General Comments August 2017

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2017. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Re-posting since we are starting a new month:

Mike R and AJ,

I agree with both of you that state stuff should probably be left off in a federally filed case.

I see where in the PENNSYLVANIA case, the state court was able to consider both Constitutions and rule on both, but I can’t think of when a federal court made an opinion on a state issue.

I look forward to seeing your next draft.

I am curious though, does your case stand a better chance citing both Constitutions and being filed in State court? I seem to recall there being a few California rights that were much broader than the national Constitution. Was it the right to privacy?

In regard to this question: “federal courts can determine state laws unconstitutional and order injunctions nullifying state laws based on US constitutional violations”

I would say you are correct. I believe a federal court can say a state law violates the US Constitution. I think this happens in Texas a lot. I like this article:

@Mike R,
I think choosing to litigate at the state court levels might be a better alternative as u know the SNYDER case is currently pending in SCOTUS. What if (GOD forbid) SCOTUS rules against us then it wont have a negative affect (not directly) on your state level petition. Knowing that the recent PA court (state court) ruled in favor of us, it only help to try that route. As Chris R asked, does your case stand a better chance citing both Constitutions and being filed in State court? One has to wonder the posibility outcomes of your case should SCOTUS decided to overturn snyder case. Just my 2 cents.


I missed the conference call last night about the Pennsylvania casement. Does anyone know if this call was recorded?

What an incredible read Chris…The reasoning of these men were impeccable and the intellect for the time seems incomprehensible to be bestowed upon any human so early in the evolution of our country…Those men may have been racist and hypocrites in many cases but they were highly intelligent and if followed by our judiciary and legislative branches of government in the way that the founders envisioned it would create a real democracy governed by a constitution that could continue to bear fruit for eternity. the fact that the judiciary is being politicized and deferring to the legislative branch so deeply, and in fact seem to be melding into just an extension of the legislative branch, is extremely troubling for our country and is exactly what the framers were trying to avoid when they granted the power to the federal judiciary. That’s my take on that article.. Correct me if I am wrong because I want to understand the history and evolution of our country fully; especially if I am to be taken seriously by the court and not considered as Gov. Randolph stated “In the eyes of foreign nations; they discarded us as little wanton bees, who had played for liberty, but had no sufficient solidity or wisdom to secure it on a permanent basis, and were therefore , unworthy of their regard” Replace foreign nations with “the courts” and that is exactly what I want to avoid when going into this……….I want to and will be taken seriously when I submit documents and enter the court room…

I am not sure if this posted before when I tried to edit my comment so if it’s a duplicate that’s why…Also, can you enlighten me as to what the alternative to the creation of the federal judiciary being the finally arbiter for the constitution because that seems to have went over my head or something.. Patrick Henry seemed to be against this idea and he was a staunch supporter of our constitutional liberties the ” give me liberty or give me death” statement really resounds with me and captures about how I am sure most of us our starting to feel. I want to know what alternative protection from the legislative body was there without the federal court as the supreme word on the constitutional issues….

Regarding the Pennsylvania case that was won, I often find more information about how to properly fight these laws from the Dissent opinions, if there are any.

In this case there was one:

Some things are clear from this dissent. Either this judge just wants to keep the strict sex offender laws in place regardless of the Constitution, or he truly doesn’t understand how much registration has changed since the 2003 Alaska Smith V Doe verdict, and how much the false “frightening and high” and “80 percent recidivism” from Mckune V Liles 2002 affected the 6-3 split on the Justice’s votes back then.

This points out why it is imperative in cases to clearly outline all of the hardships caused, the consequences of registration, and how easily the state’s interest could be justly achieved if put in the hands of judges during the fair sentencing portion of the trial instead of by one wide brush of legislature. It also must be pointed out that the history behind the legislation’s intent is riddled with comments that show intent to punish a politically powerless class, as well as the lack of actually accomplishing any stated goals.

