PA: Sex offender registry changes need quick evaluation (Editorial)

Jennifer Storm, Pennsylvania’s victim advocate, said her office currently keeps more than 3,900 victims notified about the status of Megan’s Law sex registry offenders, including changes in their jobs or where they live. Understandably, she told the Associated Press, it’s a matter of safety and “piece of mind.” Full Article

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This Jennifer Storm is getting her 15 minutes of fame, isn’t she? Good luck, lady, as your supreme judicial body has already ruled, and put the legislature on notice. She really needs to understand facts, not hyperbole and scare tactics. Maybe that would give her that “piece (sic) of mind” she seeks…and she seems to be missing a piece or two!

Wow! Someone should ask this victim’s advocate, Jennifer Storm, if her list has done anything to help law enforcement catch a predator ever (off of her list) or has it done anything for the community other than causing hopelessness, homelessness, shame and destruction to the lives of the registrants! Victims should not run the legal system. We already have enough harsh laws that punish people for wrongdoing. We don’t need to continually add salt to the wound! Victims don’t need to know where registrants live and work. They need to move on with their lives- live and let live- so that they can also heal- heal and let heal!

I think someone is worried about their high paying cushy job

Someone commented at that article “There has not been one case anywhere in the country where a registry has been used to solve a crime”. However that statement would be contested if you count the DNA collected from registrants that has solved many crimes. However they don’t need a registry system in order to collect DNA.

The article author’s bias is betrayed by his/her choice of words. An offender might “take advantage of the confusion caused by the court’s ruling”. Really?? An offender might not continue to register after the State’s Supreme Court rules that the retroactive requirement of the Registry is unconstitutional?! The nerve of those naughty offenders – exercising their rights and freedom! How dare they?! Boy, that PA legislature needs to jump on this issue and rewrite the State’s (and Federal) Constitution before things get out of hand!

(I remind my fellow registrants to leave comments in the “Comments” section of such articles. It is incumbent upon us to get the facts out to the public and, by doing so, help turn the tide of opinion against these unconstitutional registries.)

They want to get the legislature involved to ensure that the registry is “beyond reproach” ? I think what they really mean is “ironclad”. They can only make something that is inhumane, conceived in hatred, built upon a foundation of falsehoods, with the intent to deceive, “beyond reproach” if it is viewed from the perspective of a psychopathic mindset.

I’m really beginning to believe that these registry enthusiasts are either making an enormous amount of money off of the fear they generate, in need of a psychiatric evaluation , or both.

Saving the world. Protecting humanity from registered sex offenders. Must be a very, very exhausting job Monday – Friday 8am – 4:30pm.

well this article had great comments , I felt compelled to leave one , because I get so sick of people like this women that collect victim and put them in the mind set of staying victims rather than truly helping anyone