FL: Sheriff bans sex offenders from Hurricane Irma shelters

The sheriff of Polk County Florida is warning sex offenders to stay out of Hurricane Irma shelters. Sheriff Grady Judd said, “It’s important to understand. If you’re a sexual predator and a sexual offender, we’re not gonna let you sleep next to any five, or six, or seven year old babies. Period. Our shelters are going to be safe.” Full Article Follow Up: http://www.businessinsider.de/grady-judd-florida-hurricane-irma-response-arrest-warrants-2017-9?r=US&IR=T

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NJ: Spurred by rape victim, bill says sex offenders shouldn’t get child custody

In March, Lakewood resident Jackie Anselmo started a campaign to restrict parental custody rights of convicted sex offenders. Less than six months later, a bill to that effect has been introduced in the New Jersey Assembly. Bill A-5160, which is sponsored by Assemblyman Sean T. Kean, R-Ocean, would amend existing law to bar “custody of and visitation rights to any child for a person convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child under age 13.” Full Article

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