FL: City of Palm Bay to change how it handles sex offenders

A court victory for the city of Palm Bay means homeowners could be protected from sex offenders working for contractors or delivery companies, city leaders said.

From now on, painters, delivery services or other contractors who come to homes with children must disclose to the homeowner if they employ a sex offender or sexual predator. Full Article

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So, regardless if you aren’t actually dispatching an RC to a residence with a child(ren), you must notify you merely employ an RC, even if you don’t intend to dispatch them to a residence with a child(ren)?? Does not make any sense whatsoever to tell an employer they must disclose who they employ…

“It’s just another level of protection that the city has sought to protect our residents.” No, it’s yet another level of harassment and punishment in the guise of “protecting the children”! And when exactly was the last time a house painter or delivery man sexually assaulted a child??

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen..

Palm Bay Ordinance
(B) It is unlawful for any person who is a registered sexual predator or a registered sexual offender to enter into or upon any residence, including the curtilage thereof, any designated private or public school facilities or grounds, including school bus stops, or any day-care center, library, after-care center, park, playground, hospital, hospice facility, nursing home, adult day-care center, dwelling, domicile, or other place where children or vulnerable adults reside or regularly congregate, to make deliveries or PERFORM WORK.

WORK as defined by this ordinance.: Any and all repairs, labor, services or any other activity requested by the property owner or lawful occupant of a property.

So if you live in Palm Bay Florida you could be committing a crime if you helped wash the dishes after Thanksgiving Dinner at your relatives house.

I think we are at the tipping point.

Florida politicians and judges are the worst of the worst.

They obviously don’t follow the US Constitution. Perhaps we can just let Cuba take over the state and remake our flag with 49 states.

Here is the Darkened Heart of the matter as the article closes:

“Bob McClure, who owns a lawn care business in the city, agrees wholeHeartedly [Darkened], that businesses like his should disclose whether sex offenders are working at homes where children or vulnerable adults live.

“If you do something to a child, you shouldn’t be rehabbed, and they should do everything possible to keep you in jail,” he said.”

The Fountain of the ordinance’s focused intent is irrefutably Vengence, that is: The Clinical Practice of The Avenger Ethic.

For if Bobby McClueLess truly from a Clean Heart had his clients Interest & Profit in hand he would focus on preventing Theift & Robbery, as these crimes are committed at Higher Probability Levels.

Bob McClure need get down on he’s 4’s in the weeds & take account of the Robbing Häfling* Hobbits trespassing & intruding upon the Cartilage & Homstall of the clientele he Falsely Claims to Serve.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfling

Bob McClure & he’s Axes Powers in the Community Suffer from Systemic Errors in Thinking, Irrefutably Evidenced by their InAbility to make:

Probability Judgements!!

He’s images of the future are shaped by his Limited experiences of the past.

I speak Truth

As Yehovah Lives, so should we

Keep climate change in mind… Sea level rise will wipe out Florida

This is a very disturbing article. Florida is a very hateful state. They have posted the names and photos online for all to see? Then, they have banished them from cities and now they are attempting to make the registrants unemployable and eventually homeless! This is disturbing. Any normal sane person would hope that the judicial system strives to rehabilitate individuals with the hope of turning these people into productive members of society! Yet, this certainly isn’t the case with Florida. Very sad!

I have never heard a case as to a contractor or their contractor employees doing anything to a child while working on a house. When family have contractors fixing up the houses whether a small project or big project, children are never left alone in the house. An adult or adults are either present or nobody is home at all. I have never heard of parents leaving children alone in a house while workers are working on the house. At least where I’m from and I know many neighbors and people that have renovated and done fixings.
So then, what is next ? Pizza delivery drivers ?, UPS package deliverers ? Lawn mower man ? Pool cleaning guy ? What about contractors with other felony convictions? Drugs, Domestic Violence, murderers, etc. etc.
A drug dealer who is used to selling to kids can be much more effective at getting to a kid to use drugs and mess up their life than anything else. People also don’t have to have a criminal record to do bad things. You can’t predict human nature. There are people who have a clean record that are capable of anything at any time. So then what ? live your life paranoid of everyone ? Just be a parent and have some common sense.

I applaud the lady in the article that said she rather not know anything about anyone she hires, she just wants them to do their job. And I’m sure, they just want to get paid and move on to their next project.

I didn’t see anything about what Court granted this. Boycott Florida products.

well maybe i will be the test case cause if i get a job in palm bay i’m going to take it. now law please tell me how am i suppose to know if childern are in the home either as residents or visiting grandma? so everyone should say hay will there be any childern their humm than now police will get called that contractor is looking for childern. or what if grandkids or other kids happen to visit grandma unannounced?
yep. i would have no issue being the test case.

man I’ve been in the construction industry for over 30years now worked inside outside underneath and above on all types of homes when people are home or not…of of a sudden I’m now a threat to someone’s poor little suzy or joey because I got railroaded and convicted of some lame asss law 14 years ago now…
something really really bad is going to happen down in that third world country we call floriduh…collective karma man same with all the civil rights leaders and attorneys that don’t challenge the justification for these laws for whatever personal reasons they have….lawyers are not stupid and we have all kinds of news outlets, professionals in the field, and law scholars screaming foul but for some reason it’ just continues to with impunity with absolutely no challenge at all…its a total travesty of Justice and I hope everyone thats letting this continue gets theirs ..the sooner the better….politicians are so out of control it’s going to take something drastic to happen if someone doesn’t get it to stop…..

No conscientious contractor will allow unsupervised children around the work space. Indeed, children or incidental adults, should not be around the workspace at all, unless for legitimate reasons. Workers need to focus on what they are doing, especially if using power tools and not babysitting. Again, it is a parent’s responsibility to look after their children, no matter who they bring into the house to work. Nanny government wants to be your parent.

I firmly believe that the diseased minds that come up with these draconian concepts are harboring some deep-seated sexual dysfunction of their own that requires them to lash against what they see as a manifestation of their own deepest fear. They seem to believe that self-control by ‘sex offenders’ is impossible – perhaps because they themselves are having trouble with their own self-control. If allowed to really get into their psyche, a psychologist could have a field-day with some of these people who come up with these laws.

I guess the question, then, is why are there so many weirdos in Florida? And I’m not talking about the registered citizens – but rather the politicians – and a fair percentage of the general populous there.

It’s a shame on America to allow these policies to continue to expand where we have created our own political refugees. We offer support globally to failing democracies,yet ignore the crumbling policies of social equality in our own house. America First!