Roman Polanski’s Rape Victim Takes His Side In Court

A woman who was the teenage victim in Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski’s 1977 sex case is expected to appear in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom Friday for a hearing in the fugitive filmmaker’s case. Full Article

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The District Attorney’s have used a sex crime against a minor to advance their own adjenda and career with little to no regard for the child victim? I have a truth to tell that sounds so outrageous and insane, like it could not happen in the USA court system.

…well, I’m going to go out on a dangerous limb here; at least in part because Ms. Geimer’s actual court statement there and afterwards keeps disappearing from the public record. For instance, the Los Angeles has erased the portion where she says that she was, “…a young sexually active teenager…”.

Actually, I was a little distressed by this erasure by the LA Times from their initial report in the obvious sense that not then and certainly not now is it acceptable to admit that teenagers are often and happily sexually active.

To admit what is true and natural and probably appropriate….simply can’t said. So below is her actual statement:

“He got arrested. I knew he was sorry the next day,” she said after the hearing. “I was sure he instantly regretted what he had done and wished it hadn’t happened. It just wasn’t as traumatic for me as everyone would like to believe it was. I was a young sexually active teenager and it was a scary thing, but it was not an uncommon thing. I understood much worse things happened to people. So, I was just not as traumatized as everybody thinks I should have been.”

Geimer also resisted the idea that Polanski was a pedophile.

“I was almost 14,” she said. “I wasn’t 10.”

Sigh…there is a lot of truth in the above statement.

Please understand that I’m not blaming the victim, I am not saying that what occurred is right or should have happened….

But it wasn’t and should not be the end of the world either. She finished saying:

“Everyone’s entitled to their opinion,” she said. “I was there. I am fine. I don’t think that I should be forced to lay my feelings bare and have a pity party for myself just for people’s entertainment, and I’m not going to do it. I am fine.”

Just telling the truth here, as did Ms. Geimer.

For which I give thanks.

Best Wishes, James

“Time served, no more jail time…BUT, you’ll need to spend the rest of your life on the registry, including whatever we decide that will bring along with it…sound like a good deal?”
“Jail time sounds better”

Let me start by saying I do not approve of what Polanski did, but I do believe that her statements should be taken into consideration and the charges dropped. News reports are calling her testimony about not wanting Polanski prosecuted, and people are acting surprised at her saying this, but it’s the same thing she’s been saying for years now. Anyone who has paid attention to this case has seen this for many years, and each time the media reacts the same way. Get over it people, she doesn’t want him prosecuted because she has taken an honest look at what happened, knows full well that she wanted it to happen and pursued him. It was 40 years ago, she’s moved on, the only reason the DA’s office can’t is because they want their name in the news, pure and simple.

This article is basically proof that these evil dirtbags don’t give a rat’s a** about actual victims. She hit the nail right on the head. It’s all about their careers. And they will victimize a victim to advance themselves. Pure evil!!!