Teens Who Engage in ‘Sexting’ Should Not Be Prosecuted as Sex Offenders

In an early episode of the television series “Girls,” Adam sends Hannah a photo of his penis and then a text message: “SRY that wasn’t for you.” Hannah and her friends debate the intention of Adam’s actions, but one thing is clear: The explicit photo he sent isn’t unusual, and it certainly isn’t criminal. Had he lived in the state of Washington, been under 18 — and, of course, been a real person — Adam might have been branded a sex offender. In Washington, minors who engage in the common…

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FL: No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

Florida’s state Supreme Court on Thursday approved language for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would restore voting rights to felons after they complete their sentences. If the measure makes it on the ballot and receives a 60% favorable vote, the voting rights of Felons in Florida could be restored upon completion of their sentence. Unfortunately, the rights would not be returned to murders or the very broad category of “sex offenders”. It’s not right! Source https://www.floridiansforafairdemocracy.com/amendment-text

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