Judge has ‘ethical and legal’ concerns over FBI running a massive ‘dark web’ child-porn site

A federal judge said he has “ethical and legal” concerns over the Department of Justice’s decision to take control of a child-pornography bulletin board and allow the distribution of as many as 1 million illegal images while agents hacked the computers of the site’s visitors. Full Article

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We as former sex offenders should write a truck loads of letters to everyone (Congress, President, Media and etc.) demanding all DOJ employees to be places on the sex offender registry, for the protection of children, all over the world. The US Government is the largest criminal organization in the world.

Any judge should be concerned when one or more government agencies ask for permission to take over a site or network of sites for any reason. Child pornography possession, receipt, and/or distribution cases can easily be mismanaged. In fact in most it is extremely difficult to find out exactly what an agency knows, how they gained the knowledge, and wether or not someone anywhere in the process has done something worse than the accused.

I often (daily) wonder how many of us would be in this situation if the authorities would do preemptive measures, rather than trying to snare people like this. With all the technology available, these people would rather let sites like P2P and dark web sites stay operating , or even operate the sites themselves, in order to “catch” persons who would otherwise not be searching or even mistakenly linking up.
Other countries seem to have the ability to block this information. That way the real criminals who are making this stuff and destroying people young and old can be better brought to justice.
I think those people are the ones we need to destroy, the source, not the user. The internet is a crafty thing that easily draws people to it. I got addicted to using it as an escape from the pain in my life. I wish I had someone that could have drug me away from this fire before I was burned. Now I rarely use it. I actually went on PINEREST to get some recipes. Within five pins there were naked pics , and I hadn’t even searched for them. That’s how saturated this system is.
The people who have the ability to stop this don’t want to. Either they are sadistic and enjoy inflicting pain on others, or they have some demented sense of justice and want everyone to know that “we are protecting you “.
The drug intervention is the same. Don’t stop it, just bust the poor people addicted and let those in positions of authority off with a slap and counseling. How can we fight this. Everyone is against us getting through this. They put a system in place that promotes injustice. I am amazed that the re offense rate is this low. It shows that despite all their efforts to prove otherwise, the people trapped in this are still very good, moral people.
Thank you for listening.

My son was arrested from an FBI sting that was done in 2005-6…His arrest was in 2008 and not one other thing was found to support the file they were following and arresting people for. I’m sure many of you remember. The FBI and other organizations were involved and two victims were paid restitution by all of the men who were arrested. I wonder if this current case results in a verdict of FBI misconduct, if other stings would then have a chance to be investigated. My son lost everything he had worked for, his home, fiance, career. He served six years in prison, and is on probation for 10 years, and lifetime registration. He lives with me now, and thank God, he is working, but it is extra help for the county. He was a college history professor for 10 years prior to the arrest.