General Comments August 2017

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2017. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Accused Florida kidnapper was actually helping lost child, police say:

No surprise this story came out of Floridah. Could you imagine the harm it would have done to this person if he was a registered citizen? It’s very sad to say, but I would not help a lost child except to call the police from a distance. It just isn’t worth the risk to myself.

Can someone from California please answer this, I want to visit Redding from out of state, as long as I do not stay longer than 5 days am I good to go without having to register?

Not Giving Up ~ Here is a link to the State’s requirements, and California has a 5 day registration law for out out state/ visitors. I attached it here.

Also, the Cities and County Ordinances I posted earlier say that Redding and Shashta County don’t have any Presence, Residence or Holiday Restrictions.

Can someone explain what the 5 days for visitors ( more than 14 consecutive days ) means? Does it mean that you don’t have to register if you plan on staying less than 14 days but more than 5? Another vague way to confuse people, I guess.

There’s a case in ME of the ACLU suing the Governor regarding his FB page (, which also includes a link to the suit). At first blush, this may seem of no importance to RCs, but I think it bears watching. For the ACLU to win, the Gov’s FB page will need to be declared a limited (or “designated”) public forum. If that happens, FB becomes a de facto conduit of official government speech. That could do two things, both of which I could see being beneficial to RCs.

One way would be that FB is no longer a private party hosting private speech; it becomes an official source of contact with government agencies and officials–of which some speech, assembly, and redress are specific to FB. It’s not too much of a stretch to then equate FB to a telephone conference call, and from there argue that Ma Bell would not be allowed to ban citizens from using their phones to speak or listen to official government speech. (One could also use an example of Comcast/DirecTV blocking the official government TV channels, but only for RCs.) In Packingham, SCOTUS labeled, “social media in particular,” as the most important place (i.e. forum) where exchange of views occur (i.e. speech and assembly). What kind of forum remains to be seen, but their wording hints at either a public or limited public forum–both of which play to our favor (Forums: Anyway, this may well prevent social media from being able to categorically ban some citizens from communicating with their government.

A second way this could play out for us is that, even if FB avoids the above scenario, it can be argued the government itself is prohibiting RCs from communicating with their government. How, you ask? Well, by government giving information about RCs to FB. The government, through its dissemination of RC information and through granting of immunity to social media operators who use ML data, is denying First Amendment rights (speech, assembly, petition) to RCs. This is akin to the government renting out a venue from a private party for government officials to speak with, meet, and listen to any and all constituents. However, even though the government is speaking indiscriminately and officially, it also gives a list of certain citizens to the owners of the venue. The government doesn’t outright say, “don’t let these people in,” but it is does tell the venue owner that it’s a list of, “undesirables,” and that there will be absolutely no repercussions from the government if those on the list aren’t allowed entry. What happens? Surprise, surprise, the venue owner bans those on the list.

Is this all a reach? Perhaps…for now.

Here are some interesting numbers to digest from the U.S. DOJ regarding police misconduct. This topic is a real burr under my saddle because police often get a free pass or a get out of jail free card from their fellow law enforcement cohorts. This study was completed in February 2017, so it is fairly recent. Some of the numbers used were rounded for simplicity’s sake.

980/100,000 officers involved in misconduct or ~1%

4861 incidents of misconduct of which 9.3% were sexual misconduct, or 457, or about 9 per state

$345.5 million paid out/4861 incidents or ~ $71,300 per incident

The study does not specify how many instances of sexual misconduct involved minors. My guess is that the percentage of police misconduct involving minors is greater than sex offender recidivism rates.

I’ve been planning a trip to Colombia for months. I’ve been travelling by bus and plane all day yesterday and today. I was just now sitting on the plane to take off and CBP comes and pulls me off the flight.

I’ve spent months in Colombia the last four years and they never had a problem.

Now I’m out hundreds of dollars and I’m stuck in Florida. I have no hotel or any way home. It’s the middle of the night and I just want to cry.

My Colombianan girlfriend doesn’t know and now I have to explain to her why I can never see her again. She doesn’t know my past and I’m about to go tell her. She’s the love of my life.

