General Comments August 2017

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2017. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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WOOOOW RON< really….What's your reasoning behind all of a sudden you're done helping me Ron????I mean whatever but I am just curious….

Nowhere did Trump say he supported nazism or the kkk or any hate group,, but as usual people put words in his mouth that he never uttered. He unambiguously stated he doesn’t support hate groups and is against anyone that commits violence for any reason….I agree these groups are repugnant and disgusting but, that’s a big but, they have a right to think whatever they want and to lawfully express their opinions…If they don’t then who’s next? Pro lifers, anti gay groups, black lives matter. Just out of curiosity where is your line that you think the constitution no longer applies.

after watching more of the coverage of that march I have to say and have to agree this was beyond a free speech issue that the marchers were spewing hate speech and they should have been shut down by police not protesters through violence. Black lives matters saying pigs in a blanket what do we want dead cops or any people spewing hate in a public forum should be shut down by the police. I do not consider that type of language as a lawful peaceful protest. I stand by my statement that people that were protesting taking down the Robert E. Lee statue peacefully who were not spewing hate speech had a right to do just that…

You know it’s gotten so bad that every time I hear about someone trying to suppress someones speech I automatically want to jump and say you can’t do that without even seeing or hearing what speech was being is a serious hard call to say what amounts to hate speech to the point where you shut it down but I do believe the marchers went to far and amounted to hate speech and I am a staunch believer in free speech.
man thats hard call. where is the lline drawn and how far should it be able to go before it becomes illegal

who draws that line? I think there needs to be some codification stating where we draw that line and then it needs to be debated and scrutinized for constitutionality. It’s a slippery slope that’s for sure…

Man after watching more on that rally and march it’s a hard call man.. What do you do arrest people that are spewing “Jews will not replace us” “blood and soil” and what about black lives matter yelling “what do we want, dead cops, when do we want em, now” or “pigs in a blanket and its our streets”. What about pro-lifers yelling and carrying signs saying “baby killers’ or “murderers” or or anti-gay groups yelling “homosexuals are demons” or “gays are going to hell”..Where do we draw the line???????????

Glad to hear from you Chris hope your vacation is going good. look forward to hearing what you think.I should be completely done revising by then…

wow that’s your reasoning? that’s pretty petty and kinda selfish. whatever…I really don’t need anyone’s help if it’s conditional Trump says..sad!..lmao..

I’m lucky and highly appreciative that most of you guys takes this seriously, mostly AJ and Chris but all that have contributed to this… I’m not even really doing just for me man. the registry hardly effects me at the moment but others need this to happen and if I can help anyone , even you Ron, get relief then all my effort creating this over the last two years at least will have been worth it. MY help is unconditionally regardless of race, political views, or whether I even like you. this is bigger then anyone of us alone…be a patriot and a warrior Ron and put personal feelings aside man, all of us can use all the help we can get. THE more minds at work and collaboration the better…

Wondering if anyone from the IE has the time and the b@lls to crash this tax payer funded, yet private party:

Sex offender awareness training
The City of Yucaipa Police Department will be hosting a Sex Offender Awareness Training Class on Thursday, Aug. 24, 6p.m., at City Hall Council Chambers. This class will educate the public on the laws and regulations of registered sex offenders within the City of Yucaipa.
Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, and specific information that will be provided, ***attendees cannot be current registered sex offenders, as defined in Penal Code Section 290***. Anyone interested in attending this training must register in advance and must provide identification upon entering the class.
RSVP to Sherrie O’Connell, at or (909) 797-2489 x 260 prior to August 11th, 2017.

