From the bench this week, a federal judge unafraid of offering blunt opinions suggested anyone who produces child pornography should be shot.
An exact quote of what Senior U.S. District Judge Robert Doumar said Tuesday during a case involving the collection of child porn was not available, but in an interview Thursday, the octogenarian reiterated the comment multiple times.
“I said it. I said that they should be shot,” said Doumar, whom President Ronald Reagan nominated to the bench more than 35 years ago. Full Article
Than some DOJ and FBI agents need to be pin up on that shooting gallery.
A judge who cannot remain impartial should not be on the stand.
Ronald, Wilson, Reagan. Every one of those names has six letters. Let that sink in.
The populous should force the south to secede.
1. The number of actual child pornography producers caught is significantly lower than those caught for possession, receipt, or distribution. Additionally children (defined as anyone under eighteen according to federal law) can be producers of cp as well. So I want to congratulate this judge on lumping all producers together and thus making it seem okay to shoot children in cases where they are the producer.
2. Shooting someone does not often prevent another person in the future from doing the same thing that got the first person shot. Rather than shoot cp producers how about getting them to open up regarding all the what, where, when, how, and whys of the material they created so next time a would be producer can be diverted prior to doing anything of concern.
I talked to the law librarians and actually went to the federal court clerk with a copy of the cover sheet and form to proceed forma pauperis and was told all is in acceptable form to file my motion. I am considering going to San Jose legal help center since we don’t have one here for review of my motion and to get any kind of feedback to it. I want to include the Bill of Attainder so I am calling on help from anyone who can make a solid argument with case law and anything else to strengthen their argument. Pull together and help me help us..
It’s not this judge’s first time voicing such an idea:
I know this might offend some people on here and they’ll call me hypocrite or something but I agree with the judge that if you rape little kids or adults for that matter you (something I did not do and would fight to the death to prevent such an act if I witnessed such an act in progress)should be shot or prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am not talking about how the law or people define rape I am talking about someone who actually uses any force upon another person especially pre pubescent kids. I don’t agree that he expressed his opinion from the bench though. The bench is supposed to be for law and facts not opinions.
Whenever the average citizen hears the words “child porn” the majority will assume that the pic or video depicts a young child being abused or exploited by an adult. If that’s what this guy was doing…I’m glad he got caught.
The average citizen has no idea that CP doesn’t always involve a victim. Not all CP is of someone being abused, molested, violated, etc. A selfie of a teen in his/her underwear (doing anything that might be deemed provocative) is also considered CP. I read at least one article where a female was arrested for distributing CP and the pics were of her (self taken) in her underwear.
It has become a witch hunt when it comes to CP. You know LE and DA’s are out of control when they are trying to ruin the lives of teenagers for sharing naked pics of each other. No matter the details there is always a victim in the eyes of LE and the DA’s office and somebody has to pay for their horrible crimes. Guess it’s good for business.
U.S. District Judge Robert Doumar should be removed from his position as unfit to serve. ANYONE in his position who encourages gun violence with deadly force, especially these days should not be in a position of authority.
This is one of the main reasons that our justice “system” is seen as a joke worldwide. When you have an individual like this pathetic example who are holding the fate of others in their hands and express such hateful and violent statements how can anyone be foolish enough to think that these individuals will be fair and unbiased. They are not and can not!
Will the enactment of his suggested punishment begin with the many teens who are “sexting” their way into child porn arrests? They’re often charged with child pornography, right?
I understand the Judges visceral feelings on the subject but as a judge, he has a civic duty to dispense justice in accordance with the law, not advocate for even more punishment. He cannot be counted on to dispense justice fairly and in alignment with guidelines if he is punishing someone to get them closer to his personal idea of what he wants them to suffer.
come on tired who was it that was talking about the involuntary servitude issue I am filing this week and I want that argument in there.
@Mike R
I’ll quickly paste in some of what I’ve saved to get you started. You may want to continue this discussion in the June General Comments. I’ll see if I can find more on Monday but I’m pretty tied up till then.
Bill of Attainder:
I posted this link here on 9/26/16 and it has since been deleted from the web!
Luckily, the WAYBACKMACHINE has it (thank God!). You may want to copy everything out of it in case it goes away forever:
Here is another really good one (maybe better!):
Involuntary Servitude:
Please scroll down for New Person’s comments on here:
and here:
I would also recommend using the arguments that are used against Mandated Minimum Sentences, since Sex Offender Registration takes power away from judges in EXACTLY the same way, and worse.
See this article here, and replace the words Mandatory Minimum with Sex Offender Registration and you’ll be amazed how perfectly the arguments work for us:
Also this about Mandatory Minimums:
excellent Chris. you are one of the only true warriors ive heard from. I will definitely keep you posted on what’s happening.