I don’t want to seem melodramatic, but I don’t think I’ll make it through this. I have no friends or family left and travel is all I had that makes me happy. I have nothing and I’m very distraught right now.

Muniz is incredibly important like you have said. I just recently read it and its way better then still doesn’t go far enough in contesting the gov. or the courts assertions that there is conflicting evidence when it comes to recidivism rates…that is their way out and it can not be ignored and must be aggressively argued. there is no conflicting reports the all have the low absolute rates of recidivism and the under reporting or the competitive rates have absolutely no weight or bearing on these cases…we cannot let them brush or ignore these issues anymore..recidivism is a major, major, issue and we need to be perfectly clear with empirical evidence..I hate seeing that bs that there is conflicting reports or under reporting..those are further misrepresentations of the facts to the court and the court must apply even more strict scrutinizing of anyone trying to mislead the court and effect a informed and just decision by the court. it actually borderlines if not reaches a point to where it can be considered an obstruction of justice issue…that’s criminal as we have all heard on the news lately..

man another thing I need to vent. let me be clear I don’t believe in racism or hate and violence but this crap how almost all the gov representatives news media and all these so called patriots are trying to in their own words “silence ” or “prevent” these white nationalist from speaking in public forums their views is another bs crap..these guys have just as much a right to free speech as the black lives matter groups or the naacp or Muslim communities or any other races. I guess since our greatgrandfathers had slaves it means whites can’t express their views or have white pride in their heritage lack blacks have black pride in theirs or other races having pride in their races..I for one am proud of my white heritage just as african Americans should be proud in their racial heritage. it isn’t always about supremacy just because someone believes in saving their racial heritage from going extinct..what kind of world or diversification would we have if we lived in a completely homogeneous society? I condemn all violence and anyone that commit an act of violence should be prosecuted to the fullest extent however each and everyone one of us have a right to their own opinions and a constitutional right to express those opinions. these protesters don’t like don’t go listen and the police need to protect people even if they are disgusted by those people. you know it’s kind of ironical that private citizens are the ones who are suppressing free speach and not the gov..of course it opens the door for gov. to do just that.. I hate it man..either denounce or fight against what they believe or your racists and therefore are subhuman..pc and the far left are out of control…

want to know an easy fix to our judicial a d even our gov. as a whole? Very simple, if the legislature or executive branches pass any legislation that encroaches on any type of liberties that it has to be confirmed unanimously by scotus to be constitutional or its struct down. if it is legislation that expands liberties then unless it is unanimously decided to be unconstitutional then it can go into effect..very simple fix and a path back to the original vision of the founding fathers…no individual interpretations or political views and no biased opinions. All gone…

well said AJ and David…everyone has a right to speak their views whether you like it or long as they are not inciting violence or panic such as fire in a movie theater yes..I go even further by standing by my comment that it is the police’s and gov. official’s job to protect them against the radicalist that are trying to silence them through violence or confrontations. its a hard call to determine who actually is at fault for the violence and even though both groups have a right to assemble and protest or speak it’s almost common sense that the protesters trying to silence speech are the ones that are actually inciting violence just as they did at Berkeley and Portland ect. this may shock you but with your example I can’t say who I would side with because they probably won’t post it but I can tell you our country’s out if control tyrannical government who thinks they can police and inject their political views and moral turpitude across the globe and attack their own citizens like they are with us isn’t something that I support..remember our second amendment right was to protect ourselves or our fellow citizens from a tyrannical government who thinks they can act eith impunity without any consequences…I will just leave it at that…

I hate to say it but the scenario that I described with a unanimous decision by scrotus to uphold or strike down laws is the only way this country is going to avoid civil war..We know the powers of the elite will never relinquish power like that so it’s coming. It might be next year or next month or ten years from now but it’s coming man if our gov. continues down this self destructive path..I am sure if anyone thinks about my idea as more then just some crazy idea the unanimous scrotus court would solve almost every issue in this country..Think about…it isn’t going to happen but that’s how my crazy mind works. See a problem, fix it with the most obvious solutions..