Man I am so lucky to have all the support I have on this site..Truly we are blessed to have this platform..
Now Ron you may not care or want to hear this but the reason why I post my views on this site is because discussions and debating is healthy for our intellect, keeps our minds sharp. As kind of living stated we a lot of us really don’t have a place to vent or discuss whats on our minds and this platform gives us a chance to do just that. A lot of us no longer have associates and friends that we can call on or associate with any more because of our situations and because of the sensitive nature of our conversations so we come on here and find a place with others to discuss topics that a lot of us feel are important to us. I am on this site just about every single day and find the discourse very stimulating and something we can’t find anywhere else. I think the camaraderie and the cohesion of this group of people is incredible and even after I do get off the registry I hope that we can continue discussing important topics like politics and the state of affairs in this country and around the world. If you don’t want to hear it and base you collaboration and assistance, on something that can help thousands of people, on conditions that others don’t speak their minds or because you don’t have the same opinions as mine then so be it man..Oh and Steve really?those people didn’t chant that kind of hate speech. well then this must be fake news as you put it huh? Go even further into that article and videos and you will even see Obama outright standing up for that kind of language and that group in particular. At least Trump disavowed himself of the racist groups and only defended the rights of peaceful protesters lawfully protesting the taking down of the Robert E. Lee statue. Fake news huh..There are videos all over the net showing BLM chanting racist and evil crap and no one wants to shut them down and the president actually shows direct support to that group and nobody bats a eye at it. Double standards. Like I said who draws the line and at where is that line to be drawn? Now we have lawless terrorist i would call them tearing down statues and defaming American history and are gaining support from the lawless left wing radicals that want to end our democratic republic and put all our peasant lives in the hands of the elite who they think know whats best for everyone. This lawlessness and ideology that the constitution doesn’t mean crap is destroying our country and will continue to do so as long as people in power and the elite refuse to call it out like Trump did and stand up for the vision that our founding fathers had for this country. I don’t like everything about trump but I love the fact that he isn’t bowing to the pressures coming from the political spectrum and from the powerful elite of this country.

You see Ron a few years ago I would not have been able to articulate my feelings and thoughts as well as I did in that last post if it wasn’t for the intellectual discourse that we have had on here. I am not an educated man and am 50 years old just starting my seventh semester of college. This site and the legal debates have really had a great impact on my education and has broadened my views because I try to see things from everyone’s perspective and not just on my situation or beliefs. Anyways enough of that. I hope that you, Ron, or anyone else for that matter, come to the table and continue to give your contribution, input, and perspective to this endeavor and show your support and put petty differences aside for the good of the whole. It’s up to you man no hard feelings either way..

And Steve we have always been polar opposites and have had many confrontations on here but I will still support you as a human being and listen to your input and opinions. Everyone on here are important and each and everyone on here maybe the key to collapsing the registry. You never know, you know the saying if a butterfly flaps it’s wings it can change the world, things happen when you just let it flow and continue to debate and collaborate.

And I am not condoning any of this but look at what the black panthers were doing and saying and nobody tried to stop them with violence or through the police..Shoot they were outfitted like the military with weapons and tactical gear even.Double standard>????????? Here’s a couple more vids that Steve called me fake news about…
look at these signs and shirts, sure looks like hate speech just as bad or worse then what was happening.
My I can find thousands of examples that are just as bad or worse then what took place in Charlottesville. Once again I am not condoning this type of behavior but am just saying it can’t be OK for one side and not the others.

So I guess all these rallies and protest should’ve been resisted with violence and had their voices suppressed. Oh wait they had guns and tactical gear who the h…is going to stop them??? I don’t agree with any of these groups but you can’t let one group say what they want and present themselves as they want and not let another group do the same thing…………

Come on Timmer I am not talking about 50 or 60 years ago man, I am talking recently like in the last five years..Whatever though this subject is getting pretty redundant now….Bottom line both sides are to blame, it’s up to the police to stop a protest not a mob..and if you are going to suppress speech you have to do it across the board not just speech that you don’t agree with……The question is were do you draw the line and who gets to decide where that line is drawn without suppressing free speech…

@ Y’all,
Today I donated. If my broke ass can do it, anyone can.
Thank you to Janice/ACSOL and everyone on the frontlines.

Here’s the response from my email. it was sent from the San Bernardino police department.At least they responded.

Your email was forwarded to me, as I will be the instructor of this class.

I have been working with registered Sex Offenders for over 16 years now. I am very aware of the issues you mentioned in your email, and agree with you about many of the issues you mentioned. Part of this class will be making citizens aware of many of the issues you mentioned, as well as new laws and updates that are in the works by the US Attorney General Office.

Part of those laws are in regards to changing PC 290, and making it a tiered registration system, so people like yourself aren’t lifetime registrants, etc.

