NC: Should sex offenders pay to be on registry?

Sex offenders would have to pay an annual fine to be listed on the state’s sex offender registry under a bill proposed by N.C. Rep. Ted Davis, R-New Hanover.

“There is a cost to continuing to have them on that registry,” Davis said. “The point of this is to get revenue to keep these people on the sex offender registry.” Full Article

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“Sex offenders would have to pay an annual fine to be listed on the state’s sex offender registry under a bill proposed by N.C. Rep. Ted Davis, R-New Hanover”.

You pay a fine as punishment for crime, but the registry is not punishment WTF, Later they say it is a fee will you pay a fee for something you want (ie, driving, fishing,) if you do not want it how can they force you to pay for it. I say if they want the registry they the government needs to foot the bill. Is that not why they get the federal grant money?

So, is this in addition to the standard monetary charge the registrant has to pay on their particular pay schedule?! This is not a Price Club membership, a membership to Angie’s List or anything that you want to pay a fee to belong to! These departments have people on the payroll already doing work so what is the extra cost? Surely not for them or the ability to gather info to make publically available! Why are they wanted extra money to pay people to do their jobs?! Do a cost based analysis and it will prove this is merely a money making effort to supplement the department’s budget shortfall in their communities, not for any other reason than that. This would be much like property seizure without charges being filed during an investigation and only a portion being returned instead of the entire amount!

Someone in that elected official’s district needs some money and figured this would be the way to get it! Ain’t that right Rosco?! Sure is Boss!!

The registry is punitive. It’s like having two people in an elevator one farts then blames the other guy for the smell. They both know who did it as we all know the registry is punitive…The blatant issue is those in power simply don’t care. We can make them care if we as soldiers organize and mobilize. I hit salons and barbershops to kick people out of office (NOTE: it works!!) and train others to do the same and also make money along the way. Call me (949) 872-8768. The better question could be asked why do registrants pay taxes? Taxation without representation started the Revolutionary war,right? So, I’m of the opinion: violate my rights/freedoms then we loose the requirement of paying taxes. Comes down to another question: 47% of our population does not pay taxes anyway and most of them have no just cause or loss of rights as does a RC…so what do we stand to loose NOT to pay taxes? Property? Really, do you have use of said property and can you resource it in a different way to gain benefit? We must fight back and we are in this together. list your talents and use them. Resources are more than just property and talents it is also influences you have within your life. leverage them. Our greatest challenge is convincing those on the registry and their family members that they are no longer civilians but soldiers. Why would you pay money to an enemy state determined to do any kind of popular harm against you and your family? Do as Janice and team suggest Show up, Stand up and speak up! Oh, and help yourself by putting a few bucks of your coffee money on the donate tab via this website…

Does NC have a state organization? Are they doing anything? They should fight it in the legislature then pool resources and file a suit. This is punishment. To force you to pay for something that is a detriment to your life is punishment. It takes some convoluted reasoning to conclude that the is not punishment.

David M. is correct, except it is $50 dollars a year not a month, and I believe there is a cut of $580 once you reach that your done paying. I have not heard anything about raising the amount though, I just don’t get it my self since tax payers pay for the registry as well as us, so basically I am paying twice one as a tax payer and again as a registrant. It’s just a good thing that Doe v Snyder has also brought up the annual fee as unconstitutional, and it is all becuase of this idiot Rick Jones a Michigan Legislator who is a former Sheriff who thinks he knows the law and what he is talking about. I have also spoke with Ms Aukerman about all this crap and she continues to say have patients. I really hope all you in N.C. fight this unconstitutional law.

And why not also pay for residency checks? But why stop there? If any person (not just RSOs) is arrested for any crime, he/she must pay the officers to be arrested, transport to the jail, an admin. fee for booking and for writing the arrest report, rental fee for jail space, charge for food service, clothes and bedding, laundry fee, medical services, prosecution fee from the District Attorney’s office, Judge’s pension fund, etc. Oh, and can we bring back Debtors’ Prison, too??

The registry is just BEGGING to be sued over being unconstitutional. If you are forced to do ANYTHING beyond your initial probation and jail sentence, then then is continued PUNISHMENT. If you risk going to jail for failure to register, that is PUNISHMENT. If you have to PAY any fee for anything beyond your original sentence, that is PUNISHMENT. It would not take a whole team of lawyers to sue the government for basic Common Sense points like this. Why is a class action lawsuit not possible? We can’t get a thousand registrants to pay $50 each and file a lawsuit against the United States Supreme Court seeking damages as well? This is just RIPE for a lawsuit, in light of all the facts proving how SCOTUS made a grave error in their entire foundation of the registry. If a MUSLIM registry is not allowed in the USA, neither should ANY registry. PERIOD.

This is beyond asinine. Let’s create a mandatory, flawed, bloated, overburdened, useless process, and then force the “user” to foot the bill. A user fee with no opt-out for the user.

Let’s see, a fee is incurred when one *voluntarily* engages in commerce or some sort of business transaction, i.e. license plates, vehicle registration, fishing license, etc.

A fine is imposed as a means to compel one to somehow atone for (read: retribution/punishment) or to change some sort of (in)action ir behavior. The process is compulsory.

Any questions which this one is?

Maybe they should call it a tax, and thus make SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts all for it (think Obamacare ruling).

If you’re not already praying for SCOTUS to have wisdom regarding Packingham and Snyder, please please start! I continue to believe SCOTUS clearly sees how the State has gone well beyond what was held as minor inconveniences in the Smith decision.


P.S. Let me guess, there will be a felony and up to 10 years in prison for failing to pay. Anyone wanna take a bet?

Does anyone know if there are other registries in NC on the books, e.g. DUI, felony, etc? If so, are they charging an admin fee to register? If not, then they are discriminating against a class of people and not sharing the pain as required with the concept. Hey, not saying I like registries (they need to be abolished), but if you have them, then the concept needs to be similar for all or you face a lawsuit, eh Jethro?

I would say the salaries of those who run registry and the HW/SW related to it need to be broken out for all to see what is needed and then what is leftover for the pot to use as they see fit.

Talk about additional punishment and adding insult to injury. There is no way in hell I would pay them to abuse me. Period – and yes, arrest me for it. Maybe I will finally grow a pair and call a local news reporter to discuss the reality of the situation and bring the torture (isn’t the US official policy against that) of American citizens on American soil by American law enforcement to light.

I would fight that with my last breath before I would give 1 cent. I would not rest until I could find a recently graduated law student who would work pro bono and file every lawsuit possible to point out every absurdity associated with it. I would refuse a number of grounds. I have NEVER started I was guilty and I maintain that I am innocent. Paying would simply confirm that I am guilty and since I am not I would refuse and fight it on those grounds.

It clearly is simply more public shaming and abuse by an evil and sadistic christian based government of bible thumpers. F-them!

I live in NC and I will tell you proudly that I will NEVER pay this fine and rot in jail to defend my rights.
It is beyond me why anyone in any state would pay this fine.
The local sheriffs Office tried to impose extra conditions on me and I plainly told them if its a law i will follow it and the last time I checked they were to enforce laws and not make them. They have decided to leave me alone and focus on the ones that will cower to them and their abuse of power.They only get away with these abuses because most are afraid to stand their ground and defend their rights. Only when we ALL decide to stand against them and their abuse will we win.

Any news on this? I have searched and haven’t been able to find out anything else.