You know we already have a name for what I am talking about, It’s called beyond a reasonable doubt standard. Shouldn’t our constitution have deference to at least the same standard as a citizen has. I believe the constitution is much more valuable to this country then any individual or even groups of individuals. What do you think about that idea AJ ???? Pretty sensible isn’t it????

Alright you guys I am done.. I am not making any more changes unless you can see an obvious flaw..go check it out and let me know what you think…
It’s time to bring about the change we all deserve……..

Note that I had to change where I refer to lines ??? since I added and removed some material…so disregard those disparities…..

you’re incredibly perceptive AJ. I only wish everyone had common sense and came close to understanding our country’s perils and life in general. Have faith man I’m filing this week..I don’t know exactly what procedures follow filing so if you are aware of what or how I should prepare I’m all ears…

Also a huge THANK YOU to Janice and this organization for letting us collaborate on this site and giving us this platform…THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART….

Really?? There’s an uproar about white supremacists’ names and information being posted on Twitter because they’re being named and shamed. Really?? What about the US government posting names and information on individuals who have done their time and paid for their crimes?? No public outcry about that, huh??

makes me a little nervous knowing I’m going up against the most powerful, experienced and talented attorneys and organizations in the world…thanks for all your support everyone ….

I’m so proud of Trump speaking up against the leftwing radicals who think they have a right to suppress other’s speech or opinions. Just like he said “whats next, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, they were slave holders so should we wipe them from our history and tear down statues?” the pc police are out of their minds..

absolutely Ron..I want this to be as perfect as possible..thanks…

thanks Ron..I can use all the help and feedback I can get.I feel confident that I will prevail but a little encouragement and positive feedback as well as constructive criticism from people like you, AJ, and Chris goes along way..I haven’t heard from Chris in awhile hope everythings ok…oh and Steve I’m not going to get in a arguing match right now over Trump and his so called racism. I will say this, I don’t care what people are chanting, whether it is black lives matter or these white nationalist or muslims preaching the koram, this is America, every single citizen in this country has a right to their opinion and a right to express those opinions in a lawful, peaceful way. If they are not actually inciting violence or or creating a public panic like fire in a theater then they have a constitutional right to express themselves. I hear on all the media politicians should act on moral compasses and not on the letter of the law and Trump supports kkk or racism, NO politicians should uphold their oath of office and abide by and bow only to the constitution of the US not some moral standard some faction of the country wishes.I think its really really refreshing to see someone stand up and say enough is enough, we are a country with laws based on a constitutional republic not on a high moral democracy. I myself think they are going to far removing statues of great generals like Robert E. Lee whose spirit of American patriotism and courage should be celebrated and not tainted by some faction of the country that are offended because they don’t like what he stood for or fought for.Like Trump said “who’s next Thomas Jefferson, George Washington” hel… might as well remove every statue except Abraham Lincoln’s statue, oh wait he was a slave owner, tear it down..I hope Trump stands his ground under all this media pressure because it gives me a little hope that we maybe able to preserve our constitutional REPUBLIC and not regress into a plutocratic democracy or oligarchy.we are a nation of laws not of men…

you know alot of people are disgusted by those people who they don’t agree with, kind of like the disgust they feel for us, but our people have paid with blood and treasure to protect everyone’s right to express themselves and have their own opinions, what disgust me is that all these left wing high morality radicals are attempting to make all that blood and treasure spilt was in vain..thats disgusting….remember those people had a permit even and have every right to protest against the radicals trying to suppress speech and defame great American historical figures because they are offended..this is nothing to do with racism and even if it was , here’s a news flash, even if it was, people actually do have a right to be racist if they want. that goes for blacks whites browns or whatever race it maybe.

Great observations Ron.. Fixed them all so far when you get a chance keep going….

In the days following the Charlottesville incident, lawmakers nationwide have gone on record stating “hatred should be rejected in ALL forms,” yet they continue unabated to circle the wagon around Megan’s Law and the AWA!

Hypocrisy just died.

Community notification = weaponized hate