PA: Woman charged with not revealing sex offender’s whereabouts

Though it’s unclear if a woman knew before police told her that the man she married is a convicted sex offender wanted for allegedly not registering his whereabouts as the law requires, police charged her Wednesday with knowing and not revealing his whereabouts. Full Article

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Wait, did I read it correct that him being married is against the law due to his registration? How is that even remotely legal?

This is actually part of SORNA requirements and is written into many States sex offender statutes. Pennsylvania law say:

PC3130. Conduct relating to sex offenders.
(a) Offense defined.–A person commits a felony of the third
degree if the person has reason to believe that a sex offender
is not complying with or has not complied with the requirements
of the sex offender’s probation or parole, imposed by statute or
court order, or with the registration requirements of 42 Pa.C.S.
§ 9795.2 (relating to registration procedures and
applicability), and the person, with the intent to assist the
sex offender in eluding a law enforcement agent or agency that
is seeking to find the sex offender to question the sex offender
about, or to arrest the sex offender for, noncompliance with the
requirements of the sex offender’s probation or parole or the
requirements of 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2:
(1) withholds information from or does not notify the
law enforcement agent or agency about the sex offender’s
noncompliance with the requirements of parole, the
requirements of 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2 or, if known, the sex
offender’s whereabouts;
(2) harbors or attempts to harbor or assist another
person in harboring or attempting to harbor the sex offender;
(3) conceals or attempts to conceal, or assists another
person in concealing or attempting to conceal, the sex
offender; or
(4) provides information to the law enforcement agent or
agency regarding the sex offender which the person knows to
be false.

So basically, anyone close to to a registrant is suppose to know all the sex offender requirements , keep abreast of any changes in the laws and be part of the monitoring scheme or else they could be headed for prison too.

This is just like hiding a run away Slave or Jew. Likely will have the same outcome. GUILTY.

Nazi Germany in our face , only thing missing is the funny little hat , and even if it dose draw him out they will at the very least fine her , that’s just how it works in the Midwest , just so all that’s paying attention get the message that they will come after you if you don’t tell the on duty snitch , , our familys and friends have been under fire for some time now , sure some of us brake the law or what ever , but for our familys to have to know or make heads or tails out of the Registry laws is over the top , mister Nazi cops are not always peoples friends , and its not RC’s that have made it that way , bad cops ,courts , over bearing laws , are part of the problem , if we the people have to take responsibility , then the people that work for us should have much more over sight , I have never known a person that had cops jam there wife up and put them in jail that would not only be worried about there well being but really angry , that being said ,if this guy knew the cops were looking for him he should have turned him self in ,

[*sarcastic*] So let me get this right: Family and friends of anyone convicted of a sex offense, you had better steer clear of that person so you yourself won’t get brought up on felony charges for not knowing what L.E. says you should have known and reported. We put these scary RSOs on a list and you had better stay clear of them or you’ll be sorry! And don’t give me that crap about “helping them re-enter the community and become a contributing member of society”!
Now, if convicted, does the fiance herself become a convicted sex offender since she’s being charged with violating a SORNA requirement??

But what I really want to know is if similar laws exist to forcefully punish the friends and family of drunk drivers? Meth makers? Gang-bangers? And does L.E. pursue those infractions with the same zeal…. or only laws pertaining to sex offenders?

PA’s Supreme Court needs to bend over those damn lawmakers and shove PA’s SORNA Laws “where the Sun don’t shine”!