Keeping an eye on sex offenders for life, it’s a new law for Missouri and this now includes first-time offenders. But tonight, there’s a fight to challenge this. Some say it violates the constitution. Full Article
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“It also applies to offenders out of state too, who must return to Missouri or face another felony.”
Now you have to wear an ankle bracelet and can’t leave the state? If you don’t come back, you are a fugitive? No, no, this is not like a second punishment at all, at all.
Registrants are beginning to be treated like livestock. A felony for not returning to your State of conviction even if decades have elapsed?
I recently read an article about Indonesia trying to pass a new law to microchip all their sex crime offenders.
These laws are becoming so outlandish, it makes me wonder if ALL of it is a pretext for microchipping the population . They will relieve their test group of all of the inconvenience of the registry requirements if they will agree to an imbedded tracking device.
Here is a link to the text of the law in question (I think.)
Unbelievable! Does this BS ever stop??? I’m only surprised that Florida wasn’t the first to propose such a law! (I’m certain that many lazy State-level legislator, feeling pressure to “make a name for themselves”, routinely troll news feeds to see what B.S.Bills other States are flinging against the wall and then renaming those Bills for their own use.)
They are talking about implanting a device in offenders ankles.
I cannot see the state having the ability to force someone to come back to MO for lifetime supervision if you have completed your terms initially. You are allowed to move anywhere you can once your finished your terms. The state knows that.
The atty already said the key words : retroactively and ex-posto-facto which are unconstitutional as we all know. The courts will see it that way. MO is just trying to see what they can get away with legally and this probably won’t pass the test.
These laws are so “byzantine” they may actually help our cause. This just shows how bizarre state legislatures can get and proves why we need judicial intervention. Courts often defer to legislatures, but these draconian laws make it so they can’t.
it’s all about the Money and power to play god. I can’t type what I feel needs to be done to these law makers and their families.
But remember this, when you become Terminally ill, NO laws will matter anymore.
If you are a resident of Missouri or have been told you HAVE TO RETURN to Missouri due to the new Lifetime Probation – Lifetime Parole law please let me know a.s.a.p.
Vicki Henry
I was convicted of a sex crime and i was acused of somthing that I did not do but didn’t have money to go to trial and was done wrong and lied to from my lawyer i thought i was texing a pip for a prostitute of age but i was texing a stlouis county police officer in a sting operation and that were tryed 3 times for me to see a under age prostute and I would not go so on the forth try the officer did not say her age he said it was the same lady as last time me not remembering last week he said she was going to be 15 so I was thinking she was going to be of age went to hotel room go busted and year and half latter got class b felony 120 in prison and 5 years probation now I life in Texas and they say i have to go on lifetime probation with lifetme GPS and have to move back to Missouri before August 28 2018 I don’t have much money to fight this is there any pro bono lawyers out there that can help me call me at 636-575-7790
A neighbor over in Clark County, Wisconsin was over heard saying he got revenge!!…. on a person for getting him in trouble with police , so he and his friend planned out a huge plan to take away that persons job, family, friends, family, and everything including that persons home and pets by implanting the person with a electric harassment sex offender tracker implant with mind reading or listening like a dog “acoustic cat” type military listener spy animal!..capabilities! They hired a friend to act in the shoes of a police or doctor and implanted without no real anything, no judged or juried arrest or anything now calling that certain hated person a real sex offender when in fact they are not and never have had any type of actual case or even a report of a sex offence! Now they stalk that person, track also and break in their home , threaten them and t keep telling them to leave their family and even break in their work place to see if they are doing their job right! They even said they went deliberately all the way back to do a investigation when they were 6-9 year old and total background check with no cop involved and threatened friends to that that person did stuff back then also, and they are holding it on them constantly using it like a you say you did this or we will put you away excetra and they have your land and home now and you will leave your job also! Legal or not!?
And they ignore the implant electric harassment stuff …nice hey>?
This is frightening stuff and they let this happen read all about this other stuff and OMG! it’s terrible@