That is the whole reason for this class, so we can make sure citizens are aware of just what registrants are, and they ALL aren’t monsters and you say in your email.

I work closely with CASOMB and the US Attorney General’s Office, and am aware of the topics you mentioned and the research that has been done. Which is why I to, hope they change these laws soon.

During this class we will be utilizing the Megan’s Law Website and conducting searches of Sex Offenders within the city.

Currently, Pursuant to PC 290, it is illegal (a misdemeanor crime) for registered Sex Offenders to access searches of Megan’s Law. Therefore, if we allowed registered Sex Offenders to attend the class, they would be in violation of PC 290 as they would be part of searching Megan’s Law, and accessing information they are not allowed to access. Therefore, we would not want them to be present and committing a crime.

Feel free to contact me, should you have any questions.

Thank you,

Detective Donald Patton

Let me be clear I am not endorsing any of these groups and anytime it reaches a point of hate speech it should be shut down by the police not a mob with violence regardless of the playground talk of who started it. People on the left just want to paint everyone that doesn’t believe in their utopia, open borders, no constitutional rights, especially no second amendment rights, and government control and taxation to fund their ideal, with a wide brush and anybody that doesn’t believe what they believe are racist and bigots and it simply is not true and it is dividing the country worse then any single group…

no one ever answered my question..Where does hate speech start, what line needs to be crossed before the government, not a mob, can stop or suppress it?Who decides where we draw that line, politicians? Were screwed then.

I am certainly not wanting to pick the (freshly healing) scab on here about statues and such. However, I stumbled upon an op-ed that makes an interesting and valid point ( The author’s point of view makes sense to me, and boils it down to something upon which I hope everyone can agree. How many statues to Benedict Arnold do we have? (At least one monument, actually, but his name isn’t on it…and it’s not a statue. He was a great general, but he betrayed the United States. He gets no memorializing. The same logic could easily apply to the CSA statues. Though they were upstanding, competent men, they betrayed the United States. Yet they are memorialized. Seems odd, is all I can say.

As to the President’s warning about whether Washington and Jefferson are next, I offer this story: Death threats. To a minister. What is with our country!?

In another vein, where is the passion about Seattle and its Lenin statues? V.I. Lenin killed a healthy ten times as many people as were killed in the Civil War. Why has he long been memorialized in this country? Where is the protest about those statues? Odd, to say the least, but at least Seattle’s mayor seems to get it:

Mind you, statue or not, betrayal or not, nothing justifies hateful speech, intolerance, and/or violence. Nothing, not ever. To me, Charlottesville is one more example of our growing (matured, is perhaps better) intolerance for any view but ours, whatever “ours” happens to be. That saddens me, and makes me fearful for this country’s future. If we could just stop talking and yelling at, and start listening to, each other, we may find we at least understand the other’s side, even though we disagree. I try to live by the words of that giant of philosophy, Elliott Gould: “It is essential that I listen, so I can try to minimize problems that I create for myself.” (

As a descendant of numerous American Revolution soldiers and patriots (those who supplied materiel but didn’t fight), a handful Grand Army of the Republic soldiers (i.e. the Union), and one or two Confederate soldiers, I wish we could all find a not-unhappy medium somewhere. If we can find a way to remember our history without harmfully memorializing it, I’m there.

Here,hear, AJ Well said..

I don’t understand how no one can have civil discussions on any of the issues without turning out of their mind volatile and hostile. I cant even have a civil conversation on here discussing the issues without someone personally attacking me. Death threats because dude calls for a statue to come down.come on man society is out if it’s collective and individual minds. it’s just going to get worse unless some semblance of reasoning from all sides of the spectrum..

I am getting ready to pursue action against the CA DOJ for incorrectly publishing my information on ML Website (independently verified by spouse). In 2015 I was granted 17(b) and 1203.4 and the misdemeanor violation is not categorically called out in 290 for disclosure. Does any have a good lawyer they recommend to help draft an airtight letter to them demanding my information be removed and that they comply with the law? Would prefer someone in Sonoma county.

Woah, did this change on the senate bill 421? “who is a tier two offender, and with respect to a person who has been convicted of the commission or the attempted commission of Section 647.6,”

Does that mean all misdemeanor 647.6 convictions will be made public on the website?