Those who have time, please read this judges dissent. It only takes a majority of those type judges to keep these harmful policies in place for another few decades. Thank goodness this close minded judge was a minority in this case. I am both dumbfounded how he sees modern day registration the same as 2003, and also how with modern evidence you could even find 2003 registration Constitutional and not punishment.

That dissent is interesting reasoning and just shows how these biased judges can articulate their unreasonable and erroneous opinions. Well guess what the motion I am drafting exposes all the fallacies that are in that dissent..I am almost finished revising it and will be posting it soon.

Alright man here it is. My god this was exacting intensive work but I believe I have solid arguments in this motion.

Removed all references to CA constitution, paired down a lot of material especially in the first claim and conclusion. Check it out see what you guys think……….

Hello everyone,

Well I just got an e-mail back from Ms Aukerman about an hour ago, I asked if she(the aclu) was going to file a brief in response to Michigan’s Supplemental Brief, in the Snyder case, and if they were going to write another brief in the Temelkoski case. (That case ONLY deals with Michigan Registrants) and this was her response back to me for those who are interested, in either or both cases.

We are not filing a supplemental brief in does.  In Temelkoski the brief is due in about 2 weeks.

Not sure who to contact but I recently left my job due to other reasons that made me feel uncomfortable (nothing to do with 290). I filed a complaint to the department of labor. Today, I get a phone call telling me that the person who oversees a lot of the company told him that he is sending letters to all my neighbors informing them that i am a RSO. He is going after me to attack me personally and try to make my life harder since I left. I am thinking of pursing legal action against the company for him acting on behalf of the company.

Can you read this please. Keep it in mind as you live your life on “THE REGISTRY”

Does anyone remember back in the 1970’s there were “Block Parents”. It was a program where somebody could pass a local background check and the police would give the person a sign to place in their window that just said BLOCK PARENT. We were told in school that if you ever needed any kind of emergency help from an adult, you could trust the adults in that house to take you in and help you. There must be a reason that it is no longer done. Maybe it was stopped because 95% of sex crimes are committed by people who can pass the background check. Also would it be wise for any adult to put themselves at risk of false accusations or homeowner liability by allowing an unknown child into your home?

This program seems to be very popular in Canada still. Although some communities no longer offer the program due to lack of volunteers.

thanks david. Steve…AJ CHRIS when you get a chance give me some feedback….

While half-listening to a TV show, they mentioned that numerous courts have deemed 12-step programs as being religious. My curiosity piqued, I checked into it a little bit. I did find some reference saying multiple Federal Circuits have ruled AA, NA, SAA, etc., to be religious (, but I also found a PA (under the 3rd Circuit) case where it was said it’s not (

Anyway, my thoughts are that anyone living in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 11th Circuits could challenge presence restrictions as violating one’s fundamental right to religious exercise.

The sex offender registry is just like the war on drugs epidemic and it contributes greatly to the US mass incarceration problem and our politicians have played the greatest jedi mind trick on society about registrants being evil, dangerous, and incurable especially through the media.

This just crossed my mind…
Example 1: Feds to States: “Enact burdensome SORNA on citizens of this country, or risk losing Byrne funding.” States to Feds: “Yes, sir! Right away sir!”

Example 2: Feds to States: “Stop protecting illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities, or risk losing Byrne funding.” States to Feds: “Screw you! See you in court!”

Is it me, or is there something wrong with this picture?

I think this pretty much covers a majority of our issues so I am going to wait a few days to hear from you guys and if I have no other suggestions I am filing it…

39. This is a civil rights action seeking to enjoin local, state, and federal agencies from requiring me to register as a sex offender and subjecting me to the public notification laws (CA Penal Code § 290, Sex Offender Registration Act. ) and to SORNA (Sex Offender Registration Notification Act) 42 USC § 16913 or the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, 42 U.S.C. § 16901 et seq. (2006) or any known/unknown sex offender registration legislation, as applied to me in violation of the First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment, Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 of the Ex Post Facto and the Equal Protection Clauses, the protection from Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Bills of Attainder, Separation of Powers Doctrine and the Substantive Due Process clauses as well as the Slavery/Involuntary Servitude Clauses of the Constitution of the United States of America.

