimes are victims of crime themselves! We need a revolution. I’m willing to with one hair salon and community at a time. Remove those in gov’t and do so by making outlaw crazy laws that do more harm than good.

Correction! Florida has not struck any law!

To Robert Curtis

I will tell you something, I’m getting tired of posting and reading these articles, since it just seems to fall on deaf ears, not to ours, but to those who could help in some way. It appears that no amount of reason or logic can prevail for us. Case after case of challenges have been denied for the most ludicrous of reasons, and the depersonalization tactics used by the mainstream seems to be winning the war in my opinion. They view us as a disease, something to be isolated from the public, no matter how trivial an act is. I seem to feel a lot better whenever I don’t put any energy into this issue, I’m just about ready to roll with the flow to be honest. If i had money I would just leave and let them find someone else to victimize, but I don’t.

I’ve never witnessed such blatant abuses of law, and yet here we are, nearly 20 years later still dealing with it. One simple decision from the Supreme court would end thus nonsense, but where is it? After a while, everyone loses interest and gets frustrated, but that doesn’t mean they’ve quit, just need a break.

How much longer this will go on, only the scrotus can decide, or until it’s gone. We will get to decide that question eventually when our numbers can affect the vote, so in time, it will end one way or another.

“Continuing the one-step-forward, one-step-backward pattern…”

No… it’s more like one forward, four back. I REALLY appreciate what (and I donate) Janice, other organizations, and individuals are doing to challenge these laws. But let’s be clear… we are NOT making forward progress. Yes, we’d be worse off if we weren’t fighting, so what’s been done has been worth it and we should continue, but progress is AGAINST us. We are not treading water here. The US is progressing steadily backwards. Hell, we are considering a tiered registry a positive objective in some states. Getting off the registry after 25 registry is considered lucky.

I am grateful to Florida and Illinois for being inconsistent dumbasses! These inconsistent rulings will help to push the issue up to the SCOTUS.

Packingham v. North Carolina may be the key case that will decide much of the fates of these decisions. Don’t forget our own 9th Circuit decision as well. While certain aspects are not in congruence with every case, the ability of the government to censor or ban speech via threat of felony is still the paramount issue.

An 11 year old girl who survived cancer killed herself with a gun in her house after being bullied n school earlier in the day. Those bullies are the same kind of people who love these registries because they get to abuse people legally. Just another example of the disgusting nature if this country and its self proclaimed hypocrisy. If you get a chance to point out any persons flaws that supports a registry, please do, maybe they will know what it’s like, and hopefully leave this planet.

When the time finally comes, I hope we will see a SCOTUS decision that will rival the gay marriage decision in its scope, sweeping away ALL registries and the thousands of “administrative/regulatory” restrictions and punishments.

I think one would have to look into detail about how each case was argued