That’s one he…. of a list……

I believe the following pretty much covers anyone that I need to include in this suit..

53. The true names and capacities of Defendants sued as Does 1 through an unknown number are unknown to Plaintiff or are to extensive to list and sue and serve upon since I do not have unlimited resources to serve every state or comprehend who I must sue, I therefore sue such Defendants by fictitious names. Some of the does include, but are not limited to, CA Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) officials, the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) officials, International Megan’s Law ( IML) officials along with their counterparts the Angel Watch Program officials, County Sheriffs, Attorney Generals for every state along with the Department of Justices in each of the fifty states and any and all local or state officials that have jurisdiction, or any type of control over the sex offender registration or any part thereof in every state in the United States and the U. S. federal government. Plaintiff will seek leave to amend this Complaint, if necessary, to reflect the true names once they have been ascertained.

@Mike R



#9: You may want to add that these restrictions continue even after being released from the supervision of parole or probation even though that was the length of time deemed appropriate by the judiciary during trial to punish, rehabilitate, and protect the public.

#16: You may want to add that the EEOC (US Equal Opportunity Commission) web site specifically lists government registries like the Sex Offender Registry as valid research tools to deny employment, even though the lengths of time on the registry often far exceeds the time determined by the judiciary to require incarceration or parole/probation to punish, rehabilitate, and protect the public.

First Claim – Right to Reputation

#0 – You may want to add a line item that states “The only other government equivalent to the Sex Offender Registry with pictures and personal information, is the Most Wanted list of dangerous fugitives that are avoiding the legal system and the proper adjudication of their offenses.”

#15 You may want to add somewhere after this, that just being on the registry draws the scorn of nearby residents due to the fact that home values drop as much as 12 percent within a tenth of a mile, based on a 2008 report As the modern technology of smartphones makes it even easier to instantly identify a sex offender’s residence, this percentage drop of home values is highly likely to increase over those 2008 estimates.

Second Claim – Equal Protection

#16 Please check this for grammatical errors and you may also need to include the quote and reference where you bring up SCOTUS’s opinion.

Fifth Claim – Substantive Due Process

#12 Remove the part about “Which Connecticut did the year after the SCOTUS decision” since I cannot find the direct proof of that. I know Connecticut added restrictions, but we would have to do research to find the exact laws and dates to make that statement. Maybe someone can help with this.

Eighth Claim – Separation of Powers and Bill of Attainder

#55 You repeat a quote twice here of “the fear that the legislature, in seeking to pander to an inflamed popular constituency, will find it expedient openly to assume the mantle of judge-or, worse still, lynch mob”

#8 Perhaps directly after this one, I’ll call it 8.5, put something like this:

#8.5 In Packingham V North Carolina (2017) the Justices majority opinion noted “Of importance, the troubling fact that the law imposes severe restrictions on persons who already have served their sentence and are no longer subject to the supervision of the criminal justice system is also not an issue before the Court”. This demonstrates their concern that the length of supervision to punish, rehabilitate, and protect the public was established by the judiciary during the fair sentencing phase of the trial, and is being over-ridden by the legislature with a wide brush without taking into account the individual or circumstances.


#1 Where does the 99% stat come from?

#32 add that the police also have access to credit reports, DMV records, Social Security, phone records, and many other private and government databases.


Mike R, in addition to those corrections and additions, I think there needs to be more added, and possibly more trimming to make room for it.

Freedom of Speech needs more of a challenge, since Packingham just gave us lots of good quotes from SCOTUS knowing how important free speech is. The Packingham case only stops the government from directly preventing us from using social media, but by the government purposefully providing our email addresses to any social media site that requests it, they are effectively banning us from those sites. Just like IML providing our names to other countries, the social media sites will not take on the liability or expense of making a separate determination that we are not a threat if our own government won’t. They will simply ban us, as there is no reasonable alternative. Therefore, the government has the responsibility to make that determination of dangerousness fairly before dissemination or keep that information private for its own use. Packingham pointed out the importance of any convicted criminal still having access to important social media sites like Facebook and Nextdoor, yet as long as the government purposely provides our information to them they are denying us our first amendment rights to free speech and anonymous speech.

I think you also need to address what the opposition will bring regarding our low recidivism rate being due to under-reporting. It must be stated that with the majority of sex offences being committed by a friend or family member, the ability for another offense by someone known to have committed that offense is greatly diminished even without a registry. The initial investigation, publicity, and sentence would be hard to hide from those known to the defendant. Therefore, any amount of “under-reporting” would more likely be toward first time offenders where the family is less likely to report it due to the negative impacts the registry has on the family and victim. If a family chooses to hide the abuse due to threat of losing the primary bread winner’s income and ability to live in adequate housing that the registry may prevent, then there is an increased likelihood of the offender not getting treatment and there being more victims.

Somewhere, it also needs to be stated that all laws directed at sex offenders and the reporting requirements cannot work as intended. If a sex offender is going to commit a crime using his email address, he is not going to use the email address provided during registration. Someone that intends on committing a crime against a child will not be deterred by the remote chance he could be caught with a registration violation punishable by a few years in jail when he intends on committing a crime that could lead to 10years, 20 years, or life. A sex offender that intends to molest a child in a park would not be deterred by a restriction that he not be in that park. Laws deterring normal legal activity only negatively impacts those that are law abiding former sex offenders and do not deter those with nefarious intent. Therefore, there is not even a rational basis for the existence of these laws other than extending punishment to those that have served their time. There is also no indication that the reporting requirements of registration and the various frequencies required to report in any way deters crime, assists in investigations, or improves the safety of citizens.

I know you want to get this filed quickly, and theoretically we could add to it forever, but please consider my suggestions so that your case makes the biggest impact possible, and hopefully becomes the template for others to use.

Great work Mike R!

Can anyone provide a list of every case that ACSOL (and its predecessor, CA RSOL) has undertaken, including defendant, court filed, date of filing, and current disposition? Ideally would like to see any pdf or text documentation on at least arguments and opinions of each case, or a link or online location of such items. Thanks!

Man people dying left and right from drug overdose, DWI, out of control gun violence and gangbangers, car jackers and armed robbers killing people, fraud and corruption out of control, roads infrastructure like a third world country, conveyor belt for released ex offenders no rehabilitation services or reintegration programs, absolutely no preventive services except for private and community programs, now north Korea with nukes. just thinking out loud here..

Should convicted sex offenders be barred from owning sex robots?

I think I’m going to come up with Internet IDs to use that will be less than welcome on registration forms. Maybe “RSOLawsViolateExPostFacto” or “GovBrownIsAWeenie” or “JohnWalshAdmitsHeDatedUnderageGirl” or similar. For any states that publish one’s IDs online, it could become rather humorous.

Like it all Chris… The thing about the email doesn’t apply to me though since that law was not retroactive so I do not have to provide my email to the gov. I’m sure I could make an argument still but it wouldn’t be a very strong one since the internet identifiers law doesn’t apply to me.
I will work those other comments into it though…And if you could cite packingham for me that would be great.. Also if you know a way to get what cities and municipalities in CA have presence or residency restrictions still in place that would be great evidence on how I am being effected right here in my home state…….I need codes and/or some kind of references so that I can cite them…….

Looks like RCs aren’t the only people Airbnb doesn’t like:

Apparently Airbnb isn’t just about putting rooms and people together, it’s also about putting forth an agenda…or at least not accepting any contrary